
Into the fourth beta release (update April 26 ; Eiji and Billy added) (Read 92585 times)

Started by CCIronmugen, February 23, 2014, 05:00:26 pm
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Into the fourth beta release (update April 26 ; Eiji and Billy added)
#1  February 23, 2014, 05:00:26 pm
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  • You ain't nothing but a hound dog
Hi guys.
Well, instead of releasing a rushed fourth beta, I'll release updated characters to slowly make a fourth release.
For the changes, please refer to THIS topic. =) Remember that the X button is now used for taunt (Art of Fighting style), charge (hold back + X, like DBZ Budokai on PSP I think), dodge attack (after/during a guard press fwd+X) and faints (QCF + X)

First of all, you will need the previous beta release (third beta).

And second, download this file : <- updated march.21, forgot to add the air file.
This file includes the brand new "FINAL IMPACT" screen from Real Bout Special Dominated Mind, double-resolution-ized of course. The files obviously go in the /data/ folder.

And third, here are the characters. Each RAR files also include the OLD movelist file (PNG from the third beta). I'll also point out the changes in the commands.


Triple Geizer is now A+C instead of B+C
FINAL IMPACT : Power Wave -> Power Geizer


Ice breaker punch is now Forward + A instead of Back + A
Uppercut is now DF + A instead of DB + A (which is also the start of combo 5)
Ryuko Ranbu is now A+C instead of B+C
FINAL IMPACT : Ko oh ken (slow or fast) -> Haoh sho ko ken
note : ground punch is to be updated like every pursut attack in the game.

ANDY BOGARD (added March, 03 2014)

Chô Reppa Dan is now QCB, HCF + B
Neo Zanei Reppa is now QCB, HCF + A+C
FINAL IMPACT : Hishoken or Zan'ei Ken (weak or strong) -> Chô Reppa Dan

ROBERT GARCIA (added March, 03 2014)

Uppercut is now DF + A instead of DB + A (which is also the start of combo 5)
FINAL IMPACT : Ryuu geki ken (slow or fast) -> Haoh sho ko ken

TAKUMA SAKAZAKI (added March, 10 2014)

Uppercut is now DF + A instead of DB + A
Ryuko Ranbu is now QCF, HCB + A+C
FINAL IMPACT : Ko oh ken (slow or fast) -> Haoh sho ko ken
note : ground punch is to be updated like every pursut attack in the game.

JOE HIGASHI (added March, 10 2014)

Bakuretsu Ken has, now, another finisher QCF+C
Advancing Screw Upper now uses A+C buttons instead of B+C
FINAL IMPACT : Hurricane Upper or any Bakuretsu Ken finisher -> Screw Upper

YURI SAKAZAKI (added March, 17 2014)

Uppercut is now DF + A instead of DB + A (which is also the start of combo 4)
Hien hou ou kyaku is now QCF, HCB + B+C
FINAL IMPACT : Saifa -> Haoh sho ko ken

MAI SHIRANUI (added March, 17 2014)

Chou hissatsu shinobi bashi now uses B button instead of A.
shiranui Hyougi (SDM) has been changed.
FINAL IMPACT : Ryuu'en bu -> Chou hissatsu shinobi bashi

KING (added March, 25 2014)

You will notice she has an old movelist file. Here are the changes :
Mirage Kick is not QCB+B but HCB+C
The command for Double Strike is QCF QCF+B
The command for Surprise Rose is QCF HCB+BC
FINAL IMPACT : Venom Strike (slow or fast) or Mirage Kick -> Double Strike

KIM KAPHWAN (added March, 25 2014)

FINAL IMPACT : Hien Zan or Hangetsu Zan or Hishou Kyaku -> Hou-ou Tenbu Kyaku

LEE PAI LONG (added April, 8 2014)

Jumping claw is DF + a and not DB + a
FINAL IMPACT : Kyaku retsu senpuu kyaku or Hawk's talon dropping or Tetsu no tsume -> Shinkuu kuuten sou

TUNG FU RUE (added April, 8 2014)

5th combi starter is not DB + a but DF + a
Senpuu gouken 's new command is F, QCF + a
Chou sou nami 's new command is QCF, HCB + a+c
FINAL IMPACT : Daishou ha -> Senpuu gouken

KASUMI TODOH (added April, 8 2014)

Elbow attack is F + a, not B + a
Shin kasane ate is a+c, not b+c
FINAL IMPACT : Kasane ate -> Chou kasane ate

LI XIANG FEI (added April, 8 2014)

6th combo last attack is DF + c, not DB + c
Majinga is a+c, not b+c
FINAL IMPACT : Nanpa -> Dai tetsujin
Note : Chou pailong 's starter is C button, but it can also be started with those combos : A A C / A A A C / A C A C

JOHN CRAWLEY (added April, 11 2014)

FINAL IMPACT : Overdrive kick -> Mega smasher

RYUJI YAMAZAKI (added April, 11 2014)

Bussashi is fwd+A, not back+A
4th combo starter is df+A, not db+A
Hebi Tsukai now use each attack button for directions (qcb+A for up, qcb+B for forward and qcb+C for down)
Sabaki no aikuchi is now F, D, DF + A.
Bakudan pachiki is now HCF + A
Drill 's tap buttons are B or C, and not A or C.
FINAL IMPACT : Sadomaso counter attack, or Double return, or Sabaki no aikuchi, or Bakudan pachiki -> Guillotine
note : ground kick is to be updated like every pursut attack in the game.

EIJI KISARAGI (added April, 26 2014)

FINAL IMPACT : Kikoho or Kasumi giri -> Zantetsu ha

BILLY KANE (added April, 26 2014)

FINAL IMPACT : Karyuu tsuigeki kon -> Chou kaen senpuu kon
Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 11:16:50 am by kamenashi_kun
Re: Into the fourth public beta release
#2  March 03, 2014, 03:34:14 pm
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Added download links for Andy Bogard and Robert Garcia.
Re: Into the fourth public beta release
#3  March 03, 2014, 10:49:40 pm
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This is one of the more unique approaches to getting a new beta out. It is also saves all of us trouble.
Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 11:12:18 pm by Uche_of_MFG
Re: Into the fourth public beta release (update March 10)
#4  March 10, 2014, 02:48:12 pm
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uploaded those two. Also thanks to ExL for the 4th palette. See you in the first post. =)

Re: Into the fourth public beta release (update March 10)
#5  March 10, 2014, 04:43:55 pm
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nice will download now
Re: Into the fourth public beta release (update March 10)
#6  March 11, 2014, 04:14:01 pm
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For now I will be waiting for more updates. Then I'll download everything at once.
Re: Into the fourth public beta release (update March 10)
#7  March 17, 2014, 05:28:31 pm
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Mai and Yuri added with ExL's 4th palette (might bug with Mai's new SDM...)

Re: Into the fourth public beta release (update March 17)
#8  March 21, 2014, 08:19:05 pm
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If you wondered why you didn't get the FINAL IMPACT screen during super cancels, it's just because I forgot to include the AIR file in the fightfx.rar archive. The file has been updated, ready for download, see first post. =)
Thanks to Arcade Costa Rica for pointing it out.
Re: Into the fourth public beta release (update March 17)
#9  March 24, 2014, 03:19:10 am
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Super boulot!!
Thanks :)
Re: Into the fourth public beta release (update March 17)
#10  March 25, 2014, 10:48:24 pm
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Mais de rien. ^^

Yesterday I didn't have the time to RELEASE two characters who were NOT in the last public beta : King and Kim Kaphwan. They are now available in the first post. Enjoy. =)

Re: Into the fourth public beta release (update March 25 ; Kim and King added)
#11  March 25, 2014, 10:57:10 pm
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Re: Into the fourth public beta release (update March 25 ; Kim and King added)
#12  March 26, 2014, 02:53:55 am
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And one half is complete! This is shaping up nicely!
Re: Into the fourth public beta release (update March 25 ; Kim and King added)
#13  April 03, 2014, 07:58:13 pm
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King's movelist has a bunch of typos/copies from other lists.
Second combo says A,B,qcbB, game says A,B,qcbC. The Mirage Kick is noted as qcbB but game says hcbC. Double Strike is noted f,b,f,df,d,A but it's double qcf B.

edit - >_< ! I downloaded her a week ago and tried only yesterday.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: April 04, 2014, 08:55:58 pm by DKDC
Re: Into the fourth public beta release (update March 25 ; Kim and King added)
#14  April 04, 2014, 08:52:48 pm
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You will notice she has an old movelist file. Here are the changes :
Mirage Kick is not QCB+B but HCB+C
The command for Double Strike is QCF QCF+B
The command for Surprise Rose is QCF HCB+BC
FINAL IMPACT : Venom Strike (slow or fast) or Mirage Kick -> Double Strike

      Posted: April 08, 2014, 10:10:34 am
Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 10:10:49 am by kamenashi_kun
Re: Into the fourth public beta release (update March 25 ; Kim and King added)
#15  April 08, 2014, 10:10:55 am
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Hello everyone! Sorry for last week, I didn't have much time to use my PC so I couldn't release/update any character.
Here we go with the update of both chinese masters Lee Pai Long and Tung Fu Rue and the release of two young girls Kasumi Todoh and Li Xiang Fei!
By the way I forgot to add in the DEF files of Tung and Lee their 4th palette... If you want to use these, you can do it, or else I'll do it for next time. =)

(Edit) since I'll be going to Spain and I won't be able to release both next chars on next monday, I'll try to release them on saturday... next are NEW John and Yamazaki :p)
Re: Into the fourth beta release (update April 8 ; Lee, Tung, Kasumi & Xiang added)
#16  April 08, 2014, 07:57:53 pm
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Re: Into the fourth beta release (update April 11 ; John and Yamazaki added)
#17  April 11, 2014, 11:27:13 pm
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WALT!!!! :D

Well, big news : John and Yamazaki updated. Both are maybe the bigest update in the game. John's sprites and animations have been remade (+ change of outfit, AOF2 style now) and Yamakazaki's gameplay has been highly updated. Please read CARREFULLY the first post.
Note that these characters were supposed to be released on next monday, but since I'll be in Spain, I won't be able to do so.

Yeah, stupid picture, I know. :D
Re: Into the fourth beta release (update April 26 ; Eiji and Billy added)
#18  April 26, 2014, 11:20:13 am
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Eiji and Billy updated!
Re: Into the fourth beta release (update April 26 ; Eiji and Billy added)
#19  April 26, 2014, 04:35:35 pm
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Almost there!
Re: Into the fourth beta release (update April 26 ; Eiji and Billy added)
#20  April 27, 2014, 05:12:20 am
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The new John has no bi portrait.