
Complete Vism  (Read 7121 times)

Started by Messatsu, July 04, 2004, 12:34:11 am
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Complete Vism
New #1  July 04, 2004, 12:34:11 am
  • ******
  • In after lock
Recording helper setup

[Statedef 500];                // custom combo function
anim = 11111

[State Pos X]
type     = helper
trigger1 = !time
id       = 501
stateno  = 501

[State Pos Y]
type     = helper
trigger1 = !time
id       = 502
stateno  = 502

[State Anim]
type     = helper
trigger1 = !time
id       = 503
stateno  = 503

[State Stateno]
type     = helper
trigger1 = !time
id       = 504
stateno  = 504

[State Facing]
type     = null
trigger1 = !(root, hitpausetime)
trigger1 = fvar((floor(var(0) / 2))) := root, facing

[State Clone]
type     = varset
trigger1 = !time
var(1)   = 1

[State Next]
type     = varset
trigger1 = !time
var(2)   = 2

[State Vism]
type     = helper
trigger1 = numhelper(666) < 1
trigger1 = time > root, var(15) - 2
trigger1 = helper(504), var((var(2))) != [0, 110)
trigger1 = helper(504), var((var(1))) != helper(504), var((var(2)))
postype  = left
pos      = helper(500), pos x - helper(501), var((var(2))) + 160, helper(500), pos y - helper(502), var((var(2)))
id       = 666
facing   = floor(fvar((floor(var(2) / 2))))
stateno  = helper(504), var((var(2)))
ignorehitpause = 1

[State Modify]
type     = varadd
trigger1 = !(root, hitpausetime)
var(0)   = 1

[State Modify]
type     = varadd
trigger1 = !(root, hitpausetime)
var(1)   = 1

[State Modify]
type     = varadd
trigger1 = !(root, hitpausetime)
var(2)   = 1

[State Train]
type     = varset
trigger1 = var(0) = root, var(15)
var(0)   = 0

[State Train]
type     = varset
trigger1 = var(1) = root, var(15)
var(1)   = 0

[State Train]
type     = varset
trigger1 = var(2) = root, var(15)
var(2)   = 0

[State X_X]
type     = destroyself
trigger1 = power = 0 || root, movetype = H
ignorehitpause = 1

[Statedef 501]
anim = 11111

[State 501]
type     = null
trigger1 = !(root, hitpausetime)
trigger1 = var(( helper(500), var(0) )):= floor(helper(500), pos x - root, pos x)

[State 501]
type     = null
trigger1 = !(root, hitpausetime)
trigger1 = helper(500), var(0) = [0,30)
trigger1 = fvar(( helper(500), var(0) )):= root, vel x

[State X_X]
type     = destroyself
trigger1 = numhelper(500) = 0
ignorehitpause = 1

[Statedef 502]
anim = 11111

[State 502]
type     = null
trigger1 = !(root, hitpausetime)
trigger1 = var(( helper(500), var(0) )):= floor(helper(500), pos y - root, pos y)

[State 502]
type     = null
trigger1 = !(root, hitpausetime)
trigger1 = helper(500), var(0) = (29,60)
trigger1 = fvar(( helper(500), var(0) - 30 )):= root, vel x

[State X_X]
type     = destroyself
trigger1 = numhelper(500) = 0
ignorehitpause = 1

[Statedef 503]
anim = 11111

[State 503]
type     = null
trigger1 = !(root, hitpausetime)
trigger1 = var(( helper(500), var(0) )):= root, anim

[State 503]
type     = null
trigger1 = !(root, hitpausetime)
trigger1 = helper(500), var(0) = [0,30)
trigger1 = fvar(( helper(500), var(0) )):= root, vel y

[State X_X]
type     = destroyself
trigger1 = numhelper(500) = 0
ignorehitpause = 1

[Statedef 504]
anim = 11111

[State 504]
type     = null
trigger1 = !(root, hitpausetime)
trigger1 = var(( helper(500), var(0) )):= root, stateno

[State 504]
type     = null
trigger1 = !(root, hitpausetime)
trigger1 = helper(500), var(0) = (29,60)
trigger1 = fvar(( helper(500), var(0) - 30 )):= root, vel y

[State X_X]
type     = destroyself
trigger1 = numhelper(500) = 0
ignorehitpause = 1

Note: untested on teh H4X0430 WinMugen.

Many people risk their lives everyday by having Mugen.
Last Edit: July 04, 2004, 12:38:54 am by SirROXaLot
Re:Complete Vism
New #2  July 04, 2004, 12:36:09 am
  • ******
  • In after lock
Additional notes:


Typically, custom combos have different delays.  Your initialization should reflect this by modifying root, var(15):

[State Vism]
type       = helper
triggerall = numhelper(500) = 0
trigger1   = command = "a"
trigger1   = var(15):= 12
trigger2   = command = "b"
trigger2   = var(15):= 36
trigger3   = command = "c"
trigger3   = var(15):= 60
stateno    = 500
id         = 500
postype    = p1
pos        = 0,0

Disable all afterimage controllers by using a numhelper(500) = 0 triggerall except for one like this in the player's initialization state:

[State Chaser]
type     = afterimage
trigger1 = numhelper(500) = 1 && !ishelper
time     = 99999999
length   = var(15)
timegap  = 1
framegap = floor(var(15) / 3)
palcontrast = 144, 0, 256

Palfx cannot apply to helpers so you can leave the clone the same color as the player but adjust the sprpriority in the statedef shortcut somewhat like this:

[Statedef 666]
sprpriority = ifelse(ishelper, -1, 2)

Or to apply a fake palfx that has the clone visually delayed by 1 tick:

[State -4]
type     = assertspecial
trigger1 = ishelper
flag     = invisible

[State -4]
type     = afterimage
trigger1 = ishelper
time     = 999999
length   = 2
timegap  = 1
framegap = 1
palcontrast = 96, 96, 256

The clone cannot be hit by anything:

[State -4]
type     = nothitby
trigger1 = ishelper
time     = 2
value    = AA, AP, AT

This allows for the clone to combo:

[State -4]
type     = changestate
trigger1 = ishelper
trigger1 = helper(666), stateno != helper(504), var(( helper(500), var(2) ))
trigger1 = helper(504), var(( helper(500), var(2) )) != [0,110)
value    = helper(504), var(( helper(500), var(2) ))

There will result in a slight error from the helper missing an attack where the player made contact resulting in a completely different position for the clone.  To fix this and use a changestate, you need to apply constant position adjustment:

[State -4]
type     = posset
trigger1 = ishelper
postype  = p1
x        = helper(500), pos x - helper(501), var((var(1))) + 160
y        = helper(500), pos y - helper(502), var((var(1)))

Alternatively, you can use a destroyself using similar restrictions to the changestate and allow the respawning in the correct position to be handled by the helper, 500.  I have found this fairly unreliable so far, but would be more efficient.

Aerial states need to have their velocity adjusted.  Otherwise they start with nothing and sink to the ground.

[State -4]
type     = velset
trigger1 = ishelper && !time
trigger1 = helper(500), var(2) = [0,30)
X        = helper(501), fvar( helper(500), var(2) )
Y        = helper(503), fvar( helper(500), var(2) )

[State -4]
type     = velset
trigger1 = ishelper && time = 0
trigger1 = helper(500), var(2) = (29,60)
X        = helper(502), fvar( helper(500), var(2) - 30 )
Y        = helper(504), fvar( helper(500), var(2) - 30 )

When two states are followed by each other, the second state won't be entered by the clone.  To avoid this, make the states wheel, if in state 200, then go to the exact same state 201 (only difference in 200 and 201 is stateno) given conditions to go into a state.

States 0 and 11 need destroyselfs set.

Many people risk their lives everyday by having Mugen.
Last Edit: July 04, 2004, 01:15:51 am by SirROXaLot
Re:Complete Vism
#3  July 04, 2004, 12:37:53 am
  • ******
  • In after lock
Necessary properties of Vism that I won't cover in this tutorial:

-The player cannot block during this time period
-Hit velocity doubles for fairness.
-Normals chain MVC style.
-Specials can limitlessly cancel into specials except into the same attack.
-Charging attacks no longer need to be charged.
-Projectile of the helper doesn't affect the spawning of the player's projectiles. For example, Shin Gouki in SFZ3U can throw four aerial hadokens on the screen.
-More than half of a full power bar is necessary to initialize.
-Power is drained every tick.
-You cannot perform a super attack.  

Many people risk their lives everyday by having Mugen.
Re:Complete Vism
#4  July 04, 2004, 12:38:24 am
  • ******
  • In after lock
Known issues:
-Y position is off at times. Mostly following a jumping attack.
-The clone has a one tick lag if you want them colored correctly.
-Sprpriority of the clone is shifty during hits or other situations.  

Many people risk their lives everyday by having Mugen.