
Wall jumping animation problem (Read 4708 times)

Started by City, December 18, 2009, 01:22:03 pm
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Wall jumping animation problem
#1  December 18, 2009, 01:22:03 pm
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OK well I used a code from the snppets above and it seems...the wall jump code doesnt wanna work for me accuratley.

I achieved the wal jumping part..I jump off the wall...

Problem is I cant make the wall jump use a different anim ...So basically My wall jump anim is a floor jump anim..No bueno(No good)

[State -1: Wall Jump Start]
type = ChangeState
value = 40
triggerall = (StateType = A) && (Ctrl) && (Pos Y < -30)
trigger1 = ((command = "holdup") && (command = "holdfwd") && (Vel X <= 0) && (backedgebodydist <= 10) && (backedgebodydist > -10))
trigger2 = ((command = "holdup") && (command = "holdback") && (Vel X >= 0) && (frontedgebodydist <= 10) && (frontedgebodydist > -10))
persistent = 0

[State -1: ChangeAnim] <--This is the change anim code posted in the code snippets topic
type = Changeanim
trigger1 = (StateNo = 40) && (Pos Y < 0) && (!Time)
value = 55555 <---My wall jump anim

[State -1: StateTypeSet]
type = StateTypeSet
trigger1 = (StateNo = 40) && (Pos Y < 0)
statetype = A

Even after using this code in the cmd like said it was cool that I wall jumped...but my wall jump looked wack as luck out there for me? anyone? ???

Re: Wall jumping animation problem
#2  February 06, 2010, 07:34:14 am
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  • Life is Life... WTF!!
sorry for come alive again, but that can be better if you use a new special state:

for example in CMD y add a news change state if the player is near of wall and no close of floor, and no out of screen, the main wall jump state is 60.

[State -1,Wall Jump]
type = changestate
triggerall = command = "holdfwd" && StateNo != 60 && PrevStateNo != 60 && ctrl
triggerall = anim = 42 || anim = 43
trigger1 = pos y < -40 && screenpos x < 35 && facing = 1 || pos y < -40 && screenpos x > 285 && facing = -1
value = 60
[State -1,Wall Jump]
type = changestate
triggerall = command = "holdback" && StateNo != 60 && PrevStateNo != 60 && ctrl
triggerall = anim = 42 || anim = 43
trigger1 = pos y < -40 && screenpos x < 35 && facing = -1 || pos y < -40 && screenpos x > 285 && facing = 1
value = 60

after i have to make a statedef for this jump

;Wall Jump
[Statedef 60]
type    = A
movetype= I
physics = A
ctrl = 0
velset = 0,0,0
;Anim 60 if for wall grab you can use other finite anim.
anim = 60

;Jump FX sound.
[State 60, 0]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time =1
value = f40,1

; If the player jump FWD and he's close of front wall i have to make turn to make a correct orientation for him.
[State 60, 1]
type = Turn
trigger1 = !Time && FrontEdgeDist <= 30

;I set the player stay in of screen but cant move the camera, this effect is optional.
[State 60, 2]
type = ScreenBound
trigger1 = Time < 8 && prevstateno != 50
movecamera = 0
value = 1

;Dont move for 8 tics (Freeze pos)
[State 60, 3]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = Time < 8
x = 0
y = 0

;Apply a velociti to continue the jump effect... here you can put a new value or use exist values that is my case.
[State 60, 5]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = !Animtime
x = const(velocity.jump.fwd.x)
y = const(velocity.jump.y)

;So i change to the jump state, to complete the jump states
[State 60, 6]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = !Animtime
value = 50
;I use jump foward anim, you can use any what you want.
Anim = 42
Ctrl = 1

I hope that can help you, or complete the previous explain. I use this code in Athena and works pretty nice.



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