
Vent time (Read 12830 times)

Started by JustNoPoint, August 28, 2007, 07:30:00 am
Vent time
#1  August 28, 2007, 07:30:00 am
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Sooo, how long do we let the madness continue before we start kicking the trouble makers out? Some of these people need to go.

I know this is bound to occur while it is new but it is making the atmosphere we don't want. Gotta start doing a bit of housecleaning soon so the forum can be functional again.
Re: Vent time
#2  August 28, 2007, 07:33:35 am
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how long ?
kick them off already, just make sure not too many innocents go as well.
Re: Vent time
#3  August 28, 2007, 09:01:39 am
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Define troublemaker.

Also, i really want requests that are back too many pages to vanish. We knew it would be a mess so it would be nice to have an automated deletion system there.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: Vent time
#4  August 28, 2007, 01:10:10 pm
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Well, I *think* I know what troublemaker means, since there is a certain individual on the board that is either trying his best to piss the old fashioned creators off, or wants to put the staff to a test.  ;D
triggerall = Win && numhelper(180) = 0 && time = 0 && (stateno = 180) && matchover
Re: Vent time
#5  August 28, 2007, 04:26:45 pm
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the goatse guy amde me think aobut something.. should we ban all proxy servers?
Re: Vent time
#6  August 28, 2007, 04:35:12 pm
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Re: Vent time
#7  August 28, 2007, 06:47:40 pm
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. . . yes please don't overkill; or kill at all, if possible.

a PM I just wrote said:
Sorry to hear that, but I don't know. The moderation logs show a lot of user deletions since yesterday (don't have time to go through them all), and I'm sorry that it hit you as well if you didn't do anything, but if you only had one or two posts, at least, phew, then it's not that bad.

I suspect that you got caught up in the "cleanup" mentioned this topic and were confused with a "troublemaker" or something.

I hope that doesn't happen again for no reason and will tell the others to be more careful and patient . . . :(
"Several times now, Achamian thought he had glimpsed golden haloes about Kellhus's hands. He found himself envying those, such as Proyas, who claimed to see them all the time."
--R. Scott Bakker
The Thousandfold Thought (2006)
Re: Vent time
#8  August 28, 2007, 06:52:41 pm
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Yeah I have only banned 1 person and that was the guy flooding the forum with that butt pic thingie.

Perhaps we should post members we are considering as troublemakers here so we may discuss and also let them see we think that so they may either
a) act worse cause they want to push us more
b)try to act better because they are not meaning to be a troublemaker, just got caught up in the moment or whatever.
Re: Vent time
#9  August 28, 2007, 07:05:48 pm
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You should often be able to find out for yourself whether b) is the case or not.

Because first of all you talk to them. :D (no shit sepp! yeah but that's where a lot of cases can already be solved.)


Sure if somebody floods topics with "that butt pic thingie" (the things I miss...) you can skip that step.
"Several times now, Achamian thought he had glimpsed golden haloes about Kellhus's hands. He found himself envying those, such as Proyas, who claimed to see them all the time."
--R. Scott Bakker
The Thousandfold Thought (2006)
Re: Vent time
#10  August 28, 2007, 07:09:40 pm
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Also I need to be able to select multiple posts to delete all at once when looking at a whole person's post history.

And the ability to delete dumped threads or at least deeper dump them. All this due to the butt pic guy. And if I may have access to the word filter that would be nice so we can block that link and force him to reupload constantly.

You should often be able to find out for yourself whether b) is the case or not.

Because first of all you talk to them. :D (no shit sepp! yeah but that's where a lot of cases can already be solved.)


Sure if somebody floods topics with "that butt pic thingie" (the things I miss...) you can skip that step.
Do I try to talk to certain members that I know the mentality of already? JZ, Hoshi, etc? :P
Re: Vent time
#11  August 28, 2007, 07:25:17 pm
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one guy ("the mugen master") had the same ip as the spammer and asked me about it. told him it would probably work by now, was just a coincidence I guess.


Re: Vent time
#12  August 28, 2007, 07:47:40 pm
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Re: Vent time
#13  August 28, 2007, 07:52:01 pm
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the account which shared the ip of the spamming account had normal posts from earlier. don't think it's the same guy, and even if it is, unless he spams crap all over the place I don't mind him :P
Re: Vent time
#14  August 28, 2007, 08:11:15 pm
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Also I need to be able to select multiple posts to delete all at once when looking at a whole person's post history.

And the ability to delete dumped threads or at least deeper dump them. All this due to the butt pic guy. And if I may have access to the word filter that would be nice so we can block that link and force him to reupload constantly.

Butt guy is funny, why is it called goatsee anyway?
Re: Vent time
#15  August 28, 2007, 08:14:53 pm
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admins can just delete whole accounts including all their posts, that's easier. let titiln or someone do that :P
Re: Vent time
#16  August 28, 2007, 08:17:23 pm
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Well in the event you guys are not around... plus that means I have to post here everytime to give the username to you guys.

Don't really like the thought of leaving those pics in the dump till an admin can delete them but if you don't mind it oh well.

Also, does account deletion remove the bans on the person?
Re: Vent time
#17  August 28, 2007, 08:21:36 pm
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i deleted his account but his posts still remain as guest posts, haha. :(
the bans remain, however.


Re: Vent time
#18  August 29, 2007, 12:35:58 am
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don't turn off account activation, whoever did it last time

Re: Vent time
#19  August 29, 2007, 09:45:18 am
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i deleted his account but his posts still remain as guest posts, haha. :(

Then you haven't done it right! There's a checkbox I think, or a list, that you can set to include deletion of all posts on the account deletion screen. Edit: Oh. Haha. I get it now. The deleted posts are, of course, sent to the Recycle Bin. XD

TDS what's the problem with disgusting imagines in the Recycle Bin? I don't see it. I shall update the description of the board to include Here be dragons.

In any case, the ability to delete things from the Recycle Bin should either already be there... or be given to GMods, definitely.
"Several times now, Achamian thought he had glimpsed golden haloes about Kellhus's hands. He found himself envying those, such as Proyas, who claimed to see them all the time."
--R. Scott Bakker
The Thousandfold Thought (2006)
Last Edit: August 29, 2007, 09:54:56 am by Sepp
Re: Vent time
#20  August 29, 2007, 10:55:59 am
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Short on time. Tell me if I keep overlooking and forgetting things after days and days.

For now, Global Moderator power level up

Delete account: any account
"Several times now, Achamian thought he had glimpsed golden haloes about Kellhus's hands. He found himself envying those, such as Proyas, who claimed to see them all the time."
--R. Scott Bakker
The Thousandfold Thought (2006)