Hi guys, this is the first part of an upcoming series of patches for various Mugen stages out there.
You know that many old yet great creators have retired, thus will probably never update their old works to be fully compatible with the new Mugen 1.0.
While Mugen 1.0 aims at being as retro compatible as possible, there are still a few things that aren't parsed identically, and will produce stage bugs which weren't happening in DOS Mugen nor Winmugen.
After fixing one of NeoGouki's stages in MFG's Development Help section, I figured it would be nice to be sure all his stages are fully functionnal in Mugen 1.0, hence the presence of this patch. 
All the stages originate from http://ngmc.retrogames.com, the patch only includes the DEF file, so you will need to go to NeoGouki's website to grab the SFF.
Only the stages listed thereafter have been patched to fix something. Consider all other stages to work in Mugen 1.0 as they used to in Winmugen, i.e. bugless.
Also, I have added to all the DEF files displayname and author parameters. This doesn't break anything in Winmugen, and allows stage interaction with Mugen 1.0.
Here's a list of the changes/fixes :
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
METRO (Metro City skyline, SFZ2):
- Fixed Y tilespacing parameter making the stage look buggy in Mugen 1.0.
CYCLISTS (Beijing rush hour, SFZ2):
- Fixed X tilespacing, for the sake of good coding.
VENICE (Love in Venice, SFZ2):
- Changed shadows so they match the stage better.
BUGLE (Across the Daily Bugle, MSH):
- Fixed shadows appearing badly.
- Fixed X and Y tilespacings making the stage look completely buggy.
AVALON (Avalon, X-Men CotA):
- Fixed X and Y tilespacings that generated some graphical bugs.
CHINA (On a Chinese River, KOF 98):
- Fixed the foreground rail axis.
- Fixed X tilespacing, for the sake of good coding.
DOL_TS (Dead or Live, X-Men vs SF):
- Fixed a slight misalignment due to HR resolution conversion.
BIRTHDAY (Happy Birthday Eliza, SFZ2):
- Changed bounds to fix little pixel problem in HR.
- Changed shadows so they match the stage better.
MIDNIGHT (Midnight Bliss, Pocket Fighters):
- Using reflection instead of shadows.
HIGHWAY (Highway Interception, SFZ2):
- Changed resetbg to 0.
FROZEN01 (Frozen Factory, KOF 2K):
- Using reflection instead of shadows.
SPAIN (Mi Casa es su Casa, SFZ3):
- Added zoffsetlink so the players follow the shaking of the floor during the intro.
FACTORY, FROZEN02 (Factory, KOF2k - Frozen Shipyard, KOF 2k) :
- Just added the author and displayname parameters, for possible intro with Kula
The stages which really needed fixing here were Metro, Bugle and Avalon, with completely messed up tiling.
Here's the link : http://network.mugenguild.com/cybaster
Section "Other".
Next patch will probably be for POTS' stages, as I noticed the parallaxed floor in his MGS stage is completely fucked up in 1.0 when jumping.
Stay tuned.