
Fighters History MAME - "2 Chinas" (Read 8360 times)

Started by Reginukem, December 19, 2009, 06:42:59 pm
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Fighters History MAME - "2 Chinas"
#1  December 19, 2009, 06:42:59 pm
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Re: Fighters History MAME - "2 Chinas"
#2  December 20, 2009, 02:56:19 am
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Thank you very much, Reginukem.  Now do Ray's and Karnov's stages next.
My Mugen Wish List would include protagonists, mascots and other iconic characters with everything they have brought straight from their source with little or no editing.
Re: Fighters History MAME - "2 Chinas"
#3  December 20, 2009, 09:58:25 am
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  • lloosseerr
  • 臺灣 Taiwan
Interesting old school bgs. It would be great if you make the whole set. :sugoi:
Where's my country, Taiwan's flag?
Re: Fighters History MAME - "2 Chinas"
#4  December 20, 2009, 01:31:49 pm
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  • Mugen museum creator
  • former mod here :p
    • Belgium
truly excellent!
Re: Fighters History MAME - "2 Chinas"
#5  December 20, 2009, 04:48:24 pm
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It would be great if you make the whole set.

I've converted other stages from FH in 2006. Check here :  (Thanks again electrocaid)

Now do Ray's and Karnov's stages next.

These stages are already converted too, whit the The Stage Maker's help back in 2006, but some of them needs an update. I'll work on this and fix "Martial Champion" in the next week.

Thank you all  :)
Re: Fighters History MAME - "2 Chinas"
#6  December 20, 2009, 04:49:27 pm
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  • former mod here :p
    • Belgium
yeah baby!  :2thumbsup:
Re: Fighters History MAME - "2 Chinas"
#7  December 22, 2009, 11:01:06 pm
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It would be great if you make the whole set.
These stages are already converted too, whit the The Stage Maker's help back in 2006, but some of them needs an update. I'll work on this and fix "Martial Champion" in the next week.

You converted the SNES versions of Ray McDougal's and Karnov's stages.  The arcade ones are more detailed but haven't been converted yet.
My Mugen Wish List would include protagonists, mascots and other iconic characters with everything they have brought straight from their source with little or no editing.
Re: Fighters History MAME - "2 Chinas"
#8  December 22, 2009, 11:53:58 pm
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    • Argentina
i like your work bro!  ;D

some points:

Stage for Lee from FH. - first release

-Your parallax needs an adjustment, there is a small displacement of the characters
remembers that the zoffset should match with the delta =1,1
-you must fix the deltas of the cartel
-the sky has got wrong deltas, why your xdelta is .75? this value is very high, considering that the mountains have a much lower delta

[BG sky]
type  = normal     
spriteno = 0, 0       
delta = .75,1
tile = 1,0
velocity = -.2, 0
layerno = 0           
mask  = 0

[BG mountain]
type  = normal
spriteno = 0, 1
delta = 0,1
mask = 1

Stage for Fei Lin - updated

-again your parallax needs an adjustment, there is a small displacement of the characters

-the delta of the priest is not the correct
I changed to this value and works best

[BG priest]
type  = anim     
actionno = 6       
start = 15, 0
layerno = 0           
mask  = 1
delta = .95,1

good luck with your other proyects! :sugoi:
Re: Fighters History MAME - "2 Chinas"
#9  December 23, 2009, 01:44:27 am
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  • WIP: Tons and tons of IKEMEN stages
Re: Fighters History MAME - "2 Chinas"
#10  December 23, 2009, 02:11:59 am
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    • Argentina
Re: Fighters History MAME - "2 Chinas"
#11  December 23, 2009, 03:42:56 am
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  • Keep Rockin Baby !
I was waiting forever for a lee fighters history stage. Thanks alot for sharing your work Reginukem (Your the best !) 8). Alot mugen users are waiting for Liu Yungmie, Marstorius & Makoto Mizoguchi stages from Fighter's History Dynamite. Plus a few of the lost stages from Fighter's History: Mizoguchi Kiki Ippatsu on SNES. Hopefully somebody bring them to the light someday. ;)
The search of perception of an eye that can hold million or more images instant in a second. When a picture can be describe in million words in a caption.

Roy Bromwell From Rival Schools Sprite
Last Edit: December 23, 2009, 03:46:22 am by Taurus La' Force
Re: Fighters History MAME - "2 Chinas"
#12  December 23, 2009, 05:04:59 am
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I like this game thanks a lot
Re: Fighters History MAME - "2 Chinas"
#13  December 23, 2009, 04:19:54 pm
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  • Sexo con condon ?, haber comete un tamal con hoja.
    • Mexico
More old school stages, this is to damn good to be thruth  :sugoi:
Re: Fighters History MAME - "2 Chinas"
#14  December 24, 2009, 12:26:36 am
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-the delta of the priest is not the correct
I changed to this value and works best

Good Master! Just tested here, and really looks better. Thank you.
Re: Fighters History MAME - "2 Chinas"
#15  December 24, 2009, 12:38:57 am
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  • show me a sane man and i will cure him =)
    • Mexico
nice release clasic stages

anime stage maker since 2009
I want no blood from that girl doctor--not until we're both sweaty and naked and shes  screaming my name. >_<