
Jmorphman's WIP thread: Project S.H.I.N.(go): Shingo Beta out! (Read 2684139 times)

Started by Jmorphman, November 01, 2010, 09:13:43 pm
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Got a light?

This is the water
81 (25.2%)
And this is the well
77 (24%)
Drink full, and descend
33 (10.3%)
The horse is the white of the eye
37 (11.5%)
And the dark within
52 (16.2%)
This is the water
41 (12.8%)
And this is the well
0 (0%)
Drink full, and descend
0 (0%)
The horse is the white of the eye
0 (0%)
And the dark within
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 318

Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#901  May 27, 2011, 03:01:44 am
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I think JMP released a beta cause of ZeroSennin's provocation. Trust me, I'm pretty sure that bastard know that happening.

Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#902  May 27, 2011, 03:06:33 am
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I made a joke about this thread being lame because there was no Ken release or Vice beta--we got that link as a result.

It's a Kyo spriteswap, for mercy's sake. There's no way anyone should take that as a serious release of any kind whatever.
Zero-Sennin's Workshop
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> because you messed up?
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> well that's a fucking shame
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> pick up your sucks

I don't provide old versions of my characters once they're updated. Please don't ask me for them.


Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#903  May 27, 2011, 10:20:35 am
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Mugen is serious business ZS I thought you knew that. >:(
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#904  May 27, 2011, 03:20:26 pm
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Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#905  May 27, 2011, 03:30:23 pm
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Does this mean you can will finally finish Ken?

Because if it does, that's awesome.
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#906  May 27, 2011, 03:54:50 pm
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I guess he can if he received the intro sprites too.
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#907  May 27, 2011, 04:39:56 pm
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Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#908  May 27, 2011, 07:02:06 pm
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Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#909  May 27, 2011, 07:14:55 pm
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Well since its been animated, I may have to steal it.
Spriting is hard.
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#910  May 27, 2011, 07:27:43 pm
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Everything is awesome about that anim, it looks good in action. The only thing bothering me is that the original faces on the frames don't look true to style, they kinda clash
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#911  May 27, 2011, 07:40:52 pm
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Im mad your kyo dont have this *no i didnt edit this*

Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#912  May 28, 2011, 04:58:45 am
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Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#913  June 12, 2011, 02:05:55 am
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cvs kim kaphwan's kick?

Thanks, Buckus.
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#914  June 16, 2011, 04:50:46 am
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It has been over a month, and I have not received and updated palettes. >:[

I have updated all the ones that use the default fx colors, but there are many many more that do not. If you see your name on this list, you should immediately update your palettes.

  • aokmaniac, for the crime of not updating his palettes
  • Banxman3, for the crime of not updating his palettes
  • Basara-kun, for the crime of not updating his palettes PARDONED
  • ComboKyo, for the crime of not updating his palette
  • Chosis, for the crime of not updating his palettesPARDONED (on probation for a potty mouth, albeit a classy one)
  • Cyan Paul, for the crime of not updating his palettes
  • Drex, for the crime of not updating his palettes PARDONED
  • .Hades., for the crime of not updating his palette PARDONED
  • Hero, for the crime of not updating his palette, as well as a whole host of other violations (don't worry you're ALWAYS on my shit list Hero baby) ADDENDUM: and for refusing to update it when asked a second time
  • Hoshi, for the crime of not updating his palettes
  • Jesuszilla, for the crime of not updating his palettes, and for the leaking of VITAL SECRETS
  • MalaDingDong, for the crime of not updating his palettes, and for being a prima donna about palettes. ADDENDUM: for overusing the word verga which was never funny and has always been fucking stupid and stop trying to force a meme jesus christ
  • MC2, for the crime of not updating his palettes. ADDENDUM: and for refusing to update them when asked a second time
  • Psycho Krusher, for the crime of not updating his palette PARDONED
  • ShoShingo, for the crime of not updating his palettes, and for liking the abomination that is 0083. ADDENDUM: and also for talking back
  • Titiln, for the crime of not updating his palette
Last Edit: June 18, 2011, 05:51:08 am by Amuromorphman
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#915  June 16, 2011, 04:52:48 am
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Nobody wants to update their palettes and then have you release a "new" template a month later just because someone convinced you it'd be a really keen idea to make some of the feet in her lightning kick transparent.
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#916  June 16, 2011, 05:12:40 am
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Hey I DID update my Chun Li palettes, look a few pages back, or I can repost them.


Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#917  June 16, 2011, 05:14:13 am
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In case you forgot I'd formatted my computer.  I don't have any of my old shit.
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#918  June 16, 2011, 05:21:18 am
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inb4 a new template update where he separates the left eye from the right one. :pwn:
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#919  June 16, 2011, 05:23:00 am
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Hey I DID update my Chun Li palettes, look a few pages back, or I can repost them.
You didn't update ALL of them though. :P
You didn't do the Morrigan or Lilith ones.

In case you forgot I'd formatted my computer.  I don't have any of my old shit.
In case you forgot I provided a folder with all the palettes that need updating. But I'll just repost that.


inb4 a new template update where he separates the left eye from the right one. :pwn:
Please. The ONLY thing that could possible make me change the template again is Midnight Bliss sprites, and I could update all the palettes myself in that case. But that's only a hypothetical so who cares.
Re: Jmorphman's WIP thread
#920  June 16, 2011, 05:26:34 am
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I intentionally didn't update the ones I didn't like.