Let's talk Ryu. This guy is the staple of Street Fighter. This will be the projects biggest initial hurdle. Once he is finished other characters should be much easier to add in. Ryu will be our default guy to balance everything else around. All other characters will use his stats as a measuring point.
Post any and all sprite edits that may be useful as well.
When adding sprites for the project that someone else created. Please link to their profile or website if offsite. That way if/when they are used it'll be easier to update the credits sticky.
Post links to the best Ryus to download for coding and idea references.
Also let's talk sounds. I'm not an expert on this at all. I have no idea if sf4 Ryu has the same voice actor as the other games. Ryu will use his Japanese voice though. Other characters we may debate this on but I really don't see a reason to do so here :p
Talk movelist as well.
His basics should be based on SF4 IMO. It had the largest variety.
I need to play SF3 again and see what Ryu's default super bar lengths and stock numbers are to get a good idea what they should be here.
Discuss anything else I may have forgotten with this character.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
f+MP = Collarbone Breaker (Overhead Punch).
f+SP = Dash Punch (Solar Plexus Strike).
Punch/forward Throw = Shoulder Toss.
Kick/backwards Throw = Kick Toss.
Comeback Technique 1 (defence type) Invincibility Roll
- db+2P (backwards) or df+2P (forward) after being knocked down. Costs half a bar.
Comeback Technique 2 (attack type) = Rolling Tatsumaki
- d+2K after being knocked down. First hit must connect for the full move to come out. Costs a bar.
Guard Break Attack = Grand Overhead Punch.
Zero Counter Punch = Fist of the Wind (his Focus Attack animation in SF4).
Zero Counter Kick = spinning roundhouse sweep.
Hadouken (Fireball)
- QCF+P ~projectile.
[EX] Shakunetsu Hadouken (Scorching Fireball)
- QCF+2P ~projectile ~burns ~knocks down.
Shoryuken (Rising Dragon Punch)
- DP+P ~rising anti-air ~invincibility on start-up ~knocks down.
[EX] Shinkuu Shoryuken (multi-hitting Rising Dragon Punch) (?)
- DP+2P ~rising anti-air ~invincibility on start-up ~knocks down.
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Hurricane Kick)
- (air OK) QCB+K ~low (as in the altitude) invincibility on start-up ~knocks down.
[EX] Shinkuu Tatsumaki (Vacuum Hurricane Kick)
- (air OK) QCB+2K ~vacuums ~invincibility on start-up ~knocks away after last hit.
Joudan Sokutou Geri (Horse Kick)
- QCF/HCF+K ~knocks away.
[EX] EX Joudan Sokutou Geri (Horse Kick)
- QCF/HCF+2K ~CHESTOOOH ~knocks away and wall-bounces.
[Super 1] Shinkuu Hadouken (Vacuum Fireball) - 2 medium-sized super bars.
- QCFx2+P ~multi-hitting projectile ~knocks down
[MAX Super 1] Metsu Hadouken
- QCFx2+2P ~multi-hitting projectile ~knocks down.
[Super 2] Metsu Shoryuken - 1 long super bar.
- QCFx2+K ~rising anti-air, invincibility on start-up.
[MAX Super 2] Shin Shoryuken (True Rising Dragon Punch)
[Super 3] Denjin Hadouken (Thunder Fireball) - 3 short super bars.
- QCBx2+P ~projectile with shocking/stunning features.
[MAX Super 3] Fatal Denjin Hadouken
- QCBx2+2P ~projectile (beam?) with shocking/stunning features.
Link to MFG Ryu folder in dropbox
If you wish for access to this Dropbox pm me your email and I'll add you so you may edit and upload.
I'm using Lost Avenger's Ryu for our sff and air base because he's put the most effort in making things accurate.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Rearranged some sprite groups for our template purposes.
Attacks work as such
Group 200 is for standing attacks
xx0 for basic
xx5 for near attacks
xx6 for direction + attack
Group 400 for crouching
xx5 for direction + crouch but not needed on Ryu
Group 600 for jumping attacks
xx0 for straight up
xx5 for angled
xx6 for direction + attack (not needed on Ryu)
Feedback on the sff and groups is encouraged.
Happy discussing.