
Piccolo DBZ Extreme Butoden Release!!! (Read 13168 times)

Started by ironjw, September 06, 2015, 09:57:48 pm
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Piccolo DBZ Extreme Butoden Release!!!
New #1  September 06, 2015, 09:57:48 pm
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              Piccolo DBZ Extreme Butoden by Ironjw                                   

Game Play
6 Button Game Play:    Light Punch   Strong Punch   Gohan (power-1000)
                                     Light Kick    Strong Kick    Power Charge
Ex Moves power: -250 ~ -300
Super Moves Power: -1500 ~ -2000

Basic Moves
Throw Overhead: F, Strong Punch (close)
Forward Run (Air): F,F (hold) >> Strong Kick for Air Launcher Attack
Back Dash (Air) : B,B (hold)
Claw Attack: F + Strong Punch
Forward Kick: F + Light Kick

Special Moves

Ki Fireball :  D, F , Any Punch

KI Flame (eX):  D, F, Both Punch (power - 500)

KI Air Fireball : D, B, Any Punch in air


Arm Grab:  D, B, Light Punch 

(performed Arm Grab Hit) D, B Light Punch 3-Hit Combo

(performed Arm Grab Hit) D, B Strong Punch 4-Hit Combo

Tentacle Shock:  Any Punch x 3 (250-350)

Knee Uppercut:  F, D, DF, Any Kick

Force-field:  D, B, Any Kick

Sliding Retort Kick (ex): Hold B, F, Any Kick

Air Sonic-Kick: Air D, B, Any Kick

Super Moves

Special Beam Cannon: D,F,D,F, Any Punch (power - 1500)

Knee Hellzone Grenade:  D, F, D, F, Any Kick (power - 2000)

Namek Rage:  D, B, D, B, Any Punch (power - 2500)

AI = Yes
Dizzy = Yes
Air Block = Yes
Win Quotes = Yes
End = Nope

Download Link:

Update: 9-13-15
-localcoord = 370,290 to fit better with other Mugen characters
-fix sound
-add English Piccolo sound
-realign sprites
-realign hit sparks
-add FX background super moves
-add dust affect for launch moves
-force field reduce hit box and reduce damage
-fixed force field hit enemy and repeat the move again will not the force field affect
-fixed force field p2 getting hit statues
-fixed Gohan hit by force field and turn to Piccolo clone
-Gohan hit increase velocity and increase traveling distance
-fix Special Beam Cannon sprites and wrong attr in its hitdef
-intro added Piccolo cape
-change Flame EX sprite
-use AngleSet for air fireball
-Update: 7/20/2016
-Update Ai Guard and reduce spamming move
-Add cln box for fireball on the arm
-Hyper attack bg removed if hit
-Stand Punch add vel + 5, increase reach
-Fix dive kick p2 too close to p1 in hit state
-Update 7-24-2016
-Fix Namek Rage missing explode fx on other mugen characters
-Fix Knee Hellzone Grenade Missing animation with other mugen characters
-Fix Ai Arm Grab Combos
Know error:  Namek Rage will not reduce damage when a combo........???

                                                        Ver. 2


Move List:
Ki Fireball :  D, F , Light Punch
Fire breathe:  D, F, Strong Punch
Arm Grab: D, B, Light Punch
Sliding Retort Kick: D, B, Light Kick
Hellzone:  D, B, Strong Kick
Air Ki Fireball:  D, F, Light Punch
Air Ki x 2: D, F, Strong Punch
Air Sonic Kick: D, B, Light Kick
Aire Retort Kick: D, B, Strong Kick
Force Field: During Block Strong Kick + Strong Punch

Hyper Moves
Special Beam Cannon:  D, F, D, F Any Punch
Namake Rage:  D, B, D, B, Any Punch

All special moves deduct 200-500 power pt But are not required to preform, therefore manage Power Meter for Striker, Counter and Hyper moves.
Every sp move feels different / design to have its unique purpose with Light and Strong version
Improve combo System
Gohan Striker, Piccolo can move after time is greater than 20 tick & -500 power
Add this code to increase combo count, hitdefpersist = 1
Fix p2 laying down getting hit by crouch low kick or roundhouse
Namek Rage -2000 instead of -2500 power
Add super jump after launch hit success
Remove Shock Strong
Air fireball Light Piccolo stay in air start animation
Air Fireball Strong with 2 fireball - 500 power
Damage Dampener reduce to .55 (35% pre hit)
Decrease dizzy pts
Sliding Retort Kick command change to D,F K instead B (hold) F, K
Light Sliding Restort Kick hit P2 in air for Juggle
Can chain with strong Kick for air combo :)
Throw start up 5 tick and 10 tick to recover
Air Dive Kick Light short distance
Air Dive Slide Kick Hits 4x & can combo air attack
Adjust strong air punch hit box slightly increase toward piccolo's body
Crouching Punch strong increase hitbox
Light Grab Arm now auto combo once hit -300 pt, hit box reduced
Remove Strong Grab Arm
Force Field change to KOF counter -500 pt (invincible)
Remove ligth Knee Attack
Knee Kick 1st Hit will convert to Air Knee attack
adjust hittime to improve combo count
Hellzone Grenade Sp move not Super - 500pt
Stand & Crouch Light kick act as med Kick
Crouching Strong Kick further reach
Add 7th (dark color) hold start and press any button

[Special Credit and Thanks]
Elecbyte for Mugen
Ryon for Video Tutorials & his Piccolo Hellzone code
Spriters-Resource for the awesome sprites!
Marvel VS games FX
Akira Toriyama
Nintendo D3S
Bandai Namco Entertainment
Arc System Works
and Thanks to MFG member for their feed back!!!
Last Edit: January 07, 2017, 10:11:55 am by ironjw
Re: Piccolo DBZ Extreme Butoden Release!!!
#2  September 06, 2015, 11:47:34 pm
  • ***
Thx gonna try it now....



Re: Piccolo DBZ Extreme Butoden Release!!!
#3  September 07, 2015, 12:10:41 am
  • *****
    • USA
    • Skype - gt_ruby
He's way too tall.

State 9000 is using a float (Decimal) value in an area that only accepts integers.

Head.pos and Mid.pos are incorrect.

This projectile would look much better if you used AngleSet to rotate it.

Your special beam cannon projectile doesn't use the correct attr in its hitdef.

Yeah Titiln, in fact, You Made Him
Last Edit: September 07, 2015, 12:23:55 am by Wesley
Re: Piccolo DBZ Extreme Butoden Release!!!
#4  September 07, 2015, 12:30:10 am
  • ****
your force shield doesn't hurt the enemy

I'm going to let god handle you people ✞


Re: Piccolo DBZ Extreme Butoden Release!!!
#5  September 07, 2015, 12:47:25 am
  • *****
    • USA
    • Skype - gt_ruby
It's a counter.
Yeah Titiln, in fact, You Made Him
Re: Piccolo DBZ Extreme Butoden Release!!!
#6  September 07, 2015, 01:26:32 am
  • ****
yes i just realized that when i played him in a match, and it's kinda broken if you ask me. it deals big damage and has a very wide range.
also, if you cancel into his Namek Rage super from the follow up attack to the hand stretch grab (the 3-Hit Combo), the super loses all of it's damage!
I'm going to let god handle you people ✞
Re: Piccolo DBZ Extreme Butoden Release!!!
#7  September 07, 2015, 01:37:01 am
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localcoord   = 420, 340

Open the def file of the character at the definition put it like this:
name      = "Broly"
displayname   = "Broly"
versiondate   = 26,06,2015
mugenversion   = 1.1
author      = "Dofeer"
pal.defaults   = 1,2,3
localcoord   = 420, 340
Re: Piccolo DBZ Extreme Butoden Release!!!
#8  September 07, 2015, 02:03:06 am
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  • That sarcastic dude who makes stuff to the sake of
    • Canada
awesome, adding this to my collection of DBZ EB character rosters
I'll put up a vid where my piccolo fights yours
I bet it'll be awesome

"I'm the real piccolo"
"no I'm the real piccolo"

it's gonna be epic
Re: Piccolo DBZ Extreme Butoden Release!!!
#9  September 07, 2015, 02:22:18 am
  • *
    • Portugal
It would be a lot better if you used Hi-res FX considering the source game, it would be ok if it was low res but for these new semi-hires Extreme Butoden sprites, having low-res fx kinda downgrades de char in my opinion,.

The rest of the Character is good, The Gohan helper is a little weird cause if you're on the right side of the screen gohan can´t reach the enemy
Re: Piccolo DBZ Extreme Butoden Release!!!
#10  September 07, 2015, 03:16:48 am
  • ****
    • USA
    • Skype - TatariZane2009
Woo boy, do I have a lot of things to say about this Piccolo:

-His walk doesn't even feel natural at all. It's almost like looking at a looping animation of a badly looped gif.

-A frame of his walking hitbox is mis-matched with the rest.

-Mis-aligned hitsparks on both of his crouch kicks.

-Mis-aligned hitspark on crouch High punch.

-You might need a better electricity sound for his antenna shock, rather than the "Ultra" start-up sound.

-His follow-up (light version) after "stretch-armgrab" still plays the whole animation even if you whiff the attack (which needs timing).

-Missing sprite during stretch-armgrab follow-up (3-hit combo version).

-His charge-up sound startup plays in a loop.

-Air Sonic Kick (his Divekick) "locks-in" his opponent a bit too close.

-Slide-retort kick plays an EX sound at start-up (even though it's not an EX), and uses default hitsounds.

-If I successfully counter with Forcefield, and try to use it again, the effect is gone.

-HellZone Grenade and Namek Rage could have been better if the super were actually "cinematic" (and have a super bg). Instead, they both look awkward with the stage as the bg.

-Both Hellzone Grenade and Namek Rage regain meter.

-Special Beam cannon's effect still hangs around, even though Piccolo moves his fingers.

-In fact, its hitbox seems a bit too big for a narrow beam.

-Gohan assist passes through the opponent like he/she's nothing.

-Gohan assist also uses default hitsounds.
Re: Piccolo DBZ Extreme Butoden Release!!!
#11  September 07, 2015, 05:12:17 am
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I haven't tested yet but one of the things about special beam cannon is that it is unblockable.  If it is made unblockable in mugen, then narrowing the hitbox would be a good trade-off.
Re: Piccolo DBZ Extreme Butoden Release!!!
#12  September 07, 2015, 08:28:21 pm
  • ******
- When he counters with the Forcefield he uses Vegeta's voice; also when he does NamekRage; and when he does the FlameEX;

- wrong pixels in sprites:
6,0 (outside of Piccolo)
313,0 (between his legs)
500,6 (outside of Gohan)

- if Gohan gets hit by Forcefield he becomes Piccolo;

- ... when did he have a force field? I recall he had an Explosion Wave in Shin Budokai 2 (Another Road) but not a force field...

- no transition frames when he finishes his taunt; it's all so sudden;

- NamekRage's final ki blasts (Gekiretsu Kodan, spelling?) give back power;

- Hellzone Grenade's ki blasts give back power;

- KneeUppercut uses a hitsound as a swing sound effect;

- if you get hit while doing a Makanko Sappo, the blast will remain until it's finished instead of disappearing;

- bad copy paste job on frame 270,0 and 290,0 (there are others but these were the worst).
Re: Piccolo DBZ Extreme Butoden Release!!!
#13  September 07, 2015, 11:50:04 pm
  • ***
    • Canada