
Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff) (Read 110564 times)

Started by JustNoPoint, April 10, 2014, 06:15:09 pm
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#21  April 12, 2014, 12:23:47 am
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Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 12:31:48 am by Alex Sinigaglia
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#22  April 12, 2014, 01:51:57 am
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Xans too cool to do actual work!!
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#23  April 12, 2014, 07:35:37 pm
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  • I have no idea what I'm doing.
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As Xan said, I'm not that good with .SFF's, and I'm pretty sure I just signed up for beta testing. But I'll try and get onto this either tonight or tomorrow, because why the hell not?

Keep an eye on this post, I'll update it with my contribution at some point.
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#24  April 12, 2014, 07:41:09 pm
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I want to try this as well. I've made a few .sffs before, but I want to get better. Sign me up plz.

EDIT: Oops. Didn't read the OP through, so I'll just wait until the next one. : P
Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 07:52:51 pm by SageHarpuiaJDJ
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#25  April 12, 2014, 07:44:05 pm
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If you think I overstepped my boundaries by calling you here you don't HAVE to do this at all. I appreciate what you wish to contribute. For some reason I guess I think everyone wants to learn more by default.

I just saw some users volunteering that hadn't made anything and for some reason I seem to think everybody wants to create and contribute more but haven't had the time, energy, or motivational push to look into it more. It's fine if you just want to play and test or whatever else you like to contribute! :)

So I won't be calling anymore users here. Besides maybe Xan >:-)
I'mma gonna get you Xan!!!

I'll try to make at least 1 new test a week for those waiting on the next. Hopefully more.
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#26  April 12, 2014, 09:22:59 pm
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This is the easy part,you should have made us add the pallete to the sprites ourselves and then put it into the .sff
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#27  April 12, 2014, 09:29:06 pm
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I said that'd be the next one in the 1st post :p

I have to research what free programs one might use to do that and link them plus tutorials for said programs. Otherwise I'm throwing users to the wolves.
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#28  April 12, 2014, 09:33:53 pm
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Oh,sorry,did not know you mentioned it.
For free programs,GiMP does the job nicely,and there is already a video tutorial by Alexei on how to use it ( )
Hope this helps ya a lil
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#29  April 17, 2014, 09:29:17 pm
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This is the 1st MUGEN training camp mission.
In this thread you will be given a range of tests at various levels of difficulty. This will be a level 1 test. Very simple.
Your objective is to add THE DEMON Ryu sprites I made to the sff. Reupload it, and someone will take a look at it to make sure you did it right. Probably me unless this catches on =p

Here are your sprites.

The .def and .sff can be found here Get both files

These links no longer seems to work, which can be annoying if you want to keep these tests and tutorials valid for longer than a week.
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#30  April 17, 2014, 09:33:49 pm
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Crap, it's because I changed the name of the index folder from MFG-Ryu to MFG-Street Fighter.
Thanks for saying something. Better I realize earlier than after I've made a few of these :p

I'm not in a position to update the links now but I will
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#31  April 23, 2014, 01:27:01 am
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i'm actually close to reaching the level cap of mugen procrastination: i can't do this right now  >:)

more seriously, i unfortunately don't have the time (or computer) to do mugen stuff nowadays, and i haven't touched anything mugen related for months :(
i don't even remembe rsigning up for this although the idea is great
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#32  April 24, 2014, 05:44:40 pm
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Trial #2 Indexing your sprites
Difficulty Medium. Assumes you can do trial 1 Please specify the trial number you are submitting. Submit the sprite with the appropriate palette indexing.

In this trial you will take the above sprite and index it to 256 colors making the greenish-blue around him in the transparent index.
You can test to see if you did it correctly by putting him into Fighter Factory as an sff.

In this trial you will need GIMP (by default I am using a free program, this is the 1st time I'd ever used GIMP and generally use photoshop. If you use a different program the methods shown in this should still teach you how to do it if you know how to navigate your alternative program. I find this insanely easier to do in Photoshop. Much fewer steps)

Spoiler: 1st Tutorial (click to see content)
Spoiler: 2nd Tutorial (click to see content)

If you need to extract sprites from a gif read this
Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 05:51:29 pm by Alex Sinigaglia
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#33  April 24, 2014, 05:51:08 pm
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Oh boy, looks like I got a job to do here. I guess I got Trial #1 to do...
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#34  April 24, 2014, 05:52:30 pm
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Remember, don't force yourself. Only if you are interested in learning more :)
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#35  April 24, 2014, 06:45:15 pm
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Trial #3 How to add cropped sprites
Difficulty Easy. Assumes you can do trial 1 Please specify the trial number you are submitting. Submit the sff with the new sprite placed in 1001 group.

Link to Ryu's Dropbox. You can download it all and play his alpha now, but you only need the sff file for this trial.

Spoiler: Tutorial (click to see content)

This is the last of the SFF trials. There will be a new thread next week starting the AIR trials.
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#36  April 26, 2014, 12:31:59 pm
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Trial #2 Indexing your sprites
Spoiler: Tutorial (click to see content)
Another way to do this is to:
- open the image;
- index it (like JNP said)
- go to Colors -> Map -> click Rearrange Colormap:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
- the colormap window appears, and you can freely move the background colour wherever you want.
Spoiler: Color Map (click to see content)
But if you want to insert the sprite in a mugen character you have to put it as first colour, like this:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
- press Ok and the sprite is indexed correctly.

JNP, when I tried to do it your way, in the dockable dialog the palette (colour map) of my indexed sprite never showed.

Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#37  April 26, 2014, 12:54:13 pm
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I kind of figured there may be a better way. I've never used GIMP =p
Mind adding a secondary spoiler in my tutorial showing your alternate method?

JNP, when I tried to do it your way, in the dockable dialog the palette (colour map) of my indexed sprite never showed.
Did you scroll up? It added it to the top of mine automatically. Was your sprite converted to indexed mode 1st? If all this is true I don't know why it acted differently. I mean I didn't do anything else. Again, it's the only time I've ever used it (and hopefully the last =p)
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#38  April 26, 2014, 05:45:57 pm
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I kind of figured there may be a better way. I've never used GIMP =p
Mind adding a secondary spoiler in my tutorial showing your alternate method?

Did you scroll up? It added it to the top of mine automatically. Was your sprite converted to indexed mode 1st? If all this is true I don't know why it acted differently. I mean I didn't do anything else. Again, it's the only time I've ever used it (and hopefully the last =p)
Yes, I indexed the sprite, then I checked the dockable dialog, but there wasn't any new palette in there.
Let me show you with a gif.
Spoiler: gif (click to see content)
Maybe it's because I downloaded Gimp some years ago and since then they updated it, I don't know.
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#39  April 26, 2014, 05:55:23 pm
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Yeah, must be a newer version I got. It shows right up when I index. Interesting note. Oh well, your way looks much simpler.
Re: Boot Camp Training (Adding Sprites to an sff)
#40  April 26, 2014, 06:13:20 pm
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I would like to learn, but I'm totally booked with Ryu, Viper and stuff...
I swear there was something cool here!!