
Old Character Threads (Read 107221 times)

Started by Sean Altly, July 03, 2008, 04:55:31 am
Old Character Threads
#1  July 03, 2008, 04:55:31 am
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    • USA

Real Name: Sean Orron Savakis
Height: 6'
Weight: 190 lbs.

Abilities: Various psychic and mental abilities, including causing searing migraines, thought projection, and the ability to project images into others' minds. He can also concentrate a large portion of psychic energy into a projectile called a Psych Shot, which, depending on the power, will drain Snow physically. His strongest Psych Shot can render an opponent physically devastated and permanently insane.

Bio: Sean Savakis was a typically rebellious teen who, with the help of his best friend Patrick, ran away from his overly-religious hometown deep in the Bible Belt of North Carolina. There, he was not allowed to wear flashy clothes or stand out as the individual he knew he was. His naive and idealistic point of view landed him in hot water often in his old hometown, and things were no different in New York. He and Patrick were forced to live as vagrants due to their joblessness, and were reduced to thievery to survive, wandering all over Manhattan and the surrounding areas. They were eventually arrested for vagrancy and held in jail. They had no money and no identification, and were perfect (involuntary) candidates for the S.H.A.D.E. Moses Maddigan ordered them transferred to Maddicorp's facilities where Sean became Subject #1.

Once freed from the confines after the Kelly Incident, Sean and Patrick took on the names Snow and Sabotage, and utilized their powers to earn enough money to sustain themselves. Snow especially resented his gifts, not because of the power, but because he knew that the people that had captured him and imprisoned him for two years would eventually try to take him back. His intense desire to be left alone and to avoid drawing attention to himself conflicts with Sabotage's occasionally flashy usage of his abilities, as well as his perceived notion that the two of them are "Super Heroes." Snow, above all else, wants to live in peace and come to terms with the mistakes he's made, but is constantly hounded by Maddigan's "Collection Agency." Of course, it doesn't help that Snow insists on dressing impeccably, all the time, in designer suits.


Gameplay: Snow is a very defensive character. I'll make no excuses about his special moves: He is a Guile/Charlie/Ash-type character. He has the Psych Shot and the Psych Slice, his equivalent of the Sonic Boom and Flash Kick. He doesn't have as much emphasis on combos as some of the other characters, but he makes up for it with balance in his move set. There's a reason Guile got away with having just two special moves for so long, and that's because they are perfect compliments to each other. Add in Snow's Flipping Senton for low-blocking, turtling characters, and his Psy-Kick for an offensive move that is good for juggles and closing gaps, and you have possibly the most balanced character in the game.

Special Moves:

--Psych Knee - F,F,HK
   Snow executes a powerful knee move. The double-tap forward executes a forward hop, followed by pressing HK for the knee. A knockdown attack that moves Snow across the screen quickly.

--Psych Shot High - Charge B,F,P
   A psychically produced projectile. Travels the length of the screen, but at different speeds depending on the button pressed.

--Psych Shot Low - Charge B,F,K
   A psychically produced projectile that travels lower than the regular version. Travels the length of the screen, but at different speeds depending on the button pressed.

--Psy-Kick - D,DB,B,K
   Snow rolls sideways and delivers a delayed spinning kick. Does more damage than the Psych Shot but has slow recovery. Different kick button strengths affect the distance traveled across the screen.

--Psych Slice - Charge D,U,K
   Snow backflips, while moving up and forward at great speed. Basically a Flash Kick ala Guile or Charlie. The HK version moves up and forward, the MK version moves backwards to both damage and evade, and the LK version is basically stationary.

--Flipping Senton Splash - D,DF,F,K in mid-air
   Snow flips forward in mid-air and drives both legs down onto the opponent. The HK version moves Snow forward with the flip regardless of which direction he's jumping in. The MK moves him backwards, also regardless of jumping direction. The LK version has no horizontal velocity, so Snow flips in whatever direction he was jumping.

EX Moves:

--EX PSych Shot - Charge B,F,MP+HP
   A faster, multi-hitting version of the Psych Shot.

--EX Psych Slice - Charge D,U,MK+HK
   A much faster version of the Psych Slice with more hits and more forward momentum.


--Monkey Flip - HP+HK
   Snow uses his legs to toss his opponent up and over him.

Level 1 Super Move:

--Psych Force - D,DB,B,D,DB,B,P
   Snow slides backwards momentarily before delivering a concentrated blast of telekinetic energy. This move is very close range and sends the opponent flying across the screen.

--Psych Sweeper - D,DF,F,D,DF,F,K
   Snow creates a crouching Psych Shot with more height, making the move difficult to dodge. It hits four times before dissipating.

Level 2 Super Move

--Psych Lance - D,DF,F,D,DF,F,P
   Snow creates a powerful Psych blast that is bound to him. It reaches about 1/3rd of the way across the screen and is shaped like a Lance in order to "stab" the opponent. Lower range but higher damage than the Psych Sweeper.

Level 3 Super Move:

--Psych Slasher - D,DB,B,D,DB,B,K
   Snow does three powerful Psych Slices in a row, hitting multiple times and sending his opponent flying into the air. Medium range but great anti-air and combo possibilities.

Level "S" Super Move:

--Cerebral Destroyer - D,DF,F,DF,D,DB,B,P
   Snow uses all of his energy to create a massive Psych Shot that deals incredible damage. However, he is left open for attack if the move does not connect fully or KO the opponent, as well as being drained of about 100 points of his own life bar.


Download the latest version of Snow here:

He is also on my ESnips site and will soon be on my personal site as well.

Feedback welcome!

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Last Edit: January 13, 2009, 05:36:35 pm by SeanAltly
Character Thread: Moses Maddigan
#2  July 03, 2008, 06:00:29 am
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    • USA

Real Name: Moses Maddigan
Height: 6'4''
Weight: 285 lbs.

Abilities: Possesses superhuman strength, endurance, and reflexes. He is also naturally brilliant and skilled at hand-to-hand combat.

Bio: Moses Maddigan is the son of affluent parents Joseph and Katherine Maddigan. His parents were born and raised in England and moved to the United States to escape the ruthless business world that they had embroiled themselves in and to raise their unborn son. Once there, Katherine died while giving birth to Moses. Due to his mother's death, his father badly spoiled Moses and raised him to be a cold, ruthless, womanizing businessman. Joseph passed away on Moses' 21st birthday, and because of his untimely (and mysterious) death, his company and assets were turned over to Moses. The company, Maddicorp, formerly specialized in small business ventures and minor pharmaceutical products. However, soon after Moses took control of the company, it branched out into high-grade (and highly dangerous) pharmaceuticals and eventually into secretive bio-weapons development and genetic engineering.

After the massive failure that was the S.H.A.D.E.s experiment, Moses becomes obsessed with finding and eliminating all of the surviving subjects, through his own force, his manipulation of the New York City Police Department, and his personal team of mercenaries called The Collection Agency. He carries with him his father's gold pocket watch at all times. He holds it in his right arm while fighting, both to time how long the fight takes and to prevent him from using his right arm due to his suspiciously super-human strength (since using his best arm would make him quite deadly, which would garner him unwanted attention). It is theorized that Moses was the first human test subject of the S.H.A.D.E.s experiment.


Gameplay: Moses has a number of advantages over his opponents, though none that make him cheap or unbeatable. Moses is designed to be the final boss of the game and a has a wide array of special moves that cater to different play styles. Some have compared him to Geese, due to his blonde-hair, status as a business tycoon, and his utilization of counter moves. He also does not have much emphasis on combos, but what he lacks in comboability he makes up for in brutality and strength. He is versatile, having defense-priented grapples and counters, as well as a charging shoulder block and other offensive tools. One of his most unique and important moves is his vicious aerial Choke Slam, seen in the third screenshot. It can catch jumping, juggles, or falling opponents, so watch out fo it.

Special Moves:

--Bull Market - D,DF,F,P
   Moses utilizes his strength by jutting forward with a sliding shoulder tackle.

--Deal Breaker - D,DB,B,K
   Moses rears back before thrusting forward with a powerful Big Boot. The LK version knocks them back and away and creates distance between players. The MK version knocks the opponent down. The HK version not only knocks them down, but sends them flying into the wall, where they bounce off and are open for juggling.

--Tax Evasion - D,DB,B,P
   Moses pivots on his far foot and swings all the way around, hitting his opponent with a low hook punch. He is invulnerable for several frames of the beginning animation, making it useful for dodging attacks and projectiles and immediately going on the offensive. Different strengths of button cause Moses to advance at longer distances during the actual punching portion of the move.

--Ground Floor Shake Up - F,DF,D,K
   Moses stomps the ground with considerable force, causing the opponent to lose their balance. If the opponent is ducking, the move has no effect. If used while very close, the stomp will hit the opponent on the way down, however, if they are a within range of the shockwave but not Moses' foot, they will simply be knocked down, not recieving damage until they actually hit the ground. Good for disorienting opponents.

--Insider Trading - D,DF,F,K
   Using his considerable intelligence and remarkable reflexes, Moses catches his opponent's attack and delivers one of his own. LK counters crouching attacks, MK counters standing attacks, and HK counters aerial attacks. Super Moves can't be countered.

EX Moves:

--EX Insider Trading - D,DF,F,MK+HK
   An enhanced version of the original move that counters moves from any position and deals considerably more damage.

--EX Tax Evasion - D,DB,B,MP+HP
   Moves faster, and deals several more hits.


--Hostile Takeover - F,DF,D,DB,B,P
   Moses grabs his opponent and delivers a vicious headbutt, before tossing them away like yesterday's trash.

--Chokeslam - HP+HK (standing or in air)
   Moses holds his opponent by the throat, swings them back and then down to the ground with brute force. Can also be performed in the air.

--Overhead Slam - B+HP+HK
   Moses pulls his opponent over his head and then slams them down on the other side.

Level 1 Super Move:

--Market Crasher - D,DF,F,D,DF,F,P
   Moses performs an enhanced, multi-hitting shoulder tackle that travels very fast and knocks the opponent off their feet.

Level 2 Super Move

--Total Monopoly - F,DF,D,DB,B,2P
   Moses brutally headbutts his opponent 3 times, and knocks them away with a powerful Deal Breaker.

Level 3 Super Moves:

--Black Tuesday - D,DB,B,D,DB,B,P
   Moses uses his strong arm to deliver a mighty straight punch that utilizes nearly all of his strength.

--Black Monday - D,DB,B,D,DB,B,K
   The same move as above, but instead of just throwing the punch, Moses waits for his opponent to attack him, then counters and shouts "You never learn!" before delivering the bone-shattering blow.

Level "S" Super Move:

--Ill-Gotten Gains - B,F,DF,D,DB,B,P
   Moses dodges an attack, much in the same manor as his Tax Evasion, then dashes forward and grabs his opponent. If the grab connects, Moses unleashes a flurry of headbutts and merciless right-handed blows to the chest, followed by a screen-shaking straight punch. Just to top it off, Moses then leaps into the air and chokeslams his unlucky opponent to the ground, dealing massive amounts of total damage. Moses requires all 3 super meter stocks and at least 50 points of life to perform the move.

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Last Edit: October 27, 2008, 11:55:34 am by seanaltly
Character Thread: Fray
#3  July 03, 2008, 02:57:30 pm
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    • USA

Real Name: Stephanie Marie Cook
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 120 lbs.

Abilities: Her hands constantly produce explosive kinetic energy that is contained and controlled by her Curonium gloves.

Bio: Stephanie was the fifth subject of the S.H.A.D.E. She ended up with the ability to create concussive blasts of energy with her hands. Unfortunately, she has little control over it and is almost always producing the energy. She went to Jean Curren, a technical wizard/inventor, who created a special pair of gloves made out of a highly malleable alloy that contains traces of the element he discovered (called Curonium). These gloves allow her to better control her powers and even concentrate the energy into her bread and butter offensive weapon, the Energy Grenade.

Fray is an impulsive and brash young woman who lets her ambition (or over-ambition) cloud her priorities and decisions. As a teenager she had a constantly rotating roster of friends that she discarded whenever she got bored of them. She is mostly good at heart, but has a hard time showing it and often "rubs people the wrong way." Due to how dangerous her hands are, she fights with mostly kicks, reserving her explosive fists for her special moves and super combos.


Gameplay: Fray is a fairly defensive character whose best attribute is her ability to play keep-away. She has a projectile for nearly every area of the screen, and due to the nature of her powers, her explosive moves often create a lot of distance between her and her opponent when they connect. The biggest example of this is her command grapple, "Jukebox Breakdown," which sends her opponent flying all the way across the screen, forcing them to once again attempt to approach Fray. However, don't let this fool you, as once Fray is forced to be close, she has some very lengthy chain combos.

Special Moves:

--Energy Grenade - D,DF,F,P (also in air)
   Fray throws a concentrated ball of energy that loses stability and "detonates" after a short period of time. Using different strengths of Punch causes the Grenade to be thrown at different angles. Also, the explosion lingers for a second, and the opponent can be harmed if they come into contact with it. Can also be performed in the air, but the aerial version does not have different trajectories for different button strengths.

--Ups and Downs - D,DF,F,K
   Fray does a high back roundhouse kick and then, without her foot touching the ground, reverses rotation into a regular roundhouse. The HK version not only travels the farthest, but the last hit will knock the opponent down.

--Rocks Tonic Juice Magic (R.T.J.M.) - F,D,DF,P
   Fray delivers a vicious hook while utilizing her powers to cause an explosion at the same time. If MP is used, she precedes the attack with two elbow strikes, while three elbow strikes are used if HP is pressed.

--New Wave - D,DB,B,P
   While moving backwards to evade enemy strikes, Fray performs a crescent-shaped motion with her arm while creating several small explosions, effectively creating a barrier above her. Useful for moving backwards quickly and catching opponents who are jumping over you or dashing towards you.

EX Moves:

--EX Energy Grenade - D,DF,F,MP+HP
   Fray throws out three energy grenades at once. covering every trajectory of her normal ones.

--EX Ups and Downs - D,DF,F,MK+HK
   Fray delivers a faster, more powerful version of Ups and Downs.


--Gut Check - HP+HK
   Fray grabs her opponent and delivers a vicious knee to the gut.

--Jukebox Breakdown - F,DF,D,DB,B,K
   Fray reaches out with surprising range and holds her opponent at the upper chest/throat. She then unleashes a powerful, close-range palm strike that creates a large explosion, which knocks her opponent clear across the screen.

Level 1 Super Moves:

--My Sweet Fracture - D,DB,B,D,DB,B,K
   Fray dashes forward and delivers an explosive straight that hits so hard, her opponents bounce off the wall.

--Clash City Rockers - D,DB,B,D,DB,B,P
   Fray delivers a pair of nasty, explosive punches. Closer range than My Sweet Fracture, but higher damage.

Level 2 Super Move

--The Art of Misplacing Firearms - D,DF,F,D,DF,F,P
   Fray throws out five Energy Grenades in quick succession. As with her regular Energy Grenade, different punch strengths determine the trajectory.

Level 3 Super Move:

--The End - D,DF,F,D,DF,F,K
   Fray concentrates a massive amount of explosive energy into one grenade, which passes through opponents and does not detonate until it hits the ground, creating a huge blast when it does.

Level "S" Super Move:

--Certain Tragedy - F,B,DB,D,DF,F,P
   After delivering several quick and powerful elbow strikes, Fray grabs her opponent and uses an even more powerful explosive palm strike that deals incredible damage. However, whether the move hits or misses, it drains about 120 of her own life along with all three of her super stocks.

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Last Edit: July 03, 2008, 03:08:09 pm by seanaltly
Character Thread: Vesper
#4  August 16, 2008, 01:41:03 pm
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Real Name: Hnang Rma
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 115 lbs.

Abilities: Possesses many of the abilities generally attributed to the traditional literary "vampire," including super-strength, enhanced reflexes, enhanced senses, and nigh-immortality. She does not exhibit the weaknesses, such as sunlight, crosses, silver, etc. She also does not need blood to live, but ingesting it can cause her to become stronger.

Bio: Hnang Rma was a Vietnamese-American girl who was once very calm and intelligent. She was also very determined, even finding a way to attend college despite a total lack of support from her parents. She had to take out numerous student loans and work several jobs to pay for them, which resulted in poor performance and poor grades. She eventually was forced to drop out. With no completed education and no home, she became a prostitute in order to support herself. During these dark times, she became addicted to hard drugs, which all but drove her insane. On the brink of death after a vicious beating by a psychopathic john, she was picked up by a civilian and dropped off at the hospital. She fell into a deep coma and spent weeks in the hospital, with no identification and no family visiting her. These circumstances made her ideal for Maddicorp's SHADE.

When she awoke after the Kelly Incident, she had little to no memory of her life before. All she remembered was the face of the man who nearly killed her. She becomes a ruthless and vicious killer in search of her attacker, even aligning herself with Moses Maddigan in order to reach her goal.


Special Moves:

-Triangle Jump - F,DF,D,DB,B,K
     Vesper backflips all the way to the wall, then kicks off of it. She can then perform any of her aerial attacks, as well as a flying version of her bulldog.
-Twilight Fang - F,D,DF,K
     Vesper performs a sideways rolling flip-kick that catches opponents out of the air.
-From Dusk - D,DF,F,K
     Vesper flips forward, driving her leg down into a ferocious split-kick. Must be blocked high.
-Till Dawn - B,D,DB,K
     Vesper performs a standing backflip kick that moves her away from her opponent and knocks them into the air.
-Sunset Bite - F,DF,D,DB,B,P
     Vesper performs a triangle jump, propelling herself off the wall and grabs her opponent, biting them in the neck. She will then turn a color for a short period of time.
              Blue - Raises her defense.
              Red - Raises her attack power.
              Green - Restores 100 points of her lifebar.

EX Moves:

-EX Twilight Fang - F,D,DF,MK+HK
     A faster, farther reaching and multi-hitting Twilight Fang.


-Twilight Bulldog - HP+HK
     Vesper swings all the way around her opponent, bringing them down on the back of their head with her arm wrapped around their throat.

Super Moves:

Level 1 - From Dawn Till Dusk - D,DB,B,D,DB,B,K
     Vesper performs a powerful kick combo, consisting of one Till Dawn followed by a fierce From Dusk.
Level 2 - 30 Days of Night - D,DF,F,D,DF,F,P
     Vesper delivers a seemingly endless series of attacks, ending with her signature Till Dawn kick.
Level 3 - Twilight Nightmare - D,DF,F,D,DF,F,K
     Vesper connects with three Twilight Fangs in a row, dealing massive damage.
Desperation Move - Permanent Mignight - D,DB,B,D,DB,B,P
     Vesper performs an enhanced version of the Sunset Bite that enhances her attack power and makes all of her attacks temporarily unblockable.


     Vesper is very, very fast. Even without Kamekaze's AI, she was pretty tough in the hands of the standard AI because she's so quick. She is the most combo-heavy of all SHADEs characters, and the possibilities for chains are numerous. She can perform some pretty spectacular juggles as well. Her only real weakness is that she takes slightly more damage than the other characters. I did this as a blancing measure. Trust me when I say you'll thank me for it.

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Last Edit: January 13, 2009, 05:56:42 pm by SeanAltly
Character Thread: Sabotage
#5  August 17, 2008, 05:38:06 am
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Real Name: Patrick Ryan Osiris
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 245 lbs.

Abilities: Super strength and endurance.

Bio: Patrick Ryan Osiris lived in North Carolina for most of his life. He did not know his father personally, but was always told by his mother that his father was a handsome, married, and successful man who wanted nothing to do with her after their affair. Patrick did not feel as oppressed as Sean Savakis did and was lucky to have the support of a loving mother. However, wherever Patrick could be found, Sean was with him. So when Sean decided that he was not wanted where he lived, he decied to leave, bringing Patrick along with him. There, they found an even harsher environment and impossible living conditions. In North Carolina, they were shunned or scolded for upsetting someone. In NY, they could be killed for the same offense. Soon, they were left with no money and no home, and volunteered for the SHADE.

When Kane Kelly murdered most of the experiment's scientists and freed the other subjects, Patrick was able to obtain his own subject file before escaping with Sean. It was in his file that he learned that his father was the late Joseph Maddigan, making Moses Maddigan his half-brother. Patrick and Sean took on the names Sabotage and Snow, and utilized their powers to earn enough money to sustain themselves. Sabotage devotes much of his time to the same goal as Snow, which is freeing themselves from a life of evading Maddicorp and its agents. Sabotage wants nothing more than to use the powers he was given to  benefit mankind, but he and Snow are constantly hounded by Moses Maddigan's "Collection Agency." He and Snow occasionally clash, due to Sabotage having a hard time hating Moses, due to them being family as well as his general lack of interaction with his brother. Snow hates Moses for what he has done, while Sabotage has wildly conflicting feelings towards him.



     Sabotage is a "boxing-type" character, meaning he has no kicks and relies on the sheer power of his punches. He is not without speed however. He has a wide variety of punches and specials that hit at different heights and directions, making him slightly unpredictable. He is not confined to simple boxing-style punches, however. He can use his super strength to shake the ground his opponent is on, or throw his opponent around with German Suplexes. Sabotage is designed as the game's main protagonist.

Special Moves:

--Juke - D,DF,F,HP+MP
   Sabotage ducks his head down and dashes forward, traveling past his opponent to the other side. He is unhittable during, and acts much like a "teleport" move.

--Jive - D,DB,B,HP+MP
   Much the same as his Juke, only he travels away from his opponent.

--Several Knuckle Shuffle - D,DF,F,K or D,DB,B,K
   Sabotage ducks his head down and slides forward and under most projectiles, and delivers a punch when he rises. The punch is different depending on which strength of button you press. If the second listed command is used, Sabotage jukes backwards before delivering the blow.

--Ascention - F,D,DF,P
   A rising anti-air uppercut. I won't even try to pretend that this is any different than a Dragon Punch. The height and speed of exexution are dtermined by the strength of the button pressed.

--Hop 'n' Sledge - D,DF,F,P
   Sabotage hops forward and delivers a powerful two-fisted sledge-hammer blow.

--Earthquake Test - D,DB,B,K
   Sabotage uses his sledge-hammer punch on the poor, defenseless ground, causing a multi-ranged shockwave that knocks the opponent over.


--German Suplex - HP+HK
   Sabotage grabs his opponent from behind and bridges backwards, slamming them head-first onto the ground.

--Rolling German - F,DF,D,DB,B,K
   Sabotage performs two German Suplexes in a row.

EX Moves:

--EX Ascention - F,D,DF,MP+HP
   Sabotage does a faster and more powerful version of the move.

--EX Several Knuckle Shuffle - D,DF,F,MK+HK
   Sabotage dashes forward at incredible speed and delivers several strong punches in quick succession.

Level 1 Super Move:

--Seismic Hammer - D,DB,B,D,DB,B,K
   Sabotage leaps high into the air, before crashing down to the ground with a powerful sledge-hammer blow that creates a screen length shockwave. The move can only be avoiding by jumping with proper timing, but does modest damage.

Level 2 Super Move

--Onslaught - D,DF,F,D,DF,F,K
   Sabotage does three of his powerful rising uppercuts in a row, the last one ascending high into the sky and delivering extra damage.

--Triple German - B,DB,D,DF,F,HP+HK
   Sabotage does three German Suplexes in quick succession.

Level 3 Super Move:

--Three Very Strong Punches - D,DF,F,D,DF,F,P
   Sabotage rushes forward with three bone-shattering, screen-shaking punches. Unblockable once the first punch connects.

Desperation Move:

--All Apologies - D,DB,B,D,DB,B,P
   Sabotage jukes forward and delivers a gut-wrenching shot to his opponents stomach and utters apologetically, "You're just caught in the crossfire." What follows is a barrage of punches that deals insane damage. However, if the move is blocked or dodged, Sabotage is left wide open for a counter attack.

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Last Edit: April 12, 2010, 10:44:28 pm by SeanAltly
Character Thread: Chad In Black
#6  August 17, 2008, 06:38:26 am
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  • Who's that guy? A-L-T-L-Y
    • USA

Real Name: Jennifer Marie Chadwick
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 140 lbs.

Abilities: Can not only communicate with unseen spirits, but can also summon them and make them temporarily tangible in order to fight her enemies.

Bio: Jennifer Chadwick is a quiet, reserved, bookish young woman. She is naturally intelligent and intuitive, but has never been properly motivated to utilize her traits. She spends most of her life on the sidelines, observing other people in their everyday lives, silently judging and mocking them for their mistakes and perceived inferiority. Despite her stance towards other humans, she is at heart a compassionate and good human being who has a strong sense of justice. She is merely socially awkward and finds herself almost completely unable to connect or relate with other people. She was lured into the SHADE through a small advertisemtn on a telephone pole, offering cash compensation for participation in a standard medical experiment. She became suspicious when upon arriving at Maddicorp, she was asked if anyone knew she had come. She tried to escape, but was subdued and forced into the experiment.

When she awoke after the Kelly Incident, she was surrounded by the spirits of those slain by Kane Kelly. They knew she could see them, and began pleading with her to help them, which she at the time thought she could not do. She fled in fear and returned to her apartment. She discovered that it had been years since she left, and it had been rented out to a con-man and street hustler named Chance. She explained her situation to him and he reluctantly allowed her to take up residence in an extra room. She then discovered the true extent of her powers; she could not only communicate with the dead, but render them tangible in order to fulfill earthly vendettas, or to protect her during fights. These spirits are so grateful for her gift that they become the best friends she's ever had. She decides to cease communicating with the living, and embarks on a journey to settle the scores of her "friends." She is often captured in media photos of crime-scenes and areas of incident. In one of these pictures, she was standing alongside the wall of a large building, with graffiti directly behind her, spelling out Chad (originally reading "SHADE," but partially obscured as well as weathered). Because of this, online conspiracy theorists and tabloids have dubbed her "Chad In Black."


     Chad is accompanied by 4 main ghosts. They come from different periods of history and all have different motives.
     -Klaus - A former Nazi soldier who died in WWII. He remains with Chad always, in order to fight for justice and atone for his atrocities.
     -Uri - A female practitioner of Ninjitsu. Her time period of existence is unknown but she is often amazed by modern technologies, indicating that she is from far in the past.
     -Belladonna - An '80s pop idol that was murdered by an obsessive fan. She seeks revenge for her killing.
     -Razhad - A mysterious and violent spirit with unknown motives. He does not speak but is highly effective in battle, which is why Chad allows him to fight alongside her.



     This one is a doozy. Chad is what I like to refer to as a "High Concept" character. All of her attacks revolve around the fact that she never touches her opponent herself. She summons her ghosts for all of her attacks, even her standard punches and kicks. This originally created a HUGE problem with her combos, but I've since resolved that issue. She is kind of slow for a character her size, but her entire strategy is that of a keep-away character. All of her specials are designed to create distance between herself and her opponent, as well as punish those who are overly aggressive or rely a bit too much on jumping in on her. However, many different strategies can be applied to her particular style, so you really just have to play as her yourself.

Special Moves:

--Ghost Dive - Charge B,F,K
     Chad summons Klaus to propel himself forward head-first, like a torpedo.
--Revenant's Resonance - D,DB,B,P
     Klaus lashes out at super speed, appearing to have multiple limbs and hitting upwards of 9 times.
--Dead Rising - F,D,DF,P
     Klaus erupts from the ground, delivering a brutal uppercut. LP makes him appear directly in front of Chad, MP makes him appear roughly a half-screen from Chad, and HP cuases him to appear a whole-screen's length in front of her.
--Grave Digger - D,DF,F,P
     Razhad swings his spinning blade outwards, striking low first and then returning, moving in and upwards in a circular motion. This causes a successfully-hit opponent to fly into the air upwards and towards Chad.
--The Rise and Fall - Charge D,U,K
     Klaus jumps up high into the air while rolling, and then crashes to the ground, colliding with the opponent. Very useful.

EX Moves:

--Chad In Black is the only character who has no EX moves.

Level 1 Super:

-- Die Die My Darling - D,DF,F,D,DF,F,P
     A massive version of Klaus connects with an incredibly powerful version of the Dead Rising.

Level 2 Super:

-- Dead Reckoning - D,DF,F,D,DF,F,K
     Razhad appears directly in front of Chad's opponent and performs a crescent-blade attack, which sends the opponent high into the air. Razhad then strikes them with his blade on the way down.

Level 3 Super:

--Undead Juggernaut - D,DB,B,D,DB,B,P
     Razhad unleashes a gigantic spinning wave of energy that travels quickly across the screen and deals severe damage.

Desperation Move:

--Army of Darkness - D,DB,B,D,DB,B,K
     Each of Chad's most loyal ghosts take turn brutalizing her opponent. If the first hit is avoided, they will continue to attack blindly while Chad is left wide open.

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Character Thread: The Specialist
#7  August 20, 2008, 01:34:45 am
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Real Name: Unknown
Height: 6'1''
Weight: 200 lbs.

Abilities: Can become invisible. Also, he has the power to "absorb" the mechanical structure and schematics of firearms, and later manifest them instantly. The weapons he manifests discintigrates once he loses contact with it.

Bio: The Specialist is an infamous hitman that has eluded police capture for years. He is well-known within the organized crime world as am extremely effective and ruthless killer. Whenever he is suggested to someone as the solution to their problem, he is referred to in code as "The Sure Thing," due to the fact that he has never failed to eliminate his target. His skills were honed to perfection even before he volunteered for the SHADEs project. He knew in his head that the abilities he would gain would make him better at his job, because according to him, "killing is in his blood." He was right. Now, with the ability to become invisible and to manifest any firearm he's come into contact with, he is the perfect killer.

Seeing first hand the results of the experiment, Moses Maddigan immediately retained the exclusive employ of The Specialist for a hefty sum that is rumored within the criminal underworld to be will into the eight-figure range. He is the "backup plan," in case his personally selected Collection Agency fails to do its job. There is always tension between The Specialist and the Collection Agency. The Specialist views them as incompetent since he was hired to make sure the job gets done, while the CA feels insulted by his presence.



     In case any of you are wondering, yes, this is the character that eventually became Solid Snake. Thus he will have some similarities, gameplay-wise. He utilizes a lot of firearms, but he has some key differences. Instead of a low-shot like Snake, he has a high shot, which is useful for anti-air and combos. In fact, the combo people will probably use most is the Crouching HP -> HP Upper Shot. It's pretty useful. he also has a slide that hits low and knocks the opponent up and over, sort of like Adamas' slide but faster, and without the inherent juggle issues. He uses a lot of charge commands, which I know some don't like, but I like charge characters and I think it's good to have at least 2 or 3 charge-based characters in a game.

Special Moves:

--Gun Manifestation - Charge B,F,P
     Specialist manifests a gun and fires at the opponent. LP is a silenced Baretta 9mm, MP is an unsilenced Baretta 9mm, and HP is a pump-action Shotgun. The Shotgun does less damage the farther away you are. Also, if done up close, not only does the shotgun do significant damage, but it's a knockdown as well.

--Anti-Air Gun Manifestation - Charge D,U,P
     Specialist manifests a silenced Baretta 9mm and fires it towards a jumping opponent. Different strengths of P cause him to fire at different angles.

--Undercurrent - Charge B,F,K
     Specialist does a baseball-like slide that is very low to the ground. It must be blocked low as well.

--Land Mine - F,DF,D,DB,B,K
     Specialist lays down a small, pressure-sensitive land mine that explodes when stepped on. Be careful, as Specialist can also be damaged by them. He can lay up to 3 at a time. Fun when used in conjunction with knockdowns.

--Invisibility - F,DF,D,DB,B,P
     The Specialist becomes invisible for a set period of time (around 5-7 seconds). During this time, he can be hit, but will not be knocked out of the invisibility.


--Cleaned and Gutted - HP+HK
     Specialist first stabs his opponent in the stomach with a small blade in the toe of his boot, then uses his other leg to perform an enziguiri to the side of the head. Very brutal.

EX Moves:

--EX Undercurrent - Charge B,F,MK+HK
     A much faster version of the Undercurrent.

--EX Gun Manifestation - Charge B,F,MP+HP
     Specialist fires of his Baretta 9mm 3 times in quick succession.

Level 1 Super:

--Sub Machine Gun - D,DB,B,D,DB,B,P
     Specialist fires a fully-automatic SMG for a 12 Hit combo.

Level 2 Super:

--Stranger In The Dark - D,DB,B,D,DB,B,K
     Specialist becomes invisible for an extended period of time, nearly 25 seconds.

--Blitzkrieg - Charge B,F,B,F,K
     Specialist brutalizes his opponent with a long combo of kicks and punches, and finishes it with his Cleaned and Gutted throw.

Level 3 Super:

--Riot Gun Assault - Charge B,F,B,F,P
     Specialist unloads on his opponent with a high-powered Shotgun.The same damage rules that apply to the regular version also apply here.

Desperation Move:

     Specialist manifests the most powerful firearm that he has come into contact with, a large RPG. Does a devastating amount of damage.

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Last Edit: April 12, 2010, 10:47:50 pm by SeanAltly
Old Character Threads
#8  August 20, 2008, 02:38:30 am
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Real Name: Sandra Kay Savakis
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 105 lbs.

Abilities: Can manifest and manipulate a dark red, blood-like substance. She can change its mass, volume, and density to suit her needs.

Bio (SHADEs 1): Sandra is the full-blood, younger sister of Snow. They were very close as children and did not fight as often as most siblings. When Sandra was 16, she left home for unknown reasons. Snow was very hurt by this. After 5 years, Sandra resurfaced and was a very different person. She was grim, self-deprecating and mildly sadistic. She still remembers Snow and their past, but doesn't hold their history up on the same pedestal that he does. She is very secretive about her goals and desires. She is cautiously friendly with most of Snow's friends, accept for Fray, whom she believes to be two-faced and untrustworthy. She is elusive and will often disappear for days at a time before reappearing and refusing to acknowledge that she was ever gone. Snow worries about her and insists on protecting her, which she resents.

She ended up in the SHADE due to Snow and Sabotage going missing. She investigated and found out about the experiment. She volunteered to try and find the two, but ended up fully succumbing to the experiment. Snow views her search for him and her getting caught up in the SHADE as his own fault, but also as a sign that the Sandra he knew still exists within her.

SHADEs 2 Bio: At the end of SHADEs 1, Bloodtide revealed herself as an agent of the CIA. The CIA had been investigating Maddicorp for years and had sent Bloodtide to infiltrate the company. She was sent in lieu of a more experienced agent due to the danger inherent in the mission and her eagerness to please her superiors further after excelling at her training and early assignments. However, once there, she found her brother, Snow, and his friends captured. This shocked and distracted her long enough to be captured herself and forced to participate in the experiment. Once she was released with the others following the Kane Kelly Incident, she was immediately contacted by her superiors and told to keep her cover secure. So, she lied to her brother and told him that she'd come back to find him, and she continued to hide her CIA involvement. She finally revealed her true motives following Sabotage's defeat of Moses Maddigan after her superiors continued to stall the progression of their investigation. She now believes one of her superiors may be a Maddicorp mole, or someone looking to utilize Maddicorp's technology for themselves. While she is still loyal to the CIA and her country, she is no longer lying to her brother. Though their relationship is now strained due to her earlier disappearance and deception, they now work together to take down Maddicorp and stop the threat of Kane Kelly.

More Gifs:

Her stance in game has the blood swirling around her feet like in SHADEs 1.


Intro where she removes her coat from the first game. Animation based on one of Vanessa's.

Some kicks. She does these types of kicks in a lot of her moves.


More screenshots in the spoiler:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty


     A friend of mine often describes Bloodtide as my "most interesting" character. She is a character of varied play styles. She has a couple of charge moves, a low-hitiing ground crawling projectile, and a few unique moves. She is moderately good for combos, especially with her supers. She requires a bit of strategy due to the generally low damage her moves do. The best way to play her is what I call the "Shark" method: don't stop moving. She has enough moves to keep her moving, even her charges. Don't give an opponent the chance to hit you, basically.

Command Moves:

--High Heel - DB+K (Launcher)
   Bloodtide comes from a crouching position into a fast and vicious upward kick that launches her opponent into the air.

Special Moves:

--Bloodshot - D,DF,F,P
   Bloodtide propels the swirling wave of blood around her feet forward like a projectile, and it skims along the ground where it must be blocked low. The different strength of punch used affects the speed of the projectile.

--Crimson Arrow - Charge B,F,K
   Bloodtide springs forward with a sudden flying thrust kick, wrapping her foot in blood for increased effect. Different kick buttons make the kick travel different distrances, at different speeds.

--Scarlet Tornado - D,DB,B,K
   Bloodtide twirls into the air, becoming unhittable for a short time. Different kick buttons make her travel different distrances, at different angles.

---Scarlet Barrage - K when landing after Scarlet Tornado
        Bloodtide delivers three quick kicks at different heights.

---Scarlet Needle - P when landing after Scarlet Tornado
        Bloodtide slides forward with her elbow pointed out and slightly upwards, delivering a piercing blow to the lower-body area.

--Vermillion Strikes - Charge D,U,K
   Bloodtide leaps into the air while delivering many lightning fast thrust kicks, which create sharp waves of blood that slash at the opponent. An anti-air attack, with very little forward movement.


--Hurricanrana - F,DF,D,DB,B,P
   Bloodtide flips forward and, if close enough, catches her opponent's head with her legs and flips them high into the air. They are then open to a follow up attack by Bloodtide. The initial grab does little damage, but if she does not follow up and the opponent simply hits the ground, extra damage is dealt by the fall.

--Cherry Jawbreaker - HP+HK
       Bloodtide ducks and delivers a nasty vertical heel kick to her opponent's jaw.

EX Moves:

--EX Scarlet Barrage - 2K when landing after Scarlet Tornado
       Bloodtide does a faster version of the move with more hits.

--EX Bloodshot - D,DF,F,2P       
       A faster moving and more powerful version of the move.

--EX Vermillion Strikes - Charge D,U,2K
       A faster, multi-hitting version of Vermillion Strikes that has a greater hit radius and more forward motion.

Level 1 Super Move:

--Red Cyclone - D,DB,B,D,DB,B,K
   Bloodtide twirls into the air while also creating several rings of blood around her, which damage her opponent. The damage of the move varies depending on how many times she hits her opponent. It is up to the player to determine which is the best time to connect with the move to cause maximum damage.

Level 2 Super Move

--The Wall - F,B,DB,D,DF,F,K
   Using a vicious upwards thrust kick, Bloodtide creates a large wall of blood that stops the opponent in their tracks and deals great damage. Does not have much forward movement but great vertical range.

Level 3 Super Move:

--Crimson Tide - F,B,DB,D,DF,F,P
   Bloodtide summons a massive flood of blood that is very hard to avoid and does devastating damage.

Desperation Move:

--None yet. The old DM will be discarded and a completely new one created. I'm open to suggestions. Right now I'm considering a move where she encapsulates her opponent in a bubble of blood and then drives a massive spike (also made of blood) up through the bubble, impaling them inside it. This is not final though.

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Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 07:38:17 pm by Sean Altly


Re: Character Thread: The Specialist
#9  August 20, 2008, 12:27:15 pm
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i love the stance for this character its great, your a very talented spriter/animator congrats on the project.
Accepting commissions
Re: Character Thread: The Specialist
#10  August 20, 2008, 02:26:42 pm
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  • Aka ShadesTeam/Zeckle
Shades 2 site:Shades of Manhattan
Re: Character Thread: The Specialist
#11  August 20, 2008, 04:49:05 pm
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Re: Character Thread: The Specialist
#12  August 20, 2008, 04:51:28 pm
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you could even go as far to say he is a specialist
Shades 2 site:Shades of Manhattan
Re: Character Thread: The Specialist
#13  August 20, 2008, 09:13:50 pm
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All this verbal fellating is just begging for someone to come in here and tell me I suck.

But seriously, thanks for the compliments.

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Re: Character Thread: The Specialist
#14  August 21, 2008, 12:19:51 am
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  • Give me Tea, or Cake!
If you'd like to be told that you suck, I'd oblige! :P

Pity that I like every character that you've made so far then. :P  Looking forward to playing with Vesper and Zenith.
Character Thread: Adamas
#15  August 27, 2008, 11:51:41 pm
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Real Name: Adam Michael Young
Height: 5'6'' (5'8'' with diamond)
Weight: 240 lbs. (vaies with diamond, as much as 500 lbs.)

Abilities: Has the power to encrust himself with a nigh-impenetrable diamond-like substance. Can also detach the substance and use it as a weapon, or currency (the substance has all the qualities of diamond, thus it is as valuable to appraisers).

Bio: Adam was a street vendor and harmless con-artist living in Manhattan. He always had a tremendous sense of humor and used this to distract his marks. His charm and resourcefulness always afforded him a reasonable amount of slack from the local police. They would occasionally hassle him but he always got out of it, one way or another. When he was a kid, he was always getting into trouble and finding a way out of it, due to his natural intelligence and intuitiveness. He left home at a young age to pursue a life of riches, and often viewed his chosen profession as a stepping stone on his way to a life in the performing arts. He met Snow and Sabotage when they first arrived in Manhattan, and promptly conned them out of a good portion of the money they had. Adam didn't know at the time their situation, but he always made a point not to feel guilty about his cons because he feared it would be his downfall. When he discovered that Snow and Sabotage were living on the streets, largely due to the loss of their funds to Adam, he decided to try to help them whenever he could. The three of them became good friends, without Snow and Sabotage ever knowing how badly he had ruined their chances to make it in Manhattan. When Snow and Sabotage hit rock bottom and were compelled to volunteer for the SHADE, Adam accompanied them to the facility as a sign of support. However, once there, Maddicorp's agents had no choice but to subdue Adam as well, and he became the third subject.

When he awoke following the Kelly Incident, Adam was covered in what appeared to be thick crystal (he would of course discover later it was identical to diamond). He left with Snow and Sabotage, but feeling that he'd already done enough damage to their lives, he went his separate way. He still sees the two every now and then, and supports their stand against Maddicorp (due to his own freedom being at stake as well). He can often be found fighting alongside them, and sharing his "funding" with them. He still has his sense of humor, but even though he takes a light-hearted stance to most situations, he can be serious when he needs to.



Adamas is slow. However, he's a tank. He has higher defense than most characters (for good reason, diamond is supposed to be nigh-indestructable). He can hit you from far away with his projectiles or Dash Punches, or he can get you with some powerful attacks up close. Despite his lack of speed, I view Adamas as the Shotokan/Ansatsuken character of this game. Everyone should be able to pick right up and do well with him.

Command Moves:

--Diamond Slide - DF+K
--Adamas slides forward and sweeps the opponent up and over his head. Creates a number of combo possibilities.

Special Moves:

--The Fist of Adamas - D,DB,B,P
   Adamas dashes forward and delivers a mighty, diamond-encrusted punch. The LP version is a weaker, gut-level punch. The MP version is a standard right straight and has the best range. The HP version is an uppercut that hits twice and sends the opponent into the air.

--Diamond Upper - F,D,DF,P
   Adamas performs his uppercut Fist of Adamas, only he does not slide, making it an effective anti-air move.

--Diamond Shard - D,DF,F,P
   Adamas forms a diamond around his fist and tosses it forward, using his powers to manipulate it's speed. However, it dissipates after a set distance due to Adamas losing his control over it once it's been detached for a time.

--Diamond Dust - D,DF,F,P in mid-air
   Adamas performs an aerial move similar to the Diamond Shard, but he has less control over the projectile, so it dissipates almost immediately, creating dust. However, the dust can still hit. The HP version propels Adamas backwards regardless of his jumping direction. The MP version propels him upwards, and the LP version has no effect on his jump.


--Two-Fisted Fling - HP+HK
   Adamas grabs his opponent with both hands and throws them over his head and clear across the screen.

--Diamond Cutter - F,DF,D,DB,B,K
       Adamas performs his own, devastating version of the popular pro-wrestling maneuver.

Level 1 Super Move:

--Ice Storm - D,DF,F,D,DF,F,P in mid-air
   Adamas uses all of his concentration to throw three large diamonds at his opponent while airborne.

Level 2 Super Move

--The Three Fists of Adamas - D,DB,B,D,DB,B,P
   Adamas performs all three of his Fist of Adamas moves in succession. Once the first connects, the other two are inescapable.

Level 3 Super Move:

--The New Wave - D,DF,F,D,DF,F,K
   Adamas kicks up a veritable tidal wave of diamonds that are very hard to avoid.

Desperation Move:

--One Big Stone - D,DF,F,D,DF,F,P
   Adamas creates an incredible diamond and hoists it above his head before tossing it at his opponent. Does respectable damage if blocked and a massive amount of damage if not.

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Last Edit: January 13, 2009, 05:34:03 pm by SeanAltly
Re: Character Thread: Adamas
#16  August 28, 2008, 12:18:53 am
  • double dragon fan
great char seanaltly ;D good sprite and code
Re: Character Thread: The Specialist
#17  September 02, 2008, 10:26:47 pm
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  • You know it!
It's Snake... <_<
PSN / XBLA - ViewtifulSuxx
Re: Character Thread: The Specialist
#18  September 02, 2008, 10:58:57 pm
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  • Aka ShadesTeam/Zeckle
Shades 2 site:Shades of Manhattan
Re: Character Thread: The Specialist
#19  September 03, 2008, 05:24:01 am
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It's Snake... <_<

I mentioned this in the first post...


     In case any of you are wondering, yes, this is the character that eventually became Solid Snake. Thus he will have some similarities, gameplay-wise. He utilizes a lot of firearms, but he has some key differences. Instead of a low-shot like Snake, he has a high shot, which is useful for anti-air and combos. In fact, the combo people will probably use most is the Crouching HP -> HP Upper Shot. It's pretty useful. he also has a slide that hits low and knocks the opponent up and over, sort of like Adamas' slide but faster, and without the inherent juggle issues. He uses a lot of charge commands, which I know some don't like, but I like charge characters and I think it's good to have at least 2 or 3 charge-based characters in a game.

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Re: Character Thread: The Specialist
#20  September 04, 2008, 09:41:08 am
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