
Gill by Mr Ansatsuken fixed (Read 6398 times)

Started by oraora?, April 01, 2018, 08:27:37 am
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Gill by Mr Ansatsuken fixed
New #1  April 01, 2018, 08:27:37 am
  • ****
Hi, I was helping my friend to fix a Mugen character's problem who is Gill by Mr Ansatsuken. One of the obvious problem was his special move, Cyber Lariat which cause his opponent to stuck. Another problem is his Seraphic Wing which the move is unblockable when his opponent is facing in player 1's side.

Here is the download link to the fixed version: (Does not include tag patch)

If you don't want to download and want to fix it manually, here are the steps to fix:
To fix Cyber Lariat:
1) Open in a text document which the file is in State folder
2) Search for this piece of code:
;===========================|      SHORYUU KEN FAST     |=============================
[Statedef 1105]
type = S
movetype = A
physics = S
juggle = 0
ctrl = 0
anim = 1105 + var(55)*10000

[State 0, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = !Time
var(56) = IfElse(var(55),1,0)

[State 0, VelMul]
type = VelMul
trigger1 = AnimElemTime(2) > 0
x = .96

[State 220, PlaySnd]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElem = 2
triggerall = var(56)
value = S6100,0
volume = 255
channel = 1

[State 220, PlaySnd]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElem = 2
triggerall = !var(56)
value = S1,3
volume = 255
channel = 1

[State 0, ModifyExplod]
type = ModifyExplod
trigger1 = AnimElem = 4
ID = 6190 + var(55)*10000
bindtime = 1
sprpriority = 7
removeongethit = 0
supermovetime = 1
pausemovetime = 1
ignorehitpause = 1

[State 1100, HitDef]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = AnimElem = 2
attr = S, SA
animtype = Heavy
air.animtype = Back
damage = 30,2
priority  = 7, Hit
hitflag = MAF
guardflag = M
pausetime = 15,15
sparkNo = -1 + 0 * (var(33) := 8013)
guard.sparkNo = -1 + 0 * (var(34) := 8001)
sparkxy = -10 + 0 * (var(35) := 121), var(36) :=  -100
hitsound = S2,11-var(55)
guardsound = S2,0
ground.type = Low
ground.slidetime = 25
ground.hittime  = 25
guard.ctrltime = 25
ground.velocity = -2.8,0
guard.velocity = -8
air.velocity = -2.8,0
airguard.velocity = -6.67,-1
ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0
guard.cornerpush.veloff = -11.2
air.cornerpush.veloff = 0
airguard.cornerpush.veloff = 0
envshake.time = 12
envshake.ampl = 5
palfx.time = 20
palfx.sinadd = IfElse(!var(55),var(38),var(41)),IfElse(!var(55),var(39),var(42)),IfElse(!var(55),var(40),var(43)),8
palfx.mul = 128+IfElse(!var(55),var(44),var(47)),128+IfElse(!var(55),var(45),var(48)),128+IfElse(!var(55),var(46),var(49))
fall = 0
air.fall = 1
air.recover = 0
yaccel = 0
persistent = 0
givepower = 35, 35

[State 1120, Helper]
type = Helper
triggerall = fvar(1) = 1
trigger1 = Movehit && NumTarget
trigger1 = (target,Movetype = H)
triggerall = NumHelper (6160) < 1 && var(56)
helpertype = normal
name = "P2 Body Flames"
ID = 6160
stateno = 6160
pos = 0,-57
postype = p2
facing = 1
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1
ignorehitpause = 1

[State 1120, Helper]
type = Helper
triggerall = fvar(1) = 1
trigger1 = Movehit && NumTarget
trigger1 = (target,Movetype = H)
triggerall = !var(56)
helpertype = normal
name = "P2 Body Ice"
ID = 6161
stateno = 6161
pos = 0,-57
postype = p2
facing = 1
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
persistent = 0

[State 1120, Helper]
type = Helper
triggerall = fvar(1) = 3
trigger1 = Movehit && NumTarget
trigger1 = (target,Movetype = H)
triggerall = NumHelper (6160) < 1
helpertype = normal
name = "P2 Body Flames"
ID = 6160
stateno = 6160
pos = 0,-57
postype = p2
facing = 1
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1
ignorehitpause = 1

[State 1120, Helper]
type = Helper
triggerall = fvar(1) = 2
trigger1 = Movehit && NumTarget
trigger1 = (target,Movetype = H)
helpertype = normal
name = "P2 Body Ice"
ID = 6161
stateno = 6161
pos = 0,-57
postype = p2
facing = 1
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
persistent = 0

[State 1100, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = !AnimTime
value = 0
ctrl = 1
3) Look into this portion:
[State 1100, HitDef]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = AnimElem = 2
attr = S, SA
animtype = Heavy
air.animtype = Back
damage = 30,2
priority  = 7, Hit
hitflag = MAF
guardflag = M
pausetime = 15,15
sparkNo = -1 + 0 * (var(33) := 8013)
guard.sparkNo = -1 + 0 * (var(34) := 8001)
sparkxy = -10 + 0 * (var(35) := 121), var(36) :=  -100
hitsound = S2,11-var(55)
guardsound = S2,0
ground.type = Low
ground.slidetime = 25
ground.hittime  = 25
guard.ctrltime = 25
ground.velocity = -2.8,0
guard.velocity = -8
air.velocity = -2.8,0
airguard.velocity = -6.67,-1
ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0
guard.cornerpush.veloff = -11.2
air.cornerpush.veloff = 0
airguard.cornerpush.veloff = 0
envshake.time = 12
envshake.ampl = 5
palfx.time = 20
palfx.sinadd = IfElse(!var(55),var(38),var(41)),IfElse(!var(55),var(39),var(42)),IfElse(!var(55),var(40),var(43)),8
palfx.mul = 128+IfElse(!var(55),var(44),var(47)),128+IfElse(!var(55),var(45),var(48)),128+IfElse(!var(55),var(46),var(49))
fall = 0
air.fall = 1
air.recover = 0
yaccel = 0
persistent = 0
givepower = 35, 35
Changed yaccel = 0 into yaccel = .5
4) Save the file and you are done

To fix Seraphic Wing:
1) Open in a text document which the file is in State folder
2) Search for this piece of code:
;===========================|       SHORYUU REPPA          |=============================
[Statedef 3400]
type = S
movetype = A
physics = S
juggle = 0
anim = 3400+var(55)*10000
ctrl = 0
velset = 0,0
sprpriority = 4

[State 0, PlaySnd]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = !Time
value = S3400,0
volume = 255
channel = 0

[State 0, PlaySnd]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time > 110
trigger1 = Time%10 = 0
value = S6700,0
volume = 255

[State 0, StateTypeSet]
type = StateTypeSet
trigger1 = AnimElem = 2
statetype = A
physics = N

[State 1100, VelSet]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = AnimElem = 2
x = pos x*ifelse(facing=1,-1,1)*0.041
y = -1.3

[State 0, PlayerPush]
type = PlayerPush
trigger1 = Vel x + vel y != 0
value = 0

[State 1100, VelSet]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = AnimElem = 6
x = 0
y = 0

[State 3400, NotHitBy]
type = NotHitBy
trigger1 = Time > 30
value = SCA,AA,AP,AT
time = 1

[State 3000, PossSet]
type = PosSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
y = 0

[State 3000, Superpause]
type = SuperPause
trigger1 = AnimElem = 6
time = 34;40
movetime = 34;40
anim = -1
darken = 0
sound = s7, 0

[State 3000, PowerAdd]
type = PowerAdd
trigger1 = AnimElem = 6
value = -3000

[State 353, Helper]
type = Helper
trigger1 = !numhelper(8999)
helpertype = normal
stateno = 8999
ID = 8999
name = "Camera"
postype = p1

[State 3000, Super Pause FX]
type = helper
trigger1 = AnimElem = 6
helpertype = normal
stateno = 8520
ID = 7500
name = "Super Charge"
postype = left
pos = 12 * (10 * gamewidth / gameheight) ,  -8 * (10 * gamewidth / gameheight)
ownpal = 1
persistent = 0
supermovetime = 9999

[State 3000, Width]
type = Width
trigger1 = 1
edge = 5,0

[State 0, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = AnimElem = 6
fvar(300) = pos x

[State 0, PosSet]
type = PosSet
trigger1 = AnimElemTime(6) > 0
x = fvar(300)
ignorehitpause = 1

[State 1000, Helper]
type = Helper
trigger1 = AnimElem = 6
helpertype = normal
name = "BackWing"
ID = 6650
stateno = 6650
pos = 0,0
postype = p1
facing = 1
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1
size.xscale = 1
size.yscale = 1
supermovetime = 999
pausemovetime = 999

[State 1000, Helper]
type = Helper
trigger1 = AnimElem = 6
helpertype = normal
name = "FrontWing"
ID = 6655
stateno = 6655
pos = 0,0
postype = p1
facing = 1
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1
size.xscale = 1
size.yscale = 1
supermovetime = 999
pausemovetime = 999

[State -3, Helper]
type = Helper
trigger1 = Time = 60
helpertype = normal
stateno = 6700
ID = 6700
name = "ScreenFilled"
postype = left
pos = 160,-120
ownpal = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
pausemovetime = 0
supermovetime = 999
size.xscale = 1.6
size.yscale = 1.6

[State -3, Helper]
type = Helper
trigger1 = Time = 60
helpertype = normal
stateno = 6701
ID = 6701
name = "Barrier"
postype = left
pos = 160,-120
ownpal = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
pausemovetime = 0
supermovetime = 999
size.xscale = 1.6
size.yscale = 1.6

[State -3, Helper]
type = Helper
trigger1 = Time = 60
trigger2 = Time = 78
trigger3 = Time = 104
trigger4 = Time = 122
helpertype = normal
stateno = 6710
ID = 6710
name = "Waves"
postype = left
pos = 170,-105
ownpal = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
pausemovetime = 999
supermovetime = 999

[State 0, PosFreeze]
type = PosFreeze
trigger1 = AnimElemTime(6) > 0
value = 1
ignorehitpause = 1

[State 3000, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time = 190
value = IfElse (WinKo,185,3410)
3) Look into this portion of these block of code:
[State 3000, Superpause]
type = SuperPause
trigger1 = AnimElem = 6
time = 40
movetime = 40
anim = -1
darken = 0
sound = s7, 0
4) Change time = 40 and movetime = 40 into 34:
[State 3000, Superpause]
type = SuperPause
trigger1 = AnimElem = 6
time = 34
movetime = 34
anim = -1
darken = 0
sound = s7, 0
5) Save the file and you are done

These are the two that are noticeable problems

Cyber Lariat:


when will this personal crises ends? it just won't stop!
Last Edit: April 02, 2018, 01:38:05 am by 2dover3d
Re: Gill by Mr Ansatsuken fixed
#2  April 01, 2018, 09:10:40 am
  • ******
  • The Lord of Vampire
  • Member of the Reign of Kreation
    • Brazil
    • Skype - guiaugusto20
Thanks a lot for that fix! :)