i was just thinking what Jesuszilla was saying
he is using Japanese words in English instead of posting in english
and he types in complete sentences and sometimes broken english he clearly knows how to type in english with full understanding and i looked on mugen multiverse and the same day mazemrald says he is leaving mugen is when this account was made
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you can see when the account was made here and just go to mugen multiverse and see when he left
it does not matter if your japanese or not it's all about work and how much work you put in
i see people from America who makes good stuff with good quality and they are not japanese
not a lot of people in japan are making mugen stuff like years ago
this new account was a waste to get attention as you can see in some of his post and they are all about attention
and asking acemillion if he was going to convert urien stage from sf3 third strike (request in a way)
mazemarald people don't hate you because of your work. you were growing to be a better creator like how chuchoryu he ignored negativity and became better.
tricking people in to thinking you were japanese does not mean people won't find out who you are.
when there are who doo see a japanese person in mugen communities, they tend to have high hopes because people how hard working people in japan are.
Stop trying to put japanese word in your sentences Please it is cringy
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go back to being a genuine creator and please get better for you not for negative people to be honest you were inspiring me in a way like doing what people won't do
no one hates you but with this attitude they will i mean come on you lied to people at mugen multiverse and all they did was care when other people in other forums won't
people here care about good work, effort, and quality.
not lies
delete this account (i thing JNP does that) and go back with the old one (you were dan then became sean now your dan again, become alpha ryu and grow like how ryu did in SFV. become Ryu)
my avatar. Alpha became sf5 ryu beat the satsui no hado now you beat yours
Please don't become Gouki and rage out on everyone
no one hates you unless you give them a reason to
this is one of them (Pretending)
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I'm not one to talk i did this too but i just had different accounts
to me joining a community can sometimes be hard depending on how you approach it
to me it was weird like i felt like i had to fit in like if it was your first time in high school. i was really nervous coming here. i tried to be someone else when i made one account talking about i was interested in SC moderators here are like the police lol
no one is stupid here man. trust me just be your self and you will find people who like you and care ok
now days i just change my name people still know who i am it's all about being your self thats all that matters don't do what i did man
be confident and strong make stuff you know it's good quality not to just give people half something and not care like your dean on mmv
he was not even ready to even touch (chuchoryu used to think that way now he makes stuff the best he can with his knowledge and results are good but he keeps trying)
just be Mazemrald again!
you don't have to be apart of mmv
what you can do is use this name and or this persona for your old account for a different approach for everyone to kind of get them an understanding of this character you are being guess?
i know this is long but he has to see this i will also pm him this if he gets scared to see people here already know it's him