
MUGEN 1.0 Messing up colors? (Read 1468 times)

Started by DeathScythe, September 28, 2018, 03:17:46 pm
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MUGEN 1.0 Messing up colors?
#1  September 28, 2018, 03:17:46 pm
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I'm trying to make a stage that uses lots of colors, and despite this, I can manage to make it look good and with almost no color loss. It looks wonderful in the sff, but when I load the stage in MUGEN 1.0 it has a lot of colorloss. I tried everything, RGB method, cutting the image in pieces to save colors, and nothing. As I said, in the sff it looks wonderful, but in MUGEN 1.0 it's awful.  :???:
I was going to make it exclusive for MUGEN 1.1 because of PNG support, and I realized that even the indexed sprites that I used before are perfectly fine in 1.1, I don't even need to convert it. What is the issue with 1.0? Why is it so ugly there and fine in 1.1?

Edit: Also, I noticed that, for some reason, parallax don't work with 1.0 sff, it simply disappears. When I use "normal" instead of parallax the sprite shows normally. When I save it as MUGEN beta sff, it shows the parallax normally, and 1.1 sff too. Why is 1.0 giving me so much trouble? :wall:
Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 05:13:35 pm by DeathScythe
Re: MUGEN 1.0 Messing up colors?
#2  September 28, 2018, 03:33:36 pm
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    • Brazil
your opengl is ok?
well, remember:
winmugen = 8 bits images
mugen 1.0 = 8 bits, 24 bits
mugen 1.1 = 8 bits, 24 bits, 32 bits
and yes, there are problems in parallax from version 1.0 to version 1.1
Re: MUGEN 1.0 Messing up colors?
#3  September 28, 2018, 04:08:43 pm
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I tried changing the rendering mode in 1.0, tried System, OpenGLScreen and DirectX. All of them still look the same, the nice gradient I made still look ugly in 1.0 :???:
Re: MUGEN 1.0 Messing up colors?
#4  September 29, 2018, 07:22:48 pm
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I believe it´s just 1.0 with the limitations.

Noticed that same issue when making my version of Pokemon Type Wild Haunted Tower which works on both 1.0 and 1.1

This is Mugen 1.1, All indexed with RBG, looks fine despite the colorloss, exactly like in the SFF.

But in Mugen 1.0 or without the OpenGL... You can notice the colorloss in the fog and moonlight even more.

IMO, just make the stage 1.1 only and use the PNGs without indexing since at the end it just don´t
gonna look "as good" in 1.0 unleast you try to resize all and do extra work, or keep it as it is and ignore the coloring problem.
Last Edit: September 29, 2018, 07:26:48 pm by Ex☆Cham
Re: MUGEN 1.0 Messing up colors?
#5  September 29, 2018, 07:46:41 pm
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Yes, is exactly what is happening to me. So is just MUGEN 1.0 limitations. Guess I'll have to make the stage WITH colorloss for 1.0 anyway. Thank you for the answer.