
HitDefAttr(*,***) (Triggers) (Read 5879 times)

Started by JustNoPoint, October 09, 2015, 03:45:53 pm
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HitDefAttr(*,***) (Triggers)
#1  October 09, 2015, 03:45:53 pm
  • ******

Checks the attribute parameter of the player's currently-active HitDef. If the player is not currently attacking, then no parameters will match. Can be used for simple move-interrupts from weaker to stronger attacks in the CMD file.

Note: HitDefAttr != value1, value2 is logically equivalent to !(HitDefAttr = value1, value2).

HitDefAttr [oper] value1, value2
=, !=
A string that has at least one of the letters "S", "C" and "A" for standing, crouching and aerial attacks respectively. For example, "SA" is for standing and aerial attacks.

A set of 2-character strings, separated by commas. Each 2-character string must be of the form described: The first character is either "N" for "normal", "S" for "special", or "H" for "hyper". The second character must be either "A" for "attack" (a normal hit attack) or "T" for "throw". For example, "NA, ST" is for normal attacks and special throws.

Assuming the attribute of the player's HitDef is in the form:

arg1, arg2

then the trigger condition is determined to be true only if arg1 is a subset of value1, AND arg2 is a subset of value2.

See the "attr" parameter of the HitDef controller in Appendix B for details.

Return type:
boolean int (1 or 0)
Error conditions:


trigger1 = HitDefAttr = A, HA
  Triggers when the player is in an attack state, where
  the current HitDef has the following attributes:
      1. is an aerial attack
  and 2. is a hyper (super) attack

trigger1 = HitDefAttr = SC, NA, SA
  Triggers when the player is in an attack state, where
  the current HitDef has the following attributes:
      1. is either a standing or a crouching attack
  and 2. is either a normal attack or a special attack