
Soundtrack (Read 10151 times)

Started by varo_hades, May 30, 2014, 10:15:36 pm
#1  May 30, 2014, 10:15:36 pm
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Well because the soundtrack is important in all characters that's very characteristic of characters defining his personality and the rhythm, I open this topic for that.
Hey maqa1234 you can publish all your remix here and everybody that have ideas or something.
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Re: Soundtrack
#2  May 31, 2014, 01:55:43 am
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here is the OST


ryu (in SF1 he does not have his own theme,  I will compose one bossa disco style for him with a lot of shaku and japan instruments)

ken (in SF1 he does not have his own theme,  I will compose one heavy metal with slap basses style for him)

Joe The ghost, I will add a lead melody or something melodic

Retsu theme, will a latin feel, I will substitute the shaku for french horns and orchestral brasses

Bosses Theme

Adon (I will use a remix of SFA Version only adding a feel of SF1 Van damme thai percusions)

(I will use the main version of SF2 music, I will only correct the intro for make it more harmonic)
Re: Soundtrack
#3  May 31, 2014, 12:44:45 pm
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here is the OST


ryu (in SF1 he does not have his own theme,  I will compose one bossa disco style for him with a lot of shaku and japan instruments)

ken (in SF1 he does not have his own theme,  I will compose one heavy metal with slap basses style for him)

Joe The ghost, I will add a lead melody or something melodic

Retsu theme, will a latin feel, I will substitute the shaku for french horns and orchestral brasses

Bosses Theme

Adon (I will use a remix of SFA Version only adding a feel of SF1 Van damme thai percusions)

(I will use the main version of SF2 music, I will only correct the intro for make it more harmonic)

You know, you don't need to do real composing of themes for Ryu and Ken.
Can you remix their SF2 themes in SFA2 Gold style, but without rhythm changes?
If you want, you can try to make as you want it!
Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 01:04:14 pm by Trololo
Re: Soundtrack
#4  June 01, 2014, 12:21:45 am
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here is the OST


ryu (in SF1 he does not have his own theme,  I will compose one bossa disco style for him with a lot of shaku and japan instruments)

ken (in SF1 he does not have his own theme,  I will compose one heavy metal with slap basses style for him)

Joe The ghost, I will add a lead melody or something melodic

Retsu theme, will a latin feel, I will substitute the shaku for french horns and orchestral brasses

Bosses Theme

Adon (I will use a remix of SFA Version only adding a feel of SF1 Van damme thai percusions)

(I will use the main version of SF2 music, I will only correct the intro for make it more harmonic)

What a good stuff Mike! You're really make me groovy. ;)
Re: Soundtrack
#5  June 21, 2014, 05:07:08 am
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Sorry for being late, but  I was busy in other things outside mugen and in my other project "Glam fighter", and I was helpung my family , please wait for more part of the soundtrack the next week
Re: Soundtrack
#6  June 21, 2014, 10:38:44 am
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Sorry for being late, but  I was busy in other things outside mugen and in my other project "Glam fighter", and I was helpung my family , please wait for more part of the soundtrack the next week

Nothing Bad! I itself have not too much of time for MUGEN.
Re: Soundtrack
#7  June 27, 2014, 07:34:48 pm
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Re: Soundtrack
#8  June 28, 2014, 09:38:58 am
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Re: Soundtrack
#9  July 06, 2014, 09:50:02 am
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Re: Soundtrack
#10  July 07, 2014, 06:47:57 am
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Re: Soundtrack
#11  January 30, 2015, 07:08:17 am
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Yeah, it been a while... Anyway, let's talk. Again.
-What about to use for Alpha-returned cast Alpha themes? And if yes... Well... Some requests.
-----Somewhy I think Birdie's tehem will be good on... Saxaphone! XD No, really. Just imajine that theme on saxaphone.
-----For Gen will be good something like Eest Orchestrical arrangement. Without any techno, any rock... Just... Like Restu's!
-----About Adon... Well, guitar will be enough...
-----About Sagat- like on dat video.
-Now all another...
-----Joe... Well, or uploaded by Mike already, or Wince McMahon theme remix. Also can someone to say me a name of Underground fight theme from "Final Fight: Streetwise"? I just don't have ability to listen it. No normal vids... And by notebook is siht, who can't handle PS2 emilator... If it's good- also can be useful...
-----Retsu- let Mike's theme be... Bust slighty to hack begining- and perfect for him.
-----Lee- hs Fighting Street arrangement s good enough...
-----Mike- need to search...
-----Geki- Or F.Street, on theme of Ryu Hayabusa.
-----Eagle- also need to search.
-----Ryu and Ken- need to fing good SF2 themes remix...