
KOF MI Lien Neville (Read 38710 times)

Started by walt, March 31, 2010, 05:01:58 am
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KOF MI Lien Neville
#1  March 31, 2010, 05:01:58 am
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Lien Neville - Prelude to Final Version

Nio, Thedge and myself will use this thread as a developer's blog kind of thing, since Spriter's Academy is down  often (I'm looking at you server, you're busting my balls). Latest public beta isn't up for download anywhere, but please don't request it here. Comments are welcome as long as they're not disruptive for the thread.

Here's some of the latest stuff, by me.

Edit: Thedge, look at what I found in my flash drive =P
<- none of these portraits is final
Last Edit: April 17, 2010, 10:54:34 pm by Titiln
Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#2  March 31, 2010, 05:05:44 am
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May I ask who the base was for the spriting?

The people's Republic of Australia
Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#3  March 31, 2010, 05:08:13 am
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I see some Leona and some Betty.
i cant count the reasons i should stay

one by one they all just fade away...
Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#4  March 31, 2010, 05:12:17 am
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Leona, Shermie, Elisabeth, Mai, from scratch in MANY cases ... Amount of detail into every sprite is UGH but worth it:
- bicep yellow band
- forearm yellow band
- legs have 6 straps total + buckles
- no existing 2D base for feet.
Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#5  March 31, 2010, 05:43:45 am
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About damn time this set is getting fixed up.
Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#6  March 31, 2010, 05:52:01 am
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well contributing to the thread...

most recent stuff

added her belly line on the suit, also a lot of animations changed, mostly her basic attacks...

laser animation finished...
I think we are getting closer to the final version (we need to finish 6 animations)
and after that, we will be just touching up details and adding extra sprites to have more fluid animations

this are moves that need to be finish (a few of their sprites are already finished now)


Leona, Shermie, Elisabeth, Mai, Jenet, Yuri, Ai, Sonia (mk) & from scratch in MANY cases ...

            Zorf Giudecca
Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#7  March 31, 2010, 06:37:39 am
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of course any help is good!!
specially from you since I think you are very talented...

so, yeah for the portrait...

we have the image, but it's really diferent to our design
(we will need to change +600 sprites to make it look that way)

there's differences about MI and MI2 outfits...

I would like to see fixes on the char made by you, specially those animations that would look badass with 1 or 2 sprites added...

send me a PM if you need the sprites or the char to work...
(just chamat, since we already know him and trust him)
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#8  March 31, 2010, 06:54:09 am
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Querido Chamat.

1. En Guild se habla ingles solamente, por favor trata de poner por lo menos un corto resumen de lo que dijiste en ingles, para que el 99.97% de la poblacion entienda. ENGLISH PLEASE :sweatdrop:

2. I'll tackle the Stance soon, but I'll ask for your help once we have a stable base to work from. So far the original sprite lacks detail, your sprite has EXTRA detail, and somehow the proportions are off (head is too big)

Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#9  March 31, 2010, 06:57:11 am
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well, I will send the .sff file to him, or the char if needed (but iirc chamat doesn't use mugen)...

mostly, he could help use with the "shermie" roll, and adding extra sprites to the animations... the intention is (and always have been) to kick ass with this char, and if Chamat team up, we could reach that goal...

            Zorf Giudecca
Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#10  March 31, 2010, 06:57:13 am
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I wonder if how many Lien Neville's exist in mugen now... But it's good to have another version of her to play... Nice sprites... GOOD LUCK on your work... :sugoi:
Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#11  March 31, 2010, 06:59:56 am
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This is the same version, made by the same people. If there's another Lien, not made by these three people, let me know cause I'm not hip then.
i cant count the reasons i should stay

one by one they all just fade away...
Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#12  March 31, 2010, 07:02:30 am
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I wonder if how many Lien Neville's exist in mugen now... But it's good to have another version of her to play... Nice sprites... GOOD LUCK on your work... :sugoi:

so far just 2...

Lien Neville by Gran Enigma (mmhhh not kof sprites, not kof gameplay)

Lien Neville by MI team (riccochet, thedge, nio & walt)
plus some colaborators as anhell, kalumon, chamat...

btw Lien will have an exclusive stage made by Cosumo!!
here's a preview

            Zorf Giudecca
Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#13  March 31, 2010, 07:09:40 am
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Ahhh. I don't know if I remember, if ever heard, of that other version of Lien. That stage looks pretty tight. Tell me it's gonna be animated.
i cant count the reasons i should stay

one by one they all just fade away...
Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#14  March 31, 2010, 07:12:24 am
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yeah, I believe, we are planning to put some kameos there (like Hyena from KOFMI)
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#15  March 31, 2010, 07:21:47 am
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Those walk anims look physically impossible.
Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#16  March 31, 2010, 07:31:00 am
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Those walk anims look physically impossible.

going to be fixed by Walt
it's suppose that she is breathing and you can obviously see that :P
but I'm curious oto see the fixes of walt
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#17  March 31, 2010, 02:52:49 pm
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We are about to fix everything, most of those anims were done two or more years ago when we knew less about spriting than we know now.
I'm going back to some plain sprites to reshade them entirely, since its harder to fix some, than making them all over again.

I'll be working on the google intro today, I may upload something later.
That’s when I thought, “good grief”
Just ain’t my belief
Until I saw the holes
Inside his hand
Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#18  March 31, 2010, 05:05:53 pm
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Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#19  March 31, 2010, 05:41:16 pm
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It's not being redone from scratch, you know, it's an overhaul. Color sepparation, remaking the ugly, completing the unfinished.

Like Thedge said, years have passed since the WIP was started, and there have been many side-projects from everyone involved, plus many people (sup, myself included) have shown much interest in having this character finished. So, we'll seize this momentum to create a positive work environment, and see it through until it's completely finished.

Re: [KOF MI] Lien Neville
#20  March 31, 2010, 11:46:49 pm
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Awesome to see this character is still alive.  I was just playing around w/ the beta you guys released over a year ago.  Good luck fellas  :sugoi: