Credit to SUPERFERNANDOXT for the amazing logo!
Hiya everyone! 087-B here, creator of this project!
Now I'm sure most of you are wondering what the heck you're looking at -- and no, I promise this is not a shameless ripoff of VS Style Debuts well kinda b-but instead my own original project! Totally! Yep yep!
LEGACY AGE OF HEROES is a conversion project that takes several MUGEN characters and converts them to an accurate MARVEL VS CAPCOM 2 playstyle! This project uses the template created by Darkwolf-13 and Lui for their conversion project, but since that is long dead and nobody else has tried a project like this since (at least, not one of this magnitude), I decided to take the chance to finally give back to this amazing community by making some high quality, fun as hell characters for everyone to play with!
The goal of this project is to build so many characters in this style that there's a little bit of something for everyone! As many characters as possible, even ones that have already existed in the MvC series! Why? To add onto them and make them even better than they already were!
Or balance and nerf them because you're sick of losing over and over to MSP teams in MvC2! 
I totally harbor no resentment towards top tier players hahahahahaha.

There's currently no end in sight for this project, and I don't intend on stopping until I've done at least one hundred characters! And that's a promise you all can hold me to!
With that in mind, please be warned... these characters take time to make, but even then they are not perfect. Nothing's perfect! There's bound to be bugs and issues, etc. and I urge you to calmly alert me of these problems so I may address them ASAP. I am a (mostly) one man band in this project, aside from some occasional advice from JJkoolaid, who edited the template and inspired me to revamp this project, and taught me what I know. But overall, I'm doing this all on my own and it's not easy. So with that in mind, thank you for understanding!
Now enjoy yourself my characters, and my (constantly updating) mega list of characters I plan on doing!
I am also open to character suggestions!
Spoiler: WAVE ONE (click to see content)
Fighters are listed in order of release!-
Nightcrawler>(v1.0) Released September 23, 2019
>(v1.1) Updated May 5, 2020
Invisible Woman>(v1.0) Released October 9, 2019
Jean Grey>(v1.0) Released April 11, 2020
>(v1.2) Updated April 14, 2020
>(v1.3.4.1) Updated May 5, 2020
Superman>(v1.0) Released April 28, 2020
>(v1.1) Updated May 5, 2020
Iron Man>(v1.0) Released April 28, 2020
>(v1.1) Updated May 5, 2020
Karin Kanzuki>(v1.0) Released May 1, 2020
>(v1.1) Updated May 5, 2020
Iceman>(v1.0) Released May 2, 2020
>(v1.1) Updated May 5, 2020
Human Torch>(v1.0) Released May 2, 2020
>(v1.1) Updated May 5, 2020
War Machine>(v1.0) Released May 12, 2020
Thanos>(v1.0) Released May 12, 2020
Spoiler: WAVE TWO (click to see content)
Fighters are listed in order of release!-
Sabo>(v1.0) Released May 12, 2020
Leon>(v1.0) Released May 19, 2020
Chris>(v1.0) Released May 19, 2020
Black Panther>(v1.0) Released May 21, 2020
Supergirl>(v1.0) Released May 21, 2020
Hsien-Ko>(v1.0) Released May 21, 2020
Cyborg>(v1.0) Released May 21, 2020
Gambit>(v1.0) Released May 26, 2020
Gengar>(v1.0) Released May 26, 2020
Roll>(v1.0) Released May 26, 2020
Gild Tesoro>(v1.0) Released June 8, 2020
Boa Hancock>(v1.0) Released June 9, 2020
Trafalgar Law>(v1.0) Released June 10, 2020
Jimbei>(v1.0) Released August 9, 2020
Crocodile>(v1.0) Released August 9, 2020
Megaman Volnutt>(v1.0) Released August 10, 2020
Zero>(v1.0) Released August 29, 2020
Namor>(v1.0) Released September 1, 2020
Mizuchi>(v1.0) Released September 1, 2020
Twelve>(v1.0) Released September 1, 2020
Alex>(v1.0) Released September 5, 2020
Ibuki>(v1.0) Released September 5, 2020
Pictoral List of ALL Legacy Characters
Listed in alphabetical order! I know the images are incomplete, I'm still working on ALL of them.
Characters with a GREEN name have been updated since their initial release!
Spoiler: Marvel Comics (click to see content)
Spoiler: Street Fighter (click to see content)
Spoiler: One Piece (click to see content)
Spoiler: Red Earth (click to see content)
Spoiler: Rival Schools (click to see content)
Spoiler: Final Fight (click to see content)
Spoiler: Dragonball (click to see content)

Piccolo Z2
Buu Z2
Satan Z2
Gotenks Z2
Gohan Z2
Freeza Z2
Tien Z2

Majin Buu
Kid Buu

Spoiler: Resident Evil (click to see content)

Mr. X
Spoiler: Darkstalkers (click to see content)
Spoiler: SNK (click to see content)

Spoiler: Capcom Misc (click to see content)
Spoiler: DC Comics (click to see content)
... and many more to come! Believe me my full list is bigger than what's listed here.
... thank you for reading this post, and I do hope you support this project and enjoy the characters I produce! Happy travels!