
MUGEN CHAR HI-RES TUTORIAL using Fighter Factory Studio by AlesRos-RAMON GARCIA (Read 167597 times)

Started by Ramon Garcia, April 23, 2018, 02:53:04 pm
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MUGEN CHAR HI-RES TUTORIAL using Fighter Factory Studio by AlesRos-RAMON GARCIA
#1  April 23, 2018, 02:53:04 pm
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    • Brazil
MUGEN CHAR HI-RES TUTORIAL using FFS Fighter Factory Studio by AlesRos-RAMON GARCIA


Vídeo + todos os Programas necessários, pack por RAMON GARCIA
Video + all the Required Programs, pack by RAMON GARCIA
Vídeo + todos los programas necesarios, pack por RAMON GARCIA
or + EXTRAS:

Observação: Eu assisti o vídeo completo e é fácil de fazer :)
Note: I watched the full video and it is easy to do :)
Nota: He visto el vídeo completo y es fácil de hacer :)

Muito obrigado ao AlesRos por fazer esse tutorial (y)
Many thanks to the AlesRos for doing this tutorial (y)
Muchas gracias a AlesRos por hacer este tutorial (y)


Observação: Ative a legenda do vídeo e mude para a sua língua
Note: Turn on the video caption and switch to your language
Nota: Active la leyenda del vídeo y cambie a su idioma
Hinweis: Schalten Sie die Videounterschrift ein und wechseln Sie zu Ihrer Sprache
Nota: attiva la didascalia e passa alla tua lingua
Remarque: Activez la légende vidéo et passez à votre langue
ملاحظة: قم بتشغيل التسمية التوضيحية للفيديو والتبديل إلى لغتك
AlesRos Canal do youtube
AlesRos Youtube channel
AlesRos Canal de youtube

MUGEN CHAR HI-RES TUTORIAL using Fighter Factory Studio by AlesRos-RAMON GARCIA with images and text version by me RAMON GARCIA :)

Eu vou tentar explicar em português passo a passo:
I'll try to explain in english step by step:
Voy a tratar de explicar paso a paso en español:

link: and here have all the programs

1- Crie uma cópia da pasta do char, apenas copie e cole a pasta original:
1- Create a copy of folder of char, just copy and paste the original folder this way:
1- Cree una copia de la carpeta del char, sólo copie y pegue la carpeta original:

2- Vá em  'Project'  'Save as...' e salve o .def do char por cima do antigo
2- Go to 'Project'  'Save as...' and save the .def of char
2- Vaya a 'Project' 'Save as ...' y guarde el .def del char por encima del antiguo

3- Vá em 'Sprites' e 'Save image (aligned)...'
3- Go to 'Sprites' and 'Save image (aligned)...'
3- Vaya a 'Sprites' y 'Save image (aligned) ...'

4- 'Sprites'  'Save image (aligned)...' selecione 'All' e 'OK'
4- 'Sprites'  'Save image (aligned)...' select 'All' and 'OK'
4- 'Sprites' 'Save image (aligned) ...' seleccione 'All' y 'OK'

5- 'Sprites'  'Save image (aligned)...' 'All' e 'OK' - crie alguma pasta para salvar as imagens alinhadas com o 'axis' no meu caso eu criei a pasta e salve com o nome que quiser, no meu caso foi 1
5- 'Sprites'  'Save image (aligned)...' 'All' and 'OK' - create any folder to let the images aligned with the 'axis' and save with any name, in my case is was 1
5- 'Sprites' 'Save image (aligned) ...' 'All' y 'OK' - crea alguna carpeta para guardar las imágenes alineadas con el 'axis' eje en mi caso he creado la carpeta y guarde con el nombre que quiera, en mi caso fue 1

6- E clique em 'Yes'
6- And click in 'YES'
6- Y haga clic en 'Yes'

7- Abra a a pasta em que você salvou as imagens alinahdas e no final dela abra o arquivo axis e multiplique os valores por 4
7- Open the folder that you save the images aligned in the final open the file axis and multiple x4 the values
7- Abra la carpeta en la que guardó las imágenes alinahdas y al final de ella abra el archivo axis y multiplique los valores por 4

8- Abra o programa Bulk Rename Utility e vá até a pasta que tem as imagens alinhadas e selecione na parte 'Remove' 'First In' '2' e clique no botão  'Rename' e 'OK' e 'OK'
8- Open the program Bulk Rename Utility go to the folder that have the images aligned and select in the part 'Remove' 'First In' '2' and click in the part 'Rename' and 'OK' and 'OK'
8- Abra el programa Bulk Rename Utility y vaya a la carpeta que tiene las imágenes alineadas y seleccione en la parte 'Remove' 'First In' '2' y haga clic en el botón 'Rename' y 'OK' y 'OK'

9- Selecione 100 imagens ou menos (porque pode dar erro de memória pois esse processo consome muita memória), e copie e cole na pasta '00-Char' nesse caso eu selecionei o grupo de imagens 0 até o grupo de imagens 184
9- Select 100 or less images because the memory that process consume and copy and paste in the folder '00-Char' in this case i select the group 0 until the group 184
9- Seleccione 100 imágenes o menos (porque puede dar error de memoria pues ese proceso consume mucha memoria), y copie y pegue en la carpeta '00 -Char 'en ese caso he seleccionado el grupo de imágenes 0 hasta el grupo de imágenes 184

10- Abra o programa Bulk Rename Utility e vá na pasta '00-Char' e selecione todas as imagens dessa pasta e vá na parte  'Name' selecione 'Remove' e na parte 'Numbering' 'at' deixe o numero '1' e clique no botão 'Rename' e 'OK' e 'OK'  [Observação: Não feche o programa ainda]
10- Open the program Bulk Rename Utility go to the folder '00-Char' and select all the images in this folder and go to the part 'Name' select 'Remove' and in the part 'Numbering' 'at' let the numer '1' and click in the button 'Rename' and 'OK' and 'OK'  [Note: Don't close the program yet]
10- Abra el programa Bulk Rename Utility y vaya a la carpeta '00 -Char 'y seleccione todas las imágenes de esa carpeta y vaya en la parte' Name 'seleccione' Remove 'y en la parte' Numbering '' at 'deje el número' 1 ' y haga clic en el botón 'Rename' y 'OK' y 'OK' [Nota: No cierre el programa todavía]

11 -Agora abra o programa 'ImageResizer-r133.exe' e vá na parte 'Script'  'Load'
11- Now open the program 'ImageResizer-r133.exe' and go to the part 'Script'  'Load'
11- Ahora abra el programa 'ImageResizer-r133.exe' y vaya en la parte 'Script' 'Load'

12- E abra o script, eu prefiro esse script: 'SCRIPT XBR 4x whole Completo by AlesRos [Alessandro Rodrigues]'
12- And open the script, i prefer this script: 'SCRIPT XBR 4x whole Completo by AlesRos [Alessandro Rodrigues]'
12- Y abra el script, prefiero este script: 'SCRIPT XBR 4x whole Completo by AlesRos [Alessandro Rodrigues]'

13- E clique em 'Execute' ai você tem que esperar o programa converter todas as imagens selecionadas e quando acabar vai aparecer uma janela e você clica em 'Encerrar' [Observação: O tempo que o programa vai levar para converter todaas as imagens vai depender da quantidade de imagens que tiver na pasta '00-Char']
13- And click in 'Execute' and in the final click in 'Encerrar'
13- Y haga clic en 'Ejecutar' ahí tienes que esperar al programa a convertir todas las imágenes seleccionadas y cuando termine aparecerá una ventana y haz clic en 'Encerrar'
[Nota: El tiempo que el programa va a llevar a convertir todas las imágenes va a depende de la cantidad de imágenes que tenga en la carpeta '00 -Char ']

14- Agora vá na pasta '00-Alterado' recorte todas as imagens, e vá na pasta '00-Char' e substitua todas as imagens = Substituir os arquivos no destino
14- Now go to the folder '00-Alterado' cut all the images, go to the folder '00-Char' and replace all the images = Replace the files at the destination
14- Ahora ve en la carpeta '00 -Alterado 'recorte todas las imágenes, y ve en la carpeta '00 -Char' y reemplaza todas las imágenes = Reemplazar los archivos en el destino

15- Vá na pasta '00-Char' e cole e substitua todas as imagens = Substituir os arquivos no destino
15- Go to the folder '00-Char' and replace all the images = Replace the files at the destination
15- Vaya a la carpeta '00 -Char 'y pegue y reemplace todas las imágenes = Reemplazar los archivos en el destino

16- Agora volte no programa  Bulk Rename Utility que você deixou aberto e clique na parte 'Actions' e 'Undo Rename' e 'YES' depois disso feche o programa.
16- Go to the program that is open Bulk Rename Utility and click in the part 'Actions' and 'Undo Rename' and 'YES' after this close the program.
16- Ahora vuelva al programa Bulk Rename Utility que dejó abierto y haga clic en la parte 'Actions' y 'Undo Rename' y 'YES' después de eso puede cerrar el programa.

Agora a parte mais importante, preste atenção para selecionar o número do grupo correto de imagens para o seu char não ficar com o fundo rosa aparecendo ao redor da cabeça e corpo.
Now the Most Important Part, take atencion to select the correct group number to your char don't show pink background around the head and body.
Ahora la parte más importante, preste atención a seleccionar el número de grupo correcto de imágenes para que su char no se quede con el fondo rosa que aparece alrededor de la cabeza y el cuerpo.

Agora no FFS Fighter Factory Studio vamos adionar apenas os grupos de imagens do char que foram convertidas, [as imagens do especiais e efeitos você só vai adicionar algumas no final se for necessário, e só vai precisar fazer isso se na hora de jogar com o char alguma imagem de especial ou efeito aparecer pequena ok].
Now in the FFS Fighter Factory Studio we will change the groups of image of char  only and in the final we will change the groups of some special only if was necessary, only if the image appeared small in the game ok.
Ahora en FFS Fighter Factory Studio vamos a añadir sólo los grupos de imágenes del char que han sido convertidas, [las imágenes de los especiales y efectos sólo añadir algunos al final si es necesario, y sólo tendrá que hacer esto si a la hora de jugar con el juego char alguna imagen de especial o efecto aparecer pequeña bien].

17- Agora no programa Fighter Factory Studio, abra o char e clique na parte 'add one or more sprites'
17- Now in the  Fighter Factory Studio  open the char and click in the part 'add one or more sprites'
17- Ahora en el programa Fighter Factory Studio, abra el char y haga clic en la parte 'add one or more sprites'

18- Vá na pasta onde você deixou os grupos de imagens convertidas em XBR 4x ou XBRz 4x etc salvas e selecione um grupo de imagens para fazer o teste de número do grupo correto , para o seu char não ficar com fundo rosa ao redor da cabeça e corpo. no meu caso eu selecionei todo o grupo 0 de imagens para fazer o teste.
18- Go to the folder where is the converted images and select the group of images converted in XBR 4x in this case is the group 0,0 only to do the test of correct color.
18- Vaya a la carpeta donde usted dejó los grupos de imágenes convertidas en XBR 4x o XBRz 4x etc guardadas y seleccione un grupo de imágenes para hacer la prueba de número del grupo correcto, para su char no quedarse con fondo rosa alrededor de la cabeza y cuerpo. en mi caso he seleccionado todo el grupo 0 de imágenes para hacer la prueba.

19- Agora clique em 'Detect group-index from filename' selecione 'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' e na parte 'X:' coloque o resultado do valor que você multiplicou por 4, e na parte 'Y:' coloque o resultado do valor que você multiplicou por 4, mude o número para 9000,0 [porque esse foi o melhor resultado de cores que achei para esse char] e clique em  'OK'
19- Now click in the 'Detect group-index from filename' select 'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' in the part 'X:' put the value that you multiple x4 and in the part 'Y:' put the value that you multiple x4, select the group 9000,0 [because was the best result that i have in the color tests for this char] and click in 'OK'
19- Ahora haga clic en 'Detect group-index from filename', seleccione 'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' y en la parte' X: 'coloque el resultado del valor que ha multiplicado por 4, y en la parte' Y: ', el resultado del valor que has multiplicado por 4, cambia el número a 9000,0 [porque ese fue el mejor resultado de colores que encontré para ese char] y haz clic en 'Aceptar'

20- E 'No to All'
20- And 'No to All'
20- Y 'No to All'

21- Agora depois que você fizer os testes e achar o número do grupo correto, que não apareça nada de fundo rosa ao redor da cabeça e corpo do char, ai sim depois disso você realmente pode começar a adicionar vários grupos de imagens ao mesmo tempo, lembrando que sempre deve ser menos de 100 imagens por vez para não travar o programa e não demorar muito. Veja o exemplo do melhor resultado para esse char, que foi quando eu escolhi o grupo 9000,0
21- Now affter you found the correct group you really could continue to add all the other groups of images ok. See the example of best result for this char was selected the group 9000,0
21- Ahora después de hacer las pruebas y encontrar el número de grupo correcto, que no aparece nada de fondo rosa alrededor de la cabeza y el cuerpo del char, entonces después de que usted realmente puede empezar a agregar varios grupos de imágenes al mismo tiempo , recordando que siempre debe ser menos de 100 imágenes a la vez para no coger el programa y no tardar mucho. Ver el ejemplo del mejor resultado para ese char, que fue cuando elegí el grupo 9000,0

Aqui um exemplo de quando você escolhe o grupo errado de cores para adicionar os grupos de imagens no seu char, então preste bastante atenção nessa parte:
Here is a example when you choose the wrong group, so pay attention to this part:
Aquí un ejemplo de cuando usted elige el grupo incorrecto de colores para agregar los grupos de imágenes en su char, entonces preste mucha atención en esa parte:
22- Veja o exemplo do pior resultado para esse char, com fundo rosa ao redor da cabeça e corpo do char que foi quando eu escolhi o grupo 2,1
22- See the example of the worst result for this char, with pink background around the head and body of the char that was when I chose the group 2.1
22- Ver el ejemplo del peor resultado para ese char, con fondo rosa alrededor de la cabeza y cuerpo del char que fue cuando elegí el grupo 2,1

meu pc win 10 pro usando FFS  'add one or more sprites' selecione o grupo de imagens convertidas em XBR 4x nesse caso foi o grupo 0,0  'Detect group-index from filename'  'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' selecione o grupo 2,1 clique em'OK' e 'No to All' 
[resultado ruim]
my pc win 10 pro using FFS 'add one or more sprites' select the group of images converted in XBR 4x in this case is the group 0,0  'Detect group-index from filename'  'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' select the group 2,1 click in 'OK' and 'No to All' 
[bad result]
mi PC win 10 pro usando FFS 'add one or more sprites' selecciona el grupo de imágenes convertidas en XBR 4x en este caso era el grupo 0,0 'Detect group-index from filename'  'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' seleccionar el grupo 2,1 hacer clic en 'OK' y 'No to All' 
[Mal resultado]

23- Agora depois que você os testes e achou qual o número do grupo correto, que não parece o fundo rosa ao redor da cabeça e corpo do char, você pode adicionar vários grupos de imagens ao mesmo tempo, lembrando que sempre deve ser menos de 100 imagens por vez para não travar o programa e não demorar muito. Para isso vá na parte 'add one or more sprites' selecione os grupos de imagens que você quer adicionar [sempre menos de 100 imagens por vez, por consome muita memória e pode dar erro]  'open' selecione 'Detect group-index from filename' selecione 'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' e na parte 'X:' coloque o resultado do valor que você multiplicou por  4,  e na parte 'Y:' coloque o resultado do valor que você multiplicou por 4, mude o número para 9000,0 [porque esse foi o melhor resultado de cores que achei para esse char] e clique em  'OK'
23- Now affter you found the correct group you can add many groups of sprites in the part 'add one or more sprites' select the groups that you want add [less than 100 images by time because this process consume a lot of memory] 'open' select 'Detect group-index from filename' select 'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' in the part 'X:' put the value that you multiple x4 and in the part 'Y:' put the value that you multiple x4, select the group 9000,0 [because was the best result that i have in the color tests for this char] and click in 'OK'
23- Ahora después de que usted las pruebas y encontró cuál es el número del grupo correcto, que no parece el fondo rosa alrededor de la cabeza y el cuerpo del char, usted puede agregar varios grupos de imágenes al mismo tiempo, recordando que siempre debe ser menos de 100 imágenes a la vez para no coger el programa y no tardar mucho. Para ello vaya a la parte 'add one or more sprites' seleccione los grupos de imágenes que desea agregar [siempre menos de 100 imágenes a la vez, por consume mucha memoria y puede dar error] 'open' seleccione 'Detect group-index from filename' seleccione 'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' y en la parte" X: 'coloque el resultado del valor que ha multiplicado por 4, y en la parte' Y: 'coloque el resultado del valor que ha multiplicado por 4, cambie el número a 9000,0 [porque ese fue el mejor resultado de colores que encontré para ese char] y haga clic en 'OK'

24- Selecione os grupos de imagens que você quer adicionar [sempre menos de 100 imagens por vez, por consome muita memória e pode dar erro] e clique em 'abrir'
24- Select the groups that you want add [less than 100 images by time because this process consume a lot of memory] and 'open'
24- Seleccione los grupos de imágenes que desea agregar [siempre menos de 100 imágenes a la vez, por consume mucha memoria y puede dar error] y haga clic en 'abrir'

25- Selecione 'Detect group-index from filename' selecione 'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' e na parte 'X:' coloque o resultado do valor que você multiplicou por  4,  e na parte 'Y:' coloque o resultado do valor que você multiplicou por 4, mude o número para 9000,0 [porque esse foi o melhor resultado de cores que achei para esse char] e clique em  'OK'
25- Select 'Detect group-index from filename' select 'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' in the part 'X:' put the value that you multiple x4 and in the part 'Y:' put the value that you multiple x4, select the group 9000,0 [because was the best result that i have in the color tests for this char] and click in 'OK'
25- Seleccione 'Detect group-index from filename' seleccione 'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' y en la parte" X: 'coloque el resultado del valor que ha multiplicado por 4, y en la parte' Y: 'coloque el resultado del valor que ha multiplicado por 4, cambie el número a 9000,0 [porque ese fue el mejor resultado de colores que encontré para ese char] y haga clic en 'OK'

26- Vá em  'Sprites'  'Crop image'
26- Now go to 'Sprites'  'Crop image'
26- Vaya en 'Sprites' 'Crop image'

27- E selecione 'All' e 'OK'
27- And select 'All' and 'OK'
27- Y seleccione 'All' y 'OK'

28- No final você selecione os grupos de imagens antigas e quadriculadas e pressiona o botão 'Delete' do seu teclado e confirma 'SIM', deixando apenas as imagens convertidas na ordem correta:
28- In the final you select the groups of images that is pixeled  and press the button 'Delete' of your keyboard and 'YES', letting only the converted images in the correct order:
28- Al final usted selecciona los grupos de imágenes antiguas y cuadriculadas y presiona el botón 'Delete' de su teclado y confirma 'SIM', dejando sólo las imágenes convertidas en el orden correcto:

29- E confirma 'SIM', deixando apenas as imagens convertidas na ordem correta.
29- And 'YES', letting only the converted images in the correct order
29- Y confirma 'SI', dejando sólo las imágenes convertidas en el orden correcto.

30- Para ver a ordem correta abra o .def do char que você fez a cópia e abra do lado o .def com as imagens convertidas e fique trocando a tela para comparar e ver se os sprites estão na ordem correta e vá descendo os grupos olhando até o final se estão na ordem correta, e mude a ordem dos sprites para a ordem correta caso seja necessário, pois tem que deixar a ordem igual ao do char original. E no final salve na parte 'Project' e depois 'Save as ...' e salve por cima do .def do seu char.
30-To see the correct order open the .def that is in the copy of folder of char and change the windows to seeing the correct places and change the positions of sprites if necessary, in the final save in the part 'Project' and then 'Save as ...' and save it over the .def of your char.
30- Para ver el orden correcto abra el .def del char que usted hizo la copia y abra del lado el .def con las imágenes convertidas y quédese cambiando la pantalla para comparar y ver si los sprites están en el orden correcto y va bajando los grupos mirando hasta el final si están en el orden correcto, y cambie el orden de los sprites al orden correcto si es necesario, pues tiene que dejar el orden igual al del char original. Y al final salve en la parte 'Project' y luego 'Guardar las ...' y salve por encima del .def de su char.

31- E fique trocando a tela para comparar e ver se os sprites estão na ordem correta e vá descendo os grupos olhando até o final se estão na ordem correta, e mude a ordem dos sprites para a ordem correta caso seja necessário, pois tem que deixar a ordem igual ao do char original. E no final salve na parte 'Project' e depois 'Save as ...' e salve por cima do .def do seu char.
31- And change the windows to seeing the correct places and change the positions of sprites if necessary, in the final save in the part 'Project' and then 'Save as ...' and save it over the .def of your char.
31- Y quédese cambiando la pantalla para comparar y ver si los sprites están en el orden correcto y va descendiendo los grupos mirando hasta el final si están en el orden correcto, y cambie el orden de los sprites al orden correcto si es necesario, pues tiene que dejar la marca orden igual al del char original. Y al final salve en la parte 'Project' y luego 'Guardar las ...' y salve por encima del .def de su char.

32-  Fique trocando a tela para comparar e ver se os sprites estão na ordem correta e vá descendo os grupos olhando até o final se estão na ordem correta, e mude a ordem dos sprites para a ordem correta caso seja necessário, pois tem que deixar a ordem igual ao do char original.
32-To see the correct order open the .def that is in the copy of folder of char and change the windows to seeing the correct places and change the positions of sprites if necessary.
32- Quédate cambiando la pantalla para comparar y ver si los sprites están en el orden correcto y va descendiendo los grupos mirando hasta el final si están en el orden correcto, y cambia el orden de los sprites al orden correcto si es necesario, pues tiene que dejar el orden igual al del char original.

33- E no final salve na parte 'Project' e depois 'Save as ...' e salve por cima do .def do seu char.
33- In the final save in the part 'Project' and then 'Save as ...' and save it over the .def of your char.
33- Y al final salve en la parte 'Project' y luego 'Save as ...' y salve por encima del .def de su char.

34- Agora procure na pasta do char e abra o arquivo .cns que tem essa parte [Size] nesse caso o valor é:
34- Now search in the folder of char and open the file .cns file that have this part [Size] in this case  the value is:
34- Ahora busque en la carpeta del char y abra el archivo .cns que tiene esa parte [Size] en ese caso el valor es:

xscale = 0.8
yscale = 0.8

35- E divida o valor por 4 [nesse caso o resultado foi esse:
35- And divide the value by 4  [in this case the result was this:
35- E divida el valor por 4 [en ese caso el resultado fue ese:
xscale = 0.2
yscale = 0.2

36- Agora abra o arquivo 'Doubls_Clsn_Size.rar' e mova os 2 arquivos para a pasta do char
36- Now open the file 'Doubls_Clsn_Size.rar' and move this 2 files to the char folder
36- Ahora abra el archivo 'Doubls_Clsn_Size.rar' y mueva los 2 archivos a la carpeta del char

37- E execute o arquivo 'double_clsn.exe' e espere a janela que vai aparecer fechar sozinha.
37- And execute the file 'double_clsn.exe' and wait the window close alone.
37- Y ejecute el archivo 'double_clsn.exe' y espere a que la ventana aparezca cerrar sola.

38- Delete o arquivo original '.air' [nesse caso o arquivo é esse 'vegeta.air'] e confirme 'sim'
38- Delete the original file '.air' [in this case is this 'vegeta.air'] and confirm 'yes'
38- Borrar el archivo original '.air' [en ese caso el archivo es ese 'vegeta.air'] y confirme 'sí'

39- Renomeie o arquivo .txt que foi criado e apague a ultima parte '.txt' deixando apenas assim 'vegeta.air'
39- Rename the .txt file that was created and erase the last part '.txt' letting only 'vegeta.air'
39- Renombrar el archivo .txt que fue creado y borrar la última parte '.txt' dejando sólo así 'vegeta.air'

40- Agora execute novamente o arquivo 'double_clsn.exe' e espere a janela que vai aparecer fechar sozinha.
40- Now execute again the file 'double_clsn.exe' and wait the window close alone.
40- Ahora ejecute de nuevo el archivo 'double_clsn.exe' y espere a que la ventana aparezca cerrar sola.

41- Delete novamente o arquivo '.air' [nesse caso o arquivo é o 'vegeta.air'] e confirme 'sim'
41- Delete again the file '.air' [in this case is the 'vegeta.air'] and confirm 'yes'
41- Delete nuevamente el archivo '.air' [en ese caso el archivo es el 'vegeta.air'] y confirme 'sí'

42- Renomeie novamente o novo arquivo .txt que foi criado e apague a ultima parte '.txt' deixando apenas assim 'vegeta.air'
42- Rename again the new .txt file that was created and erase the last part '.txt' letting only 'vegeta.air'
42- Renombrar de nuevo el nuevo archivo .txt que fue creado y borrar la última parte '.txt' dejando sólo así 'vegeta.air'
Observação: Você precisa converter o arquivo .air do seu char 2 vezes com o programa 'Doubls_Clsn_Size' para que as imagens de colisões fiqum nos lugares corretos.
Note: You need to convert the .air file from char 2 times with the 'Doubls_Clsn_Size' program so that the collisions are in the correct places.
Nota: Debe convertir el archivo .air de su char 2 veces con el programa 'Doubls_Clsn_Size' para que las imágenes de colisiones queden en los lugares correctos.

43- Apague esses 3 arquivos que você não vai precisar mais.
43- Delete this 3 files that you don't need more.
43- Borrar estos 3 archivos que no va a necesitar más.

44- Agora vá nessa parte 'Run the current project in engine...' ou em algum mugen screenpack que você tiver, e teste todos movimentos e especiais do char e veja se alguma imagem vai aparecer pequena, e se tiver, você vê qual imagem é procura o grupo dela no FFS = Fighter Factory Studio e converte usando o metodo apresentado e depois muda esse grupo no char.
E se você tiver problema com alguma paleta de cor depois que estiver tudo convertido, você desabilita indo no .def do char e digitando um ; na frente do numero da paleta que esta com problema.
Eu espero que com esse tutorial daqui para frente apareça vários chars legais convertidos em HI-RES.
No meu caso eu estou convertendo os melhores chars que eu acho e sempre quis ver em HI-RES.
44- Now go in this part 'Run the current project in engine...' or in some mugen screenpack that you have, and test all the moves and specials of the char and see if any is with the small image, if you have some you see what the image is, then go in the Fighter Factory Studio search for this group saves the group with the alignment of them, converts to 4x with the program ImageResizer-r133.exe using the video or tutorial tips and then overrides in the char.
And if you have a problem with some palette disable it by placing one; in front of the .def palette of the char.
I hope that with this tutorial from now on come several legal chars converted into HI-RES.
In my case I'm converting the best chars I think and always wanted to see in HI-RES.
44- Ahora ve en esa parte 'Run the current project in engine ...' o en algún mugen screenpack que tengas, y prueba todos los movimientos y especiales del char y ve si alguna imagen va a aparecer pequeña, y si tienes, ves qué imagen es buscar el grupo de ella en FFS = Fighter Factory Studio y convierte usando el método presentado y luego cambia ese grupo en el char.
Y si tienes algún problema con alguna paleta de colores después de que todo está convertido, deshabilita ir en el .def del char y escribiendo uno; en el frente del número de la paleta que está con problema.
Espero que con este tutorial de aquí en adelante aparezca varios caracteres legales convertidos en HI-RES.
En mi caso estoy convirtiendo los mejores chars que creo y siempre quise ver en HI-RES.

And this is the link of oficial post in my group:
:bison: IF YOU WANT SOME SPECIFIC CHAR IN HI-RES=FILTERED SPRITES SEND ME A MESSAGE IN MY E-MAIL WITH THE LINK OF CHAR THAT I CONVERT TO HI-RES (Observation is a very cheap price :yes: and the result is very good]. Here is my e-mail: :bison:

My youtube channel:
And If you want Suport me / Encourage me, donate here: :bison:
Last Edit: May 27, 2018, 03:46:11 pm by Ramon Garcia
#2  April 23, 2018, 03:25:23 pm
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  • El Chanfle
  • Latino Americano, Young Generation & Drawist
    • Mexico
Interesante amigo! Lo checare despues. Pero se mira no tan complicado. Porcierto te interesaria hacer tutoriales de fighter factory studio en espanol o en ingles? Ya que me interesaria ver. Jeje.

"Survival of the fittest is nature's way!"
#3  April 23, 2018, 03:47:08 pm
  • ******
  • I am hilarious
  • and you will quote everything I say
    • USA
Post only in English.
#4  May 02, 2018, 02:31:28 pm
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    • Brazil
Update: I add a tutorial with image and text in some days i will finish the translate to spanish and add a link with all images and text to download, and when i do this a will let other message in comment.
:bison: IF YOU WANT SOME SPECIFIC CHAR IN HI-RES=FILTERED SPRITES SEND ME A MESSAGE IN MY E-MAIL WITH THE LINK OF CHAR THAT I CONVERT TO HI-RES (Observation is a very cheap price :yes: and the result is very good]. Here is my e-mail: :bison:

My youtube channel:
And If you want Suport me / Encourage me, donate here: :bison:
Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 02:35:59 am by Ramon Garcia
#5  May 06, 2018, 02:35:46 am
  • ***
    • Brazil
Ready i finish the tutorial with 3 languages PT-BR, ENG and ESP.
Now i hope that people convert many good chars to HI-RES.
Good year to all.
:bison: IF YOU WANT SOME SPECIFIC CHAR IN HI-RES=FILTERED SPRITES SEND ME A MESSAGE IN MY E-MAIL WITH THE LINK OF CHAR THAT I CONVERT TO HI-RES (Observation is a very cheap price :yes: and the result is very good]. Here is my e-mail: :bison:

My youtube channel:
And If you want Suport me / Encourage me, donate here: :bison:
Re: MUGEN CHAR HI-RES TUTORIAL using Fighter Factory Studio by AlesRos-RAMON GARCIA
#6  May 10, 2018, 01:22:18 pm
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    • Italy
Ready i finish the tutorial with 3 languages PT-BR, ENG and ESP.
Now i hope that people convert many good chars to HI-RES.
Good year to all.

Hi Ramon, I'm Ingrid Cold, I saw you're very good at creating characters in hd, I wanted to ask you if you want to join in 2 projects?
One for the characters of KOF and the other Capcom Vs Snk, I want to do a lot of characters and stages in high resolution.
Let me know if you're interested?
Together we can create a nice game in hd.
Re: MUGEN CHAR HI-RES TUTORIAL using Fighter Factory Studio by AlesRos-RAMON GARCIA
#7  May 12, 2018, 01:12:31 pm
  • ***
    • Brazil
Ready i finish the tutorial with 3 languages PT-BR, ENG and ESP.
Now i hope that people convert many good chars to HI-RES.
Good year to all.

Hi Ramon, I'm Ingrid Cold, I saw you're very good at creating characters in hd, I wanted to ask you if you want to join in 2 projects?
One for the characters of KOF and the other Capcom Vs Snk, I want to do a lot of characters and stages in high resolution.
Let me know if you're interested?
Together we can create a nice game in hd.

Sorry but now i'm already in 2 projects that is convert the the chars of game DBZ vs One Piece by Kenshiro99 to HI-RES and do a MVC style Mugen compilation in HI-RES Too.
Who knows in the future.
But i say to you that this method is the faster that i know to convert chars to HI-RES until now, and if you use, you will convert very fast the chars :)
:bison: IF YOU WANT SOME SPECIFIC CHAR IN HI-RES=FILTERED SPRITES SEND ME A MESSAGE IN MY E-MAIL WITH THE LINK OF CHAR THAT I CONVERT TO HI-RES (Observation is a very cheap price :yes: and the result is very good]. Here is my e-mail: :bison:

My youtube channel:
And If you want Suport me / Encourage me, donate here: :bison:
Re: MUGEN CHAR HI-RES TUTORIAL using Fighter Factory Studio by AlesRos-RAMON GARCIA
#8  May 14, 2018, 07:20:56 pm
  • avatar
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    • Italy
Ready i finish the tutorial with 3 languages PT-BR, ENG and ESP.
Now i hope that people convert many good chars to HI-RES.
Good year to all.

Hi Ramon, I'm Ingrid Cold, I saw you're very good at creating characters in hd, I wanted to ask you if you want to join in 2 projects?
One for the characters of KOF and the other Capcom Vs Snk, I want to do a lot of characters and stages in high resolution.
Let me know if you're interested?
Together we can create a nice game in hd.

Sorry but now i'm already in 2 projects that is convert the the chars of game DBZ vs One Piece by Kenshiro99 to HI-RES and do a MVC style Mugen compilation in HI-RES Too.
Who knows in the future.
But i say to you that this method is the faster that i know to convert chars to HI-RES until now, and if you use, you will convert very fast the chars :)

It's not a speed problem, it's a fast process does not mean it's bug-free.
The characters made in hi res almost always suffer from bugs, for example in particular situations, which can be moved, attacks etc. the character changes suddenly greatness, and it is a problem that I do not understand how to solve.
It is useless to create characters in hi res if they are full of bugs :)
Re: MUGEN CHAR HI-RES TUTORIAL using Fighter Factory Studio by AlesRos-RAMON GARCIA
#9  May 15, 2018, 03:37:00 pm
  • ***
    • Brazil
Ready i finish the tutorial with 3 languages PT-BR, ENG and ESP.
Now i hope that people convert many good chars to HI-RES.
Good year to all.

Hi Ramon, I'm Ingrid Cold, I saw you're very good at creating characters in hd, I wanted to ask you if you want to join in 2 projects?
One for the characters of KOF and the other Capcom Vs Snk, I want to do a lot of characters and stages in high resolution.
Let me know if you're interested?
Together we can create a nice game in hd.

Sorry but now i'm already in 2 projects that is convert the the chars of game DBZ vs One Piece by Kenshiro99 to HI-RES and do a MVC style Mugen compilation in HI-RES Too.
Who knows in the future.
But i say to you that this method is the faster that i know to convert chars to HI-RES until now, and if you use, you will convert very fast the chars :)

It's not a speed problem, it's a fast process does not mean it's bug-free.
The characters made in hi res almost always suffer from bugs, for example in particular situations, which can be moved, attacks etc. the character changes suddenly greatness, and it is a problem that I do not understand how to solve.
It is useless to create characters in hi res if they are full of bugs :)

i learn how to fix some  bugs in HI-RES chars send to me the chars that you already done all the work, in private message here;u=84319 , and say what error you see, that i try fix, and if i get i send the link of char fixed to you, and say how i fix ok.
:bison: IF YOU WANT SOME SPECIFIC CHAR IN HI-RES=FILTERED SPRITES SEND ME A MESSAGE IN MY E-MAIL WITH THE LINK OF CHAR THAT I CONVERT TO HI-RES (Observation is a very cheap price :yes: and the result is very good]. Here is my e-mail: :bison:

My youtube channel:
And If you want Suport me / Encourage me, donate here: :bison:
Re: MUGEN CHAR HI-RES TUTORIAL using Fighter Factory Studio by AlesRos-RAMON GARCIA
#10  May 15, 2018, 04:23:11 pm
  • avatar
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    • Italy
Ready i finish the tutorial with 3 languages PT-BR, ENG and ESP.
Now i hope that people convert many good chars to HI-RES.
Good year to all.

Hi Ramon, I'm Ingrid Cold, I saw you're very good at creating characters in hd, I wanted to ask you if you want to join in 2 projects?
One for the characters of KOF and the other Capcom Vs Snk, I want to do a lot of characters and stages in high resolution.
Let me know if you're interested?
Together we can create a nice game in hd.

Sorry but now i'm already in 2 projects that is convert the the chars of game DBZ vs One Piece by Kenshiro99 to HI-RES and do a MVC style Mugen compilation in HI-RES Too.
Who knows in the future.
But i say to you that this method is the faster that i know to convert chars to HI-RES until now, and if you use, you will convert very fast the chars :)

It's not a speed problem, it's a fast process does not mean it's bug-free.
The characters made in hi res almost always suffer from bugs, for example in particular situations, which can be moved, attacks etc. the character changes suddenly greatness, and it is a problem that I do not understand how to solve.
It is useless to create characters in hi res if they are full of bugs :)

i learn how to fix some  bugs in HI-RES chars send to me the chars that you already done all the work, in private message here;u=84319 , and say what error you see, that i try fix, and if i get i send the link of char fixed to you, and say how i fix ok.

Do not worry (then that link does not work), all the characters I have done in hi res suffer from this problem, I have already tried in the past to solve it but without result, suddenly the character becomes bigger and not so how to solve it, this I wanted to do the characters together, because 90% of the characters suffer from bugs, and then you have to roll up your sleeves and try to figure out how to do it.
If you want I can send you a character with that bug to get you an idea, I gave up trying to figure out how to solve it, only someone with deep knowledge of mugen could do it.
In reality, a way exists but it means reprogramming the whole character or almost.
To avoid the bug that the character is getting bigger, do not change xscale and yscale.
Re: MUGEN CHAR HI-RES TUTORIAL using Fighter Factory Studio by AlesRos-RAMON GARCIA
#11  May 19, 2018, 03:04:51 pm
  • ***
    • Brazil
Ready i finish the tutorial with 3 languages PT-BR, ENG and ESP.
Now i hope that people convert many good chars to HI-RES.
Good year to all.

Hi Ramon, I'm Ingrid Cold, I saw you're very good at creating characters in hd, I wanted to ask you if you want to join in 2 projects?
One for the characters of KOF and the other Capcom Vs Snk, I want to do a lot of characters and stages in high resolution.
Let me know if you're interested?
Together we can create a nice game in hd.

Sorry but now i'm already in 2 projects that is convert the the chars of game DBZ vs One Piece by Kenshiro99 to HI-RES and do a MVC style Mugen compilation in HI-RES Too.
Who knows in the future.
But i say to you that this method is the faster that i know to convert chars to HI-RES until now, and if you use, you will convert very fast the chars :)

It's not a speed problem, it's a fast process does not mean it's bug-free.
The characters made in hi res almost always suffer from bugs, for example in particular situations, which can be moved, attacks etc. the character changes suddenly greatness, and it is a problem that I do not understand how to solve.
It is useless to create characters in hi res if they are full of bugs :)

i learn how to fix some  bugs in HI-RES chars send to me the chars that you already done all the work, in private message here;u=84319 , and say what error you see, that i try fix, and if i get i send the link of char fixed to you, and say how i fix ok.

Do not worry (then that link does not work), all the characters I have done in hi res suffer from this problem, I have already tried in the past to solve it but without result, suddenly the character becomes bigger and not so how to solve it, this I wanted to do the characters together, because 90% of the characters suffer from bugs, and then you have to roll up your sleeves and try to figure out how to do it.
If you want I can send you a character with that bug to get you an idea, I gave up trying to figure out how to solve it, only someone with deep knowledge of mugen could do it.
In reality, a way exists but it means reprogramming the whole character or almost.
To avoid the bug that the character is getting bigger, do not change xscale and yscale.

Yes send the link of char to me that i will try fix for you and if i get i say how to do ok.
And In my case the unique problem is with some pallets of char that not show correct, that i have to disable or change,
And some images that is showed big, and in this case i just found the image and change the scale of image.
And what link you say that don't work?  (then that link does not work)???
:bison: IF YOU WANT SOME SPECIFIC CHAR IN HI-RES=FILTERED SPRITES SEND ME A MESSAGE IN MY E-MAIL WITH THE LINK OF CHAR THAT I CONVERT TO HI-RES (Observation is a very cheap price :yes: and the result is very good]. Here is my e-mail: :bison:

My youtube channel:
And If you want Suport me / Encourage me, donate here: :bison:
Re: MUGEN CHAR HI-RES TUTORIAL using Fighter Factory Studio by AlesRos-RAMON GARCIA
#12  September 18, 2018, 01:49:24 pm
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    • Italy
Hi Ramon, but to do the stage hi is the process is the same?
-- Stages mugen 1.0 converted in hi res to mugen 1.1.0 Beta 1. --