
The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13 *UPDATED 12/31/13 (Read 21176 times)

Started by dakidbanks, November 05, 2013, 08:12:25 pm
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The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13 *UPDATED 12/31/13
#1  November 05, 2013, 08:12:25 pm
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Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 03:23:50 am by dakidbanks
Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13
#2  November 05, 2013, 08:26:07 pm
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Sprites look nice, although Rugal as the base kinda' makes him look much buffer than he actually is ... still, awesome to see!
Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13
#3  November 05, 2013, 09:13:01 pm
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The Joker is pretty buff.

Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13
#4  November 05, 2013, 09:15:41 pm
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Looks fine IMO although I can see how you would say that

*Side note: I wish some of these authors would actually post their stuff here because the 'Found Releases' section often gets overlooked and the feedback from here could cause for a great character update
Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 04:36:40 am by dakidbanks
Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13
#5  November 06, 2013, 01:14:52 am
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Nice updates on this Joker, made me laugh..glad to see they improved the old one!
Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13
#6  November 06, 2013, 08:28:01 am
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way too tall, rugal should be resized
deleted from the roster
i'm a genius, check my body :)
Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13
#7  November 07, 2013, 01:43:24 am
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There's the localcoord and the xscale/yscale parameters for that.
Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13
#8  November 07, 2013, 01:54:21 am
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Sprites look nice, although Rugal as the base kinda' makes him look much buffer than he actually is ... still, awesome to see!
i disagree, it reminds me a lot of his first animated incarnation where he was sortof top heavy ( everyone was  as well tho )

way too tall, rugal should be resized
deleted from the roster
deleting characters for being too tall when theres a scale option in the year of our lord  2013
Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13
#9  November 07, 2013, 03:50:11 am
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Yep, looks just like the Joker from that great series...Iced, don't bother wasting your time trying to tell a person like that anything.
Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13
#10  November 07, 2013, 09:27:22 pm
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Rugal is a good base but I think the sprites could be shaved down a bit, either through x/yscale or individual sprite editing. Joker isn't that tall or buff, even with Bruce Timm proportions.
Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13
#11  November 08, 2013, 09:34:38 am
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everybody talking about sprites but has anybody played with this character?

All of his gas attacks are infinites and cheap as fuck
all of his basic normals infinite a character in the corner when falling. I like his movesets and the sound qualities arent to terrible with what you had to work with
His inflatable balloon super is completely invincible
The rest of his supers excluding his level 2 are not invincible on start up so he gets hit out of the animations but the super fx stays on the screen

im not gonna go on about how much damage his blank does or if he gets meter back from blabla or he can crouch while running etc . This is current feedback to what primarily needs to get fix. If you do update your character and fix these problems, then expect me to give you feedback in the future
Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 11:28:09 am by Luis Alejandro
Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13
#12  November 09, 2013, 09:41:42 am
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Some ideas are prtty cool, as the super jump animation. Overlal use of objects in moves is nice.

However, as said, gameplay is pretty poor right now, with all these infinites.
Voices are not placed on channel=0 either, (during taunt for example), so the voices continue to play even when Joker is hit.
Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13
#13  November 09, 2013, 10:04:32 am
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Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13
#14  November 09, 2013, 11:28:15 am
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Someone should finally PM him to finally start giving constructive feedback and stop posting such uninteresting nonsense.
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Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13
#15  November 10, 2013, 12:59:07 am
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*Side note: I wish some of these authors would actually post their stuff here because the 'Found Releases' section often gets overlooked and the feedback from here could cause for a great character update.

I think more authors would post here if they get more real Feedback posts and less posts like this one.....

way too tall, rugal should be resized
deleted from the roster

Haha I agree.... the good thing is people like me who aren't good at giving in depth feedback can copy and paste what everyone says and get it to the author... I'm on it pronto
Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13
#16  November 23, 2013, 08:44:17 pm
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everybody talking about sprites but has anybody played with this character?

All of his gas attacks are infinites and cheap as fuck
all of his basic normals infinite a character in the corner when falling. I like his movesets and the sound qualities arent to terrible with what you had to work with
His inflatable balloon super is completely invincible
The rest of his supers excluding his level 2 are not invincible on start up so he gets hit out of the animations but the super fx stays on the screen

im not gonna go on about how much damage his blank does or if he gets meter back from blabla or he can crouch while running etc . This is current feedback to what primarily needs to get fix. If you do update your character and fix these problems, then expect me to give you feedback in the future

I appreciate you doing this. I see what happened on the gas. A fame got deleted from the anim where the flower shrinks back so i fixed that and added some tiks to fix that quick. Found some of the wonky power adds I poorly frankenscripted from Spiderbats code. I got the balloon hyper reworked so that issue is fixed. I just am having trouble finding these standing basic infinites. I was able to replicate the issue with the light and medium punches but I cant see how the hard punch could infinite. I could see how the medium crouch punch, and standing hard kick could infinite so I  put in some fixes just in case, but I couldnt replicate the infinites on the other basics. Any advice you could provide to help me figure this out would be appreciated. I added a few tiks to all the basics to maybe help on this. I am very curious about the crouch out of the run issue. I couldnt replicate it. I scripted it from cyanides Omega Red as he suggested to me a while back. so not sure if its a bug from the transfer, or if it was an issue with the original code.

I appreciate the advice, in addition I fixed quite a few alignments in the basic, and touched up a few sprite especially the unicycle that was bugging me. While I can do some minor editing I am not really a spriter so theres not much I can do about the size of Joker. It personally doesnt bother me. I think animated Joker was a bit bulkier than the average twiggy Joker, thats kinda what I dig about him. Caesar Romero, and Nicholson were not small guys either. A slight resize in the mugen cns in the size data might help those that are annoyedd by his size
Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13
#17  November 25, 2013, 09:07:08 pm
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i no longer have the character in my roster, but if you intend on updating him ill give you feedback again forsure.
Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13
#18  January 02, 2014, 03:21:39 am
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I havent fixed everything, nor taken in all the suggestions but heres what I did do

Fixed Infinites
added more get hits including a trip anim
Fixed some funky power adds
Made Jecko Balloon hitable
tamed some damage down
re-aligned basics
Touched up all sprites especially the Unicycle
fixed foward grab to hard punch
added channel 0 to sounds so they cancel out
New Winpose (as seen above) Its based on an old win pose by old teamate from Spoiler Jason Todd. He always wanted this in Joker, but I never thought the sprites matched oswald very good. I felt it fit great with this joker so I tried to re create the winpose for this version of Joker.

So ready for next wave of feedback. Will fix it next year with a slew of bug fixes on Bane, Clayface, and Harley.

Also I will be releasing a new character in weeks to come so stay tuned on that before bug fixes start coming;down=425
Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13 *UPDATED 12/31/13
#19  January 02, 2014, 03:47:43 am
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Standing light-punch misses up close if repeated .. it only hits right at the end of the animation, and small portrait is still messed up.  Sprites are nice, but the character still needs a bit of work done to it!
Re: The JOKER by Alexziq released 11/3/13 *UPDATED 12/31/13
#20  January 04, 2014, 12:44:42 am
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Okay, gonna give some real feedback this time.

- Small and big portraits are misaligned.
- The back dash sends too far backwards.
- I understand why there the delay for superjump, in terms of anim, but it makes the move pretty bad in terms of gameplay.
- Why does a.MK send the opponent to the ground super quick instead of a.SK and a.SP ?
- Light standing attacks have a very long startup for light attacks.
- Becaus eof pushback, s.SK will never connect during a basic light > medium > s.SK combo.
- With the recent DC/Batman games, aren't there Joker voices to use that aren't cut ?
- The way you made the different versions of Unicycle attack has no interest : light is slow and doesn't go far, while strong is faster and goes faster, and both deal the same amount of damage. What's the point of using the light version then ? You have to balance all versions in terms of speed/startup time/damage/distance/etc. to make all versions interesting.
- When light poison flower is guarded, the smoke disappears all of a sudden.
- Light and medium poison flower don't have the same guard sprite.
- Guard sprite for medium poison flower is misaligned.
- What's the point of the Penguin helper if you can't use it properly in the middle of a combo, or when you're in the air, for crossups for example ? As it is now, it basically acts like a downgraded projectile attack that leaves the Joker completely open.
- What is this pause at the beginning of the hypers, when the super portrait is on screen ? Kinda kills the flaw IMO.
- Joybuzzer could have the electricity sparks randomized in position, it would look prettier and the sparks wouldn't appear one over the other.
- How is Loaded glove a Lv2 hyper, as said in the read me ?
- Several hypers give back power to The Joker when they hit.
- Loaded glove doesn't have a woosh sound when The Joker punches. Very noticeable when he misses P2, as everything remains silent.
- Why can Joybuzzer be blocked ? Isn't it supposed to be a grab ?
- Damage for all hypers don't make much sense. Joybuzzer deals 180 while it's a grab (0 range) which can be blocked, while Hyper Flag is a super projectile that deals 260 damage from the other side of the screen.
- Plus, supers are not very useful as they can't even be chained from special moves, from what I tried.
- With P2 in the corner, perform s.SK > poison flower. You'll see P2 being dizzied in the air.
- Actually, with P2 in the corner, s.SK > strong poison flower > s.SK > strong poison flower [repeat] is an infinite.

So yeah, this has potential, but it really needs a lot of work in terms of gameplay and coding. Nice to see you're updating him, which means the character will become better and better over time. It's just not there yet.
Good luck. ;)