
From concept art found on the net to M.U.G.E.N Stages (Read 99752 times)

Started by _Kronos_, August 29, 2007, 08:35:49 pm
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Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#41  May 06, 2008, 10:17:02 am
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    • France
By any chance if this bother someone I found out of this searching in a def file created by KFM .one of his stages has this technique. Which was the cause of me making these two stages.   
Any problems and I will gladly remove the stages and links.
Neh, this technique is wildly known now. Taking this coding as reference shouldn't even be a problem.

Lost knowledge : asymetry in the stage, and view in debugbg :

Also, the background seems to not be at very good resolution, although I guess you can do nothing with that.

Caos Silenciado : nice, although the lights don't glow enough IMO.
A mist animation going on in the stage may be a nice addition to add some animation.
Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#42  May 06, 2008, 08:57:50 pm
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Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#43  May 07, 2008, 03:41:59 am
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Gears of War  Train Station This stage has animation banners light up. Scroll led and music from devil may cry 4 so thats a plus. if you like that type of music. Thanks Cybaster I will try and work on some mist animation still can get the hang of loop in images like fire and smoke.

hum, sorry but the link's dead...
sorry I will see what I can do I dont have the file in this pc
Last Edit: May 13, 2008, 03:52:54 pm by _kronos_
Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#44  May 07, 2008, 09:14:40 pm
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Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#45  May 08, 2008, 09:42:29 am
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Lost knowledge :
The stage is not quite fixed :
- Activate debugbg, and you'll see the pink line at the bottom of the stage. Just change the start position of each sprite in the def file by modifying the Y axis.
- Stage is still assymetric, since boundleft != boundright. Set them to 105 and -105, and change the X position of each layer by removing 5 to the X start position.

Train station :
- Stage is assymetric. This is a mistake you shouldn't be doing anymore seeing your numerous creations. :(
- Are you sure you needed so many sprites (more than 1000 !!!!) just to make the text fluent ? o_O
Other than that, the image used is very nice, the text animation is top-notch, and the ligh effects are good. Maybe some little puddle of water on the ground would be nice to add even more anims, but that's all I can suggest I guess.
Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#46  May 08, 2008, 05:24:30 pm
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:wall: damit I will fix this I can believe a made this mistake so often I always thought it was the art that was asymmetric. The bounds where the mistake damn al fix them.

Here is the file for SC3 low res not update just found the file and re uploaded
Last Edit: May 13, 2008, 08:20:19 pm by _kronos_
Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#47  May 08, 2008, 08:34:46 pm
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1000 thanks  ;)
Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#48  May 11, 2008, 08:07:32 am
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i seen some of these stages at mugenhistory

 my site NEW RELEASE
A shame. Thats how the MUGEN world is, sadly
Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#49  May 12, 2008, 02:23:41 pm
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    umm is that a good thing or a bad thing cuz  Ruben asked me to let him host the stages there.
I just upload them here at the Mugen Guild cuz this is where I started not many replies, but at least the ones I get are constructive. That’s good enough for me.
Last Edit: May 12, 2008, 05:48:01 pm by _kronos_
Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#50  May 13, 2008, 03:46:56 pm
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Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#51  May 14, 2008, 11:46:31 pm
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Aren't these supposed to work on Mugen-Plus?
Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#52  May 15, 2008, 09:48:02 am
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Yes they are. If they aren't, Kronos just forgot to add the HIres=1 code in the def file, you can do that yourself. :P
Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#53  May 15, 2008, 02:33:02 pm
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Aren't these supposed to work on Mugen-Plus?

  Well if your down loading the older stages like the ones from page 1. I do not have access to the links and can’t edit them to add the code HIres=1. Since it’s a bit simple any one who is able to edit can add the line to the .def  if one choose to do so.
Last Edit: May 19, 2008, 09:49:29 pm by _kronos_
Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#54  May 17, 2008, 03:44:07 am
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  • Yo I'm the best maang. I diiiiiiiiiid it.
    • Puerto Rico
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Re: stages at new MugenGuild
New #55  May 19, 2008, 02:51:55 pm
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Las LLamas de Odio 15 mb , why the fire has nice animation

Imitation BlazeBlue Stage 71 mb well 143 frames

     Imitation BlazeBlue well there is a big giro thing in the back that spins. Wanted to make the world spin around but did not have a map at hand. It’s kind of simple to make a spinning world with a flat image and a few masks. The big celestial animated disc at the top of the stage. Using the RGB on the background and foreground takes some space no color loss = bigger stage in my case.  The candles are animated as well. The image is a bit on the blurry side well it’s the best I could find I wish it where better and some one would have saved it in .png ( yeah right). I will update the stage upon feedback.

Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 04:44:54 am by _kronos_
Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#56  May 20, 2008, 09:35:58 am
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Imitation BlazeBlue :
+ Very nice stage, even though the image was not top quality (it's a bit blurred).
+ Very sweet effects, with nice animations.
+ The delta for the background oddly gives the stage a 3D touch, I like it.
- You forgot to put back debugbg to 0, it uses memory for nothing.
- On the left of the stage, with debugbg=1, you can see some pink at the bottom, and a vertical line all the way up the stage. Some bounds to ajust a little, and everything will be fine.
- 73MB for a SFF is just insane. Try cutting down on the number of sprites used for the animation. I'm sure the animation would still be quite fluid with half the number of sprites, and possibly with a third.

llamas de odio :
+ Perfectly perfect stage, in animations as well as graphics and all. :2thumbsup:
- You left debugbg at 1, whereas it should be at 0 for the release.
- Only little thing I would comment on : on the left of the stage, there's a pillar with the BlackJack trick. But we can still see the shadow passing through it and on the ground, whereas it should be stopped by the pillar. Try adding a duplicate piece of image using layerno=1 to mask the shadows while not bothering the pillar with BlackJack trick.
Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#57  May 20, 2008, 03:37:44 pm
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Thanks Cybaster I will work on the updates for the last stages. Debugbg damn jejeej I will fix that also.
The shadows ahh crap since I use hokuto no ken  character for testing  did not notice that flaw.

As for reducing frames that one is going to be a bit hard I will try and see how I can edit out the
Giro or something . I will have to study this one .

An hour of lost time

   I like this stage it has a bunch of gears in it very animated. I edited the gears
Perspective and color shade in Adobe After effect 7.0. Added them together changed the time of each
Converted them into a single comp created a alpha for the layer and achieved a multiple animated
layer. The small gears is a single layer flip horizontally to create the spinning effect. There are many frames for the big gears, to create an effective fluid looping animation. I wanted to add just a single layer animation but limited to one perspective and size. It would have looked cheap with just the same size and perspective. Stage time thinking 4 hours , working 35 minutes  compiling 25 minutes. 

enjoy heheh take care later.

Last Edit: May 21, 2008, 10:36:16 pm by _kronos_
Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#58  May 20, 2008, 07:55:30 pm
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      update stage Las llamas de odio


    I added a stone slab with some delta. Added some alpha mask to the far left of the stage. Hope this one looks better. If I only would have placed the mask under the pillar it self, it cuts right into the shadow making even more odd.

Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#59  May 21, 2008, 09:43:49 am
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    • France
Kronos Time is really very nice, with really sweet animations, even though some of the gears seem to have some grainy effect on them. Size is huge, but I guess that was needed for so many high-res animations. :)
Re: stages at new MugenGuild
#60  May 21, 2008, 02:08:29 pm
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Kronos Time is really very nice, with really sweet animations, even though some of the gears seem to have some grainy effect on them. Size is huge, but I guess that was needed for so many high-res animations. :)

     heheh Thanks  yeah rendering the gears from .png to index colors for .pcx gave them a grainy color. I did not notice this till, I hit alt+enter full screen. I mostly use window mode and my display screen is set at a higher resolution. I am glad you like it.