
Characters of varo_hades  (Read 280254 times)

Started by varo_hades, April 15, 2014, 11:08:31 am
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Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#361  January 08, 2015, 11:26:45 am
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Thanks man, these hyper portraits are cool, and if not too much trouble can you make one hyper portrait for Adon please? (Is for the Adon of Trololo, I hope that not offend Trololo)

No problem. :)

And for a bonus:

Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#362  January 08, 2015, 01:37:49 pm
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A big request for 1.1 isers, could somebody do an alternative shock charge sprites (bashing punches move) that doesnt look so compressed when it comes to color loss so we could use them in mugen 1.1 on 24 bits?
Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#363  January 09, 2015, 06:27:55 am
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Wow, it actually fits quite nicely and matches his body movement xD. I say keep it.
Jajaja yeah, I thought the same, because even the sprites by capcom in cvs still looks in SFA style, but with a little change of size looks better.

Thanks man, these hyper portraits are cool, and if not too much trouble can you make one hyper portrait for Adon please? (Is for the Adon of Trololo, I hope that not offend Trololo)

No problem. :)

And for a bonus:

Woow man thanks :o, the hyper portrait of Blanka looks awesome even more that I was expected :D

Here some news for Blanka:

Ground Shave Rolling lvl1

Ground Shave Rolling/Electric Cannonball lvl2

Edit: And soon I will release the image template, I hope that someone can make this palette of Blanka:

Blanka's palette in cvs
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Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 06:52:22 am by varo_hades
Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#364  January 09, 2015, 02:31:06 pm
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Thanks man, these hyper portraits are cool, and if not too much trouble can you make one hyper portrait for Adon please? (Is for the Adon of Trololo, I hope that not offend Trololo)

No problem. :)

And for a bonus:

Man, you're an awesome!
I will add him later. Also in couple of days can I make an request?
When I gonna be at home I'll try to draw Joe in new style. Shading is problem, but I'll try.
Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#365  January 10, 2015, 04:36:52 am
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More news for Blanka:
Shout of thunder (I decided to name like that because Shout of earth exist in the game cvs2) will have the two versions of Super Street Fighter 4, connecting in the air and in the ground:


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Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#366  January 10, 2015, 04:45:09 am
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Man, you're an awesome!
I will add him later. Also in couple of days can I make an request?
When I gonna be at home I'll try to draw Joe in new style. Shading is problem, but I'll try.

Sure, man. Take your time.
Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#367  January 10, 2015, 05:32:17 am
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I wanna see that super in action in a vid :P

Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#368  January 10, 2015, 06:00:40 am
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Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#369  January 15, 2015, 10:09:37 pm
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Next time you update Rose, add this sixer I just made for her :-)  (If you want to, and don't mind :-])


+  C. Viper

+  Juri

+  Mystique

+  Len

+  Angela

+  Ananzi


Hope you like the bro!
Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#370  January 15, 2015, 10:59:01 pm
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That's nice Ness!
Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#371  January 15, 2015, 11:27:52 pm
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Very nice work on that Mystique pal.
Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#372  January 16, 2015, 12:18:33 am
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Next time you update Rose, add this sixer I just made for her :-)  (If you want to, and don't mind :-])


+  C. Viper

+  Juri

+  Mystique

+  Len

+  Angela

+  Ananzi


Hope you like the bro!
Of course my friend, and thanks all looks really amazing :D
I can't imagine what amazing palettes you would make for Blanka jeje
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Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#373  January 21, 2015, 01:22:20 am
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    • Dominica
Why? this amazing proyect is stop for days :D school? real life? girlfriend? or girlfriends? :P say somethig, trololo is lazy and you.xD??
Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#374  January 21, 2015, 01:42:31 am
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cant you just wait, learn to be patient pls


Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#375  January 21, 2015, 01:53:06 am
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Why? this amazing proyect is stop for days :D school? real life? girlfriend? or girlfriends? :P say somethig, trololo is lazy and you.xD??

yaret STOP doing this. stop bumping threads just to ask why the project hasn't updated. it's very annoying and varo will update when he can. don't demand him to say anything, stop requesting characters to be made and do not call trololo lazy! It's very rude and disrespectful people are busy. You do this all the time yaret, can't you just wait??? You're way too impatient. Just please. Stop. Varo will update when he can.
Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#376  January 21, 2015, 02:27:13 am
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Why? this amazing proyect is stop for days :D school? real life? girlfriend? or girlfriends? :P say somethig, trololo is lazy and you.xD??

yaret STOP doing this. stop bumping threads just to ask why the project hasn't updated. it's very annoying and varo will update when he can. don't demand him to say anything, stop requesting characters to be made and do not call trololo lazy! It's very rude and disrespectful people are busy. You do this all the time yaret, can't you just wait??? You're way too impatient. Just please. Stop. Varo will update when he can.
+1 I have to agree :) just be patient, when ppl take the right time to make stuff the experience about it will be better :)

Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#377  January 21, 2015, 06:50:17 am
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Why? this amazing proyect is stop for days :D school? real life? girlfriend? or girlfriends? :P say somethig, trololo is lazy and you.xD??
For some reasons, the school, I wanted release the edit of Sagat and another that I'm working (Top Secret) and little unmotivated to publish I mean I like to see comments like opinions or something like that, this not means that I'm not working on Blanka, anyway some news of Blanka:
-The ground throws are done
-The Jungle Heat level 1 is close to be done
-Both Rain Fruit are close to be done only need to add the watermelons
-I still waiting if someone can make the sprites of Beast Hurricane (No matter if someone make it or not, I will release him)

And well, I don't anger or something like that, when someone ask about my projects.
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Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#378  January 21, 2015, 07:43:24 am
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I don't know what people ennying so easy, my coment wasn't rude  then that means the thread are insterering for people are looking fowared a thread. well it's nice to see blanka is still in progress and there is a secret think comming that's exciting to know,  can't wait to see.xD well about Beast Hurricane maybe chucho could be do it in a couple days just type him to see what he thinks. if you don't do it you'll never know. Well we have as well Dempir, Trololo, Shao_kun. Just try.
Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 07:49:31 am by yaret
Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#379  January 21, 2015, 08:03:28 am
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I don't know what people ennying so easy, my coment wasn't rude  then that means the thread are insterering for people are looking fowared a thread. well it's nice to see blanka is still in progress and there is a secret think comming that's exciting to know,  can't wait to see.xD well about Beast Hurricane maybe chucho could be do it in a couple days just type him to see what he thinks. if you don't do it you'll never know. Well we have as well Dempir, Trololo, Shao_kun. Just try.
Yeah any of them, would be good options to ask :D
PS: I don't released the template of Blanka because I need to separate the fruit xD (only thinking in this boring me, but I will)
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Re: Characters of varo_hades (Rose is here, and Blanka is coming)
#380  January 21, 2015, 11:02:45 am
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i know you're just excited yaret, but please, you always seem very impatient. just dial down the questions okay? it's not that hard.
sorry if i seemed very angry, it's just that you always bump threads just to ask about progress. i know it was out of my place to get angry and i am sorry for that, but yaret, please be patient okay :)