
Mugen and Windows 10 (Read 38575 times)

Started by xcheatdeath, June 02, 2015, 12:59:30 pm
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Mugen and Windows 10
#1  June 02, 2015, 12:59:30 pm
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I received this notification last night,

Has anyone tried it?

I'm considering downloading it, but I don't want to be screwed out of using mugen if it isn't compatible with the new OS. :L

Anyone have any info on it at all?
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Re: Mugen and Windows 10
#2  June 02, 2015, 01:00:45 pm
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you are supposed to be able to roll it back if you dislike it.
Re: Mugen and Windows 10
#3  June 02, 2015, 01:04:45 pm
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I know that there is a way to tell Windows to run MUGEN in compatibility mode, so if Windows 10 does not work for MUGEN, then try running in Windows 8.1 mode or something.
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Re: Mugen and Windows 10
#4  June 02, 2015, 01:37:23 pm
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ah, okay. apparently it won't be ready until july 29th anyway so we've got a while of waiting
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Re: Mugen and Windows 10
#5  June 02, 2015, 02:00:50 pm
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Windows 10 is supposed to keep compatibility with anything that works on Win 8 and Win 7, so Mugen should be safe.
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Re: Mugen and Windows 10
#6  June 07, 2015, 01:56:56 pm
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it works
Re: Mugen and Windows 10
#7  June 11, 2015, 12:56:28 am
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I received this notification last night,

Has anyone tried it?

I'm considering downloading it, but I don't want to be screwed out of using mugen if it isn't compatible with the new OS. :L

Anyone have any info on it at all?

man i was JUST coming here to ask that same thing, Thanks!
Re: Mugen and Windows 10
#8  June 11, 2015, 03:25:19 am
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It just means you reserve a copy of Windows 10 for when it comes out next month.

I've already reserved mine and intend to upgrade.
Re: Mugen and Windows 10
#9  July 30, 2015, 11:09:48 pm
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Bumping to say I have upgraded up to windows 10 and mugen still works fine. :)
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Re: Mugen and Windows 10
#10  July 30, 2015, 11:13:54 pm
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I upgraded and the only issue was that the drivers for my 360 microphone needed to be re-installed.

My friend however is having video card issues...
Re: Mugen and Windows 10
#11  July 31, 2015, 03:06:00 pm
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I upgraded and the only issue was that the drivers for my 360 microphone needed to be re-installed.

My friend however is having video card issues...

Only reason to have video card issues is that new Windows-10-compatible drivers need to be installed. That's how it was for my Nvidia.

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Re: Mugen and Windows 10
#12  August 01, 2015, 06:05:23 am
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Worked fine for me with no problems, but I use AMD.
Re: Mugen and Windows 10
#13  August 01, 2015, 06:10:52 am
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Worked fine for me with no problems, but I use AMD.

Me too.

I upgraded and the only issue was that the drivers for my 360 microphone needed to be re-installed.

My friend however is having video card issues...

Only reason to have video card issues is that new Windows-10-compatible drivers need to be installed. That's how it was for my Nvidia.
My friend uses Nvidia.

The driver installation kept failing and it wasn't picking up his graphics card.

He even sent a screenshot. He reverted to windows 7 and I guess everything worked again.
Re: Mugen and Windows 10
#14  August 01, 2015, 06:54:02 am
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My friend uses Nvidia.

The driver installation kept failing and it wasn't picking up his graphics card.

He even sent a screenshot. He reverted to windows 7 and I guess everything worked again.

Hmm, well I guess this won't help now, but I manually downloaded the drivers from the Nvidia site and things worked out fine for me. Deep down I still want Windows 7 back though, lol.

-[Все слова это только слова.]-
M.U.G.E.N 1.1 & 1.0 and FF3.0.1 Can be run on Windows 10
#15  August 02, 2015, 02:49:59 pm
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Join My JUSMUGEN Community.
Last Edit: August 02, 2015, 02:54:00 pm by OldGamer
Re: Mugen and Windows 10
#16  August 04, 2015, 01:47:06 am
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But not everyone's computer the same though... aren't they?
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Re: Mugen and Windows 10
#17  August 04, 2015, 01:49:52 am
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Pretty much what it comes down two are the big two: AMD and Nvidia.
Re: Mugen and Windows 10
#18  August 07, 2015, 12:59:12 am
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Re: Mugen and Windows 10
#19  August 23, 2015, 02:37:12 pm
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i have upgrade from windows 7 to windows 10, but mugen 1.1 have randomly crashes without any error message.

I tried also compatibility mode but nothing changes.

on windows 7 work perfectly, i have leatest drivers on Nvidia card.

we should make pressure on elecbyte for an update for mugen 1.1 patch 2.

i'm forced to launch it fullscreen, otherwisethe screen flashes when i press alt+enter