
The DEF file  (Read 10081 times)

Started by JustNoPoint, October 27, 2015, 04:06:47 pm
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The DEF file
New #1  October 27, 2015, 04:06:47 pm
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This is an example for SFFv2 and SFFv2.1

; Definition file for Kung Fu Man
; Contains all the filenames needed for the character

; Player information
name = "Kung Fu Man"        ;Name of character
displayname = "Kung Fu Man" ;Name of character to display
versiondate = 09,30,2009    ;Version date of character (MM-DD-YYYY or X.XX)
mugenversion = 1.0          ;Version of M.U.G.E.N character works on (X.XX)
author = "Elecbyte"         ;Character author name
pal.defaults = 1,2,3,4      ;Default palettes in order of preference (up to 4)
                            ;Numbering starts from 1
localcoord = 320,240        ;Local coordinate space width and height

; Files for the player
cmd     = kfm.mfg           ;Command set *note the default file will be kfm.cmd, it was changed in this example to prevent false positives with antivirus software
cns     = kfm.cns           ;Constants
st      = kfm.cns           ;States
stcommon = common1.cns      ;Common states (from data/ or motif)
sprite  = kfm.sff           ;Sprite
anim    = kfm.air           ;Animation
sound   = kfm.snd           ;Sound
ai      =            ;AI hints data (not used)

; Maps character selection buttons to palette numbers.
[Palette Keymap]
x = 1 ;Press button X to select palette 1, etc.
y = 2
z = 3
a = 4
b = 5
c = 6
;x2 = 7 ;Hold Start and press button X for palette 7, etc.
;y2 = 8
;z2 = 9
;a2 = 10
;b2 = 11
;c2 = 12

; Arcade mode
intro.storyboard = intro.def
ending.storyboard = ending.def
Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 04:00:46 pm by Just No Point
Re: The DEF file
#2  October 27, 2015, 08:04:14 pm
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  • Hedgehog Whisperer
  • Red Bull addict
    • Spain
don't forget to mention the CMD extension has been renamed in this example to prevent false positives with antivirus software
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Re: The DEF file
#3  October 27, 2015, 08:13:06 pm
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That was actually a mistake on my part copying from my own KFM. But it's a good note. I'll add it.
Re: The DEF file
#4  January 27, 2017, 03:59:13 pm
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Here is an example of the .def for SFFv1 Notice the palettes are changed and added here

; Definition file for Normal Vegeta Z2


name = "Normal Vegeta Z2"
displayname = "Vegeta"
versiondate = 10,19,2013
mugenversion = 1.0
author = "Team Z2"
;Normal Vegeta Z2 by Balthazar, Cybaster & XGargoyle
pal.defaults = 1,2,5


sprite = files\vegeta.sff
anim = files\vegeta.air
sound = files\vegeta.snd
cmd = files\vegeta.cmd
cns = states\constants.cns
stcommon = common1.cns
st = states\system.cns
st2 = states\helpers.cns
st3 = states\state-2-3.cns
st4 = states\override.cns
st5 = v_config.txt
st6 = states\normals.cns
st7 = states\specials.cns
st8 = states\supers.cns
;st9 = states\trial.cns


pal1 = palettes\extra\Balthazar-Bukuu_Ressen2.act
pal2 = palettes\extra\Balthazar-SSW2_alt.act
pal3 = palettes\extra\Balthazar-RagingBlast.act
pal4 = palettes\extra\Balthazar-Buu_Saga.act
pal5 = palettes\extra\DJ_Track-Old_Vegeta.act
pal6 = palettes\extra\CGU-DBGT_vegeta.act
pal7 = palettes\extra\Maladingdong-Kazuya.act
pal8 = palettes\extra\Dope-Dark.act
pal9 = palettes\extra\Blue_Sun_Studios-Shadow_the_Hedgehog.act
pal10 = palettes\extra\Blue_Sun_Studios-Wario.act
pal11 = palettes\extra\Blue_Sun_Studios-Waluigi.act
pal12 = palettes\extra\Blue_Sun_Studios-Ganondorf.act

;intro.storyboard =
;ending.storyboard =