
Iron Tager v1.031 (Read 29286 times)

Started by OHMSBY, November 10, 2019, 04:06:57 pm
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Iron Tager v1.031
#1  November 10, 2019, 04:06:57 pm
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Last Edit: April 04, 2020, 06:12:30 pm by OHMSBY
Re: Iron Tager
#2  November 10, 2019, 04:58:50 pm
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  • The Illusionary Wanderer
  • I have a dream
    • Vietnam
He is pretty good. Still, there is 1 problem with him. A lot of time when I use Magnetize-related attacks, Tager is pushed and moves backward a bit, which I dont see from either BBTag or CF. You might want to take a look on that.
Re: Iron Tager
#3  November 10, 2019, 05:19:25 pm
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In BBTag, Tager actually does get pushed back a little bit by magnetized opponents as seen in some of the combos here:
Re: Iron Tager
#4  November 10, 2019, 05:24:01 pm
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    • Brazil
Ohmsby, I thought you said you were gonna put Akatsuki and Blitztank in the poll once they were released. Are they not out yet?
Re: Iron Tager
#5  November 10, 2019, 05:29:02 pm
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They come out on November 21st. Although, in Blitztank and Neo's case, there may be a bit of a wait afterwards until their resources have been ripped.
Re: Iron Tager
#6  November 10, 2019, 06:54:52 pm
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Shame, its just 'cause I know people won't vote for the one I'm hyped for, but Blitztank would definitely win a poll and I'd love that.
Re: Iron Tager
#7  November 10, 2019, 08:16:20 pm
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  • #1 Boss Lady
    • UK
It’s baffling how long mugens been around without a good Tager. Great release!
Re: Iron Tager
#8  November 11, 2019, 02:59:37 am
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  • The Illusionary Wanderer
  • I have a dream
    • Vietnam
In BBTag, Tager actually does get pushed back a little bit by magnetized opponents as seen in some of the combos here:

Ah, that's fair. I have only seen Tager matches but haven't really dug deep enough to notice this. Anyway, great stuff as usual.
Re: Iron Tager v1.01
#9  November 11, 2019, 06:24:39 am
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Tager has just gotten some adjustments as well a better effect for the beginning portion of King of Tager. Go ahead and redownload him.

- Magnetism windbox now spawns a little further back behind the opponent
- Voltic Charge no longer protects against low attacks
- Magnetism now slows down to a halt once it ends instead of stopping abruplty
- Reduced pause time for the landing of gigantic tager driver
- Forward dodge animation is now a little longer and has a little more invul more akin to his backdash
- Updated effects for King of Tager
Re: Iron Tager v1.01
#10  November 11, 2019, 08:54:20 am
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It seems that I noticed a few more things after doing much more detailed testing:
-The cloud of dust is red during Ultra Burst when performing the 4th hit of A command normals, the forward/backwards throws and the landings of Gigantic Tager Driver and the Genesic Emerald Tager Buster. Here are some examples:

-There is a misaligned shockwave effect after the 4th hit of A command normals if hit before the opponent touches the ground:

-The shockwave effect when the the opponent touches the ground is still misaligned (It's supposed to be around the middle of Training and I also think both the sound and the effect plays twice at the same time as it's much whiter than normal):

-As seen on the combo video, he's also supposed to have electrical effects on his arms while he is idoling in his stance (Not sure if you intentionally left it out).
-Magna Tech Wheel could use a dust effect alongside the shockwave effect on the impact (Noticed it was on the combo video as well).
-The dust effect turns yellow when performing crouching Voltic Battler right after landing on the ground from a jump.
-For some reason, you can't combo Wedge Catapult with an air Gigantic Tager Driver, yet you can with the air EX Driver and a normal air throw.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: Iron Tager v1.02
#11  November 11, 2019, 02:46:20 pm
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Another quick update for Tager based on Sloidzone's feedback. Go ahead and redownload him.

- Dust effects are no longer effected by Palfx
- realaigned shockwaves and prevented an instance where a shockwave effect plays twice
- Added dust effect to Magna Tech Wheel

-For some reason, you can't combo Wedge Catapult with an air Gigantic Tager Driver, yet you can with the air EX Driver and a normal air throw.

This is actually accurate to the source. The EX version of Gigantic Tager Driver/Air Driver is supposed to be the only one that can catch opponents that are in hitstun.

Re: Iron Tager v1.02
#12  November 11, 2019, 11:30:31 pm
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One more set of minor feedback after testing this update:
-Shockwave effects played twice on the 4th hit of A command normals (I figured you would have removed the misaligned one instead of realigning it as another one appeared when the opponent finally touches the ground normally after that):

My mistake for not mentioning that as I only took the pic of the misaligned one instead of both a second after.
-The landing dust effects are still affected by Palfx (As seen on crouching Voltic Battler):

-The shockwave sound effect after the opponent touches the ground from Gigantic Tager Driver can still be heard twice, overlapping each other.

Other than those same issues, there's nothing else I found with the other moves aesthetic wise.

This is actually accurate to the source. The EX version of Gigantic Tager Driver/Air Driver is supposed to be the only one that can catch opponents that are in hitstun.
Ah, I see. Thought I couldn't do it as I was using a PS4 controller. It feels so much easier doing the moves with a keyboard.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: Iron Tager v1.025
#13  November 12, 2019, 01:34:34 am
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One more quick updated based on Solidzone's feedback. Go ahead and redownload Tager.

- Dust effects Spawned from Tager_common.cns are also no longer effected by Palfx
- Fixed an error where a shockwave sound effect would play twice during the landing of Gigantic Tager Driver
- Fixed a selfstate error that caused a shockwave to play twice

Thanks again Solidzone.
Re: Iron Tager v1.025
#14  November 12, 2019, 02:07:24 am
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Ops, sorry OHMSBY. Recorded the showcase before this recent update. :P

Anyway, you nailed it again. :)
Re: Iron Tager v1.025
#15  November 12, 2019, 12:28:05 pm
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    • Italy
I've a little FX suggestion about Tager and Waldenstein's distortion drives with "crash from above" sequence:

During falling sequence, kinetic vertical lines appears on the screen.
Re: Iron Tager v1.025
#16  November 13, 2019, 05:19:30 pm
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  • Ace of Aces
    • USA
Hey, OHMSBY! Do you like mecha anime? If so, do you know about the website Mechanical Saviour ( Well, they have sprite rips of various Super Robot Wars games. I would love to see you make a character from one of the mecha sprites/sprite sheets/sprite parts from that website.
Re: Iron Tager v1.025
#17  November 13, 2019, 05:57:00 pm
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Hey, OHMSBY! Do you like mecha anime? If so, do you know about the website Mechanical Saviour ( Well, they have sprite rips of various Super Robot Wars games. I would love to see you make a character from one of the mecha sprites/sprite sheets/sprite parts from that website.

Please don't request characters to be made. Its rude and disrespectful to the author. If you want something to be made, please take the time to learn how to code. I recommend Ryon's tutorials:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
*New Site* (W.I.P)
(Willing to host creations, just hit me up!)
Re: Iron Tager v1.025
#18  November 13, 2019, 06:01:20 pm
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  • Ace of Aces
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Oops, sorry.
Re: Iron Tager v1.025
#19  November 13, 2019, 07:16:20 pm
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*Motor Head Plays menacingly in the background*
Re: Iron Tager v1.025
#20  November 14, 2019, 05:33:32 am
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It's time for the poll results:

Well, I'm finally going to work on a P4A character, and its the main man himself. I'm actually pretty excited since I feel like I'm 100% ready for this now.

Thanks for voting everyone.