
Chun-Li by Yamori X [Update: 8/7/2017] (Read 20641 times)

Started by yamme, July 19, 2017, 03:18:24 am
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Chun-Li by Yamori X [Update: 8/7/2017]
#1  July 19, 2017, 03:18:24 am
  • ***
  • A human that exists sometimes.
    • USA
Hello, everybody! Today I present to you something new, that I've wanted to work on for quite a while. I decided to take it back to my ol' custom style again with one of my favorite characters, Chun-Li! Chun herself is based on both Alpha 3 and her EX2 appearance (mostly EX2, even to the voice used). The gameplay system in place is based on both Vampire Savior and Street Fighter EX, taking ES moves, chaining, and Guard Cancels from VSav, and the Super Cancelling, and Guard Breakers from SFEX. I had a lotta fun with this one, and I hope you guys do too. Remember, don't hesitate to leave your thoughts and feedback below! Thanks!

Current Version: v1.3 (8/7/2017)

Here's a glorious showcase trailer from TheFclass97:

Get her at my section of TrinityMUGEN.

I've also updated my custom YX styled Lilith with accomodations to update the gameplay system and other polish. You can pick her up, as well a few of my other creations, on TrinityMUGEN as well. I'll leave the changelist in a spoiler right here, for those who are curious:

Spoiler: Lilith Changes (click to see content)

do the thing
Last Edit: August 07, 2017, 09:10:33 pm by Yamori X
Re: Chun-Li by Yamori X
#2  July 19, 2017, 03:54:39 am
  • *****
Jesus, excellent work Yamori, If I wasn't a POTS fag this would be in my roster asap (at this point I am considering a new roster for the MVC inspired stuff)
I like how you gave her the cancels from EX and stuff, and that theme kicks so much ass, good job.

Your own style is so much fun to play as, from what I get its a mix of the MVC and EX cancels and its great.

Sprites are awesome, the EX stun move is also there, again awesome release.

Edit 2
Im putting her in my roster IDGAF, along with Lilith. these are way to fun to pass up on.
Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 04:12:44 am by PeXXeR
Re: Chun-Li by Yamori X
#3  July 19, 2017, 04:34:22 am
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    • Puerto Rico
Swag... Glad I could help with this awesome character! :3 Also cool to see a refreshment on your style, can't wait to play and learn it more.
Re: Chun-Li by Yamori X
#4  July 19, 2017, 05:11:47 am
  • **
    • Brazil
She looks awesome, i will download her. Thank you.
Re: Chun-Li by Yamori X
#5  July 19, 2017, 05:15:13 am
  • ****
    • Canada
Good to see you back in the game Yamori! And with a Chun-Li in your custom style and with her Alpha design to boot? This is a treat!
Re: Chun-Li by Yamori X
#6  July 19, 2017, 05:16:49 am
  • *****
Yamori, is this on purpose or is it me, she cant cancel to a hyper from her heavy attacks ?
Re: Chun-Li by Yamori X
#7  July 19, 2017, 05:34:13 am
  • ***
  • A human that exists sometimes.
    • USA
Yamori, is this on purpose or is it me, she cant cancel to a hyper from her heavy attacks ?
Yeah, I made it so that you can only cancel from lights or mediums. It's a trait in part carried over from Vampire Savior.
do the thing


Re: Chun-Li by Yamori X
#8  July 20, 2017, 01:08:37 am
  • *****
    • USA
holy crap this plays really well. if there is anyone i would wanna see code a Darkstalkers vs Street Fighter game you would be on the top 3
Re: Chun-Li by Yamori X
#9  July 20, 2017, 01:32:31 am
  • *****
  • I must continue my training...
I'm a fan of your work bro. And she looks top notch.

Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best.

Mugen is a way for me to remain nostalgic with all of the dream matches I cooked up as a kid. It's also what I call a "Digital Action Figure Collection."
MaxBeta link=topic=155656.msg1876950#msg1876950 date=13867
Vegaz_Parrelli...also known as The Lord of the Rings.
[/quote said:
Re: Chun-Li by Yamori X
#10  July 20, 2017, 01:40:52 am
  • *****
after playing with her the last day, she is great, but the fact that she cant cancel out of her  heavy attacks I feel limits her a bit,it makes me play her like a 4 button char. dunno, dunno, maybe im not used to it.


Re: Chun-Li by Yamori X
#11  July 20, 2017, 01:42:43 am
  • *****
    • USA
that's how it is in some of the games yamori sourced
Re: Chun-Li by Yamori X
#12  July 20, 2017, 01:46:06 am
  • *****
I know. I just wanted to share my 2 cents on the matter after I played with her a fair bit.
Re: Chun-Li by Yamori X
#13  July 20, 2017, 02:02:21 am
  • ******
  • The Lord of Vampire
  • Member of the Reign of Kreation
    • Brazil
    • Skype - guiaugusto20

Quite a great surprise. Welcome back Yamori. :)
Re: Chun-Li by Yamori X
#14  July 20, 2017, 02:37:25 am
  • ****
nice to see you back Yamori X  :8):

My real life is coming soon........!
Re: Chun-Li by Yamori X
#15  July 20, 2017, 05:27:36 pm
  • ****
your lilith yx's AI doesn't attack opponent, but only throwing her opponent

My real life is coming soon........!
Chun-Li by Yamori X [Update: 7/21/2017]
#16  July 22, 2017, 02:36:30 am
  • ***
  • A human that exists sometimes.
    • USA
I've updated Chun-Li with a few little corrections to some lil' bugs I found. I'll leave a changelist below:

CHUN-LI v1.1

-Guard Breaker now cancellable from Specials + Supers
-Added missing chain from Close s.HP to c.HK
-Corrected missing explod on Kikosho Goku
-Corrected weird guard anim timing
-Hitbox tweaks
-Various hitspark coords fixed
-Minor anim change to Senretsu Kyaku
-Listed Sankaku Tobi (walljump) in readme

Get her at my section of TrinityMUGEN.

your lilith yx's AI doesn't attack opponent, but only throwing her opponent
I meant to remove the AI, but I actually forgot to remove a check for it, so it was reading blanks. I've corrected that and added the new Guard Breaker properties, so redownload her if you'd like those changes.
do the thing
Re: Chun-Li by Yamori X [Update: 7/21/2017]
#17  July 22, 2017, 02:43:23 am
  • ******
  • DCB | Vato
    • Bolivia
this is probably the most solid character ive seen in years. Good stuff man
Re: Chun-Li by Yamori X [Update: 7/21/2017]
#18  July 22, 2017, 06:00:04 am
  • ***
  • A human that exists sometimes.
    • USA
Well, it wouldn't be one o' my chars if I didn't find a bug or two right after a release. hehehe..

CHUN-LI v1.15

-Fixed missing hyper explod goof on certain supers
-Fixed Kikosho Goku sprpriority goof

Redownload on TrinityMUGEN plz thanks.

this is probably the most solid character ive seen in years. Good stuff man
do the thing
Re: Chun-Li by Yamori X [Update: 7/21/2017]
#19  July 22, 2017, 07:45:54 pm
  • ******
  • The Lord of Vampire
  • Member of the Reign of Kreation
    • Brazil
    • Skype - guiaugusto20
Thanks for the update Yamori, gotta enjoy her some more. :)
Chun-Li by Yamori X [Update: 7/24/2017]
#20  July 25, 2017, 04:08:30 am
  • ***
  • A human that exists sometimes.
    • USA
When I discovered yet another bug, I decided before spamming in another update that I'd give it a few days of testing before I put out yet another update, and caught a few things I wanted to change before then. Quite glad I did that. This should be the last one for a while, hopefully. Here's a changelist:

CHUN-LI v1.2

-Fixed yet another bug involving Hyper charge fx
-Fixed minor Kikosho Goku anim error
-Reduced chip damage in Senretsu Kyaku
-Added little PosAdd to throw when near wall
-Frame data tweaks
-More hitbox tweaks

Pick her up on TrinityMUGEN.
do the thing