
Nappa Z2 (Read 80201 times)

Started by DooM, November 22, 2012, 04:36:48 pm
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Nappa Z2
#1  November 22, 2012, 04:36:48 pm
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Hey guys!

I decided to let you know about a project of mine. I realize I was known of starting stuff and not really finishing it, but I want to change it now, 'cause it's killing me to know I was like that in the past. Although I have much less time than before when I was more into MUGEN (husband, father, hard working owner of an online shop I started at the beginning of this year, called EMEME (t-shirts and hoodies for geeks)) I still have some time at nights and weekends.

The plan is just to get him done, no rushing, just create something I will be glad to leave for MUGEN community as I will leave it for good.

Ok, now more into details - Because I want to focus onto sprting only, Cybaster will be coding my Nappa (yep, that sexy beast).

As for the gameplay, he is going to be Z2 style. List of attacks, specials and supers will be made in the near future, I still have to sit and write down all the ideas I have - but I can't seem to get away from the sprites - so fun char to work on, trust me on that. :)

Because of this and the fact I will be off to a little vacation for a week, I thought it will be a good idea to ask you guys for ideas and your feedback - can't waste time. :llama:

For now, I'm done with simple moves (jumps, walks, crouch, etc) and almost all gethits - when I'm done with those, going for basic attacks. The stance anim took me like a whole day, but I'm happy with it, turned out fine.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Sry that I'm not showing more, but I'm too lazy and busy to make gifs.

Stay tuned till I will post some screens or anims in a week or two.

If you want to support me and you're a poor student for example - instead of donating cash, just like my online shop on facebook - - will be thankful for that.
Last Edit: November 24, 2012, 01:35:25 am by DooM
Re: Nappa Z2
#2  November 22, 2012, 04:49:43 pm
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Lookin' great.And looking forward to seeing some progress.
About his stance though. His eyebrows kinda shrink. It's hard to make out what's happening, but shouldn't there be more movement in the front, rather than the back?

Also. Dat Zangeif portrait. Good luck, man. This looks real promising.
Re: Nappa Z2
#3  November 22, 2012, 05:21:29 pm
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Thanks man. Yeah, 'bout that Zangief's portrait - got my own, but don't care about it that much, since Zangief works for me as a sprite swapper for now, later Cybaster will be working on a char as a seperate character.
Re: Nappa Z2
#4  November 22, 2012, 05:38:46 pm
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Very nice;

I'll stay tuned.
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And if you provoke it...

I will slay you all.

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Re: Nappa Z2
#5  November 22, 2012, 05:40:47 pm
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Waiting to see what you come up with for animations.

Will try to post some ideas. Balthazar and Iced, get your asses in there too. ^_^
Re: Nappa Z2
#6  November 22, 2012, 05:41:36 pm
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God Balth what the hell did you do? Stop passing your "Z" Aids!!! LOL all in the that sprite looks hella good!
Re: Nappa Z2
#7  November 22, 2012, 06:08:53 pm
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Lol when all the Z2 characters get finished, you guys could make a full Z2 MUGEN game haha
Re: Nappa Z2
#8  November 22, 2012, 06:14:23 pm
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I hope you're planning on making him play with the exact same system as cybaster/balth's characters that way he meshes well with him, sprites look awesome ... :-)
Re: Nappa Z2
#9  November 22, 2012, 06:17:16 pm
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I'll politely just tell you to read the first post.
Re: Nappa Z2
#10  November 22, 2012, 06:18:22 pm
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Re: Nappa Z2
#11  November 22, 2012, 06:32:15 pm
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Looks good, but I think the custom get hit sprite for him should be like this:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

The plan is just to get him done, no rushing, just create something I will be glad to leave for MUGEN community as I will leave it for good.

So that means you'll leave after finishing this...

I have some ideas for Nappa:
Bomber DX -
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Aura Burst - he gets more strength but he will lack of speed
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Re: Nappa Z2
#12  November 22, 2012, 06:38:32 pm
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moveset ideas!

Level 1 Super - Bomber DX (QCF, QCF + P)
Nappa throws a projectile, which does multiple hits before exploding

Level 2 Super - Break Cannon (QCF, QCF + PP)
Beam from his mouth

Level 2 Super - Lighting Aura (Down, Down, Down, + MK, MP)
Lightning Aura would be similar to Goku's Hope gauge, and Vegeta's Rage gauge

[With Lighting Aura] Level 3 Super - Kapa
Nappa fires a lightning charged Break Cannon

[With Lighting Aura] Level 3 Super - Arm Break
Nappa would dash at the opponent, and punch their arm, the screen goes to black/red as you see a blood splatter and an arm fly into the air. Screen fades back to normal as the opponent is on the ground
Re: Nappa Z2
#13  November 22, 2012, 06:42:28 pm
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[With Lighting Aura] Level 3 Super - Arm Break
Nappa would dash at the opponent, and punch their arm, the screen goes to black/red as you see a blood splatter and an arm fly into the air. Screen fades back to normal as the opponent is on the ground

I would see it performed also when the opponent's life is lower or equal to 250. That way it could work right, but the flying arm... I wouldn't put it.
Re: Nappa Z2
#14  November 22, 2012, 06:49:42 pm
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  • MUGEN is so fun I hate it.
Thanks for the kind comments and awesome ideas guys (keep posting screens from some games or YT video clips from the show when writing down ideas, just for better reference).

About that arm in the air... well that could get weird, knowing you can fight all type of mugen chars (such as humans and aliens). :)
Re: Nappa Z2
#15  November 22, 2012, 07:21:40 pm
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Though not the only one to use it, it's still kinda Nappa's signature move, so if you can work in one of the variations of the Exploding Wave into the character (Preferably the Blazing Storm, or the Volcano Explosion), that would be great.

Liking what I see done so far though, so best of luck working on him.
Re: Nappa Z2
#16  November 22, 2012, 07:26:41 pm
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i beg of you to try to get someone who can sound like takahata101 on tfs abridged. or even him himself if at all possible. Tfs made nappa interesting rather than a generic villain.

You'll fix chuchoryu ? Sounds like a plan. How about you code him from scratch instead ?
Re: Nappa Z2
#17  November 22, 2012, 07:35:06 pm
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There's a way to do that arm move without needing custom animations, but it's kind of loopy.

A lot of MK and Samurai Shodown characters have a black box or something imposed over the parts of the character that are meant to be removed.  For instance, Johnny Cage's uppercut fatality would have a black box over the head.  An alternative here would be to use that method to cover anything but the arm.  However, due to the nature of gethit animations the arm placement is not consistent, so even this is a questionable idea.  The only real way to make it 100% work is to have custom animations like Basara's fatality from Samurai Shodown where the character's head flies into the air.
Re: Nappa Z2
#18  November 22, 2012, 07:35:25 pm
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i beg of you to try to get someone who can sound like takahata101 on tfs abridged. or even him himself if at all possible. Tfs made nappa interesting rather than a generic villain.

Re: Nappa Z2
#19  November 22, 2012, 07:37:15 pm
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You'll fix chuchoryu ? Sounds like a plan. How about you code him from scratch instead ?
Re: Nappa Z2
#20  November 22, 2012, 07:49:22 pm
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abridged nappa voice would own actually