
Update Gouken by alexlexus wip (Read 49584 times)

Started by alexlexus, October 27, 2007, 12:08:26 am
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Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#101  December 14, 2007, 08:53:58 am
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Some of it has already been said, but whatever :

- Just activate debug mode in watch, and look at the flood that pops out (changed to invalid state blabla)
- Once he parries once, the rate at which he can parry all the other hits is too high and not humanly possible IMO.
- Use a lower volume please.
- The HTML readme is ugly : you let the AI commands inside, and you could make some comments about the moves.
- The AI doesn't have the same stance as the human player. o_O
- The stance CLSN changes although Gouken isn't moving at all. Plus, there are too much.
- Super background is misaligned (you can see the stage appearing at the bottom of the screen).
- Some little infinite priority on basic moves. (blue CLSNs must cover red ones)
- The little air fireball doesn't explod when touching the ground. Plus, both air fireballs don't make a noise when touching the ground.
- Big infinite priority on air basics.
- qcb+2K has huge red CLSN on the feet. Rather put them normal size, add a helper to vaccum the opponent.
- The looping explod sound for QCB+2P is painful for the ears.
- Air qcb+P fireball is very slow, and all the variations go the same speed. Try to add some variety.
- 2qcb+P deals 240 damage to a guarding opponent, that's really too much.
- Is it normal the Gouken looks like he's sliding during hadoken (qcb+P) ?
- Hadoken doesn't touch if performed very closely to the opponent (tested on a CVS sized char).
- Why don't hadokens have an explod sprite ?
- Hadoken effect still has a shadow.
- The dragon sprite on D,D+b+c is cut, which doesn't look very nice.
- D,D+b+c removes too much life for a Lv1 super.
- If you jump over the opponent and continue jumping holding the jump button, Gouken won't face the opponent.
- All super give back some power, whereas they shouldn't.
- D,D+x+a has a column effect which should touch the ground IMO instead of being cut in the air.
- light dragon punch deals more damage than medium one. Invert them.
- On his hard dragon punch, he has pink hair (basic palette).
- He doesn't say anything on air hurricane kick.
- Jump forward + HK = WHAT ? Look at the sprites (though I suppose they're in WIP) and the placement of the hitspark.

- Hitsparks on hurricane are slightly misaligned, and the hitboxes need some work.
- D,D+y+z still doesn't make sense IMO.
- B,D,DB+K has a horrible looping sound (and also have the WIP sprites).
- Teleportation would be better if made normally, so that we can control the distance and if we want to go forward or backwards. Here, it's too predictable.
- You may want to exchange the kick and puch throw commands, as the y+z is a tomoe nage (kick throw) and vice versa.
- b+c throw creates a huge debug flood.

That's what I could find after some testing. I haven't tested the whole gameplay system yet, and the various combos, so there should be more. He's much better than last time. Now, I think he really has enough moves to be able to react in whatever situation. You have to polish all the moves and make them perfect in all means. A solid gameplay is the key to a very good character.

Good continuation, this character truly has potential.
Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#102  December 14, 2007, 02:26:24 pm
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  • Aka ShadesTeam/Zeckle
the dragon being cut off is ligers fault, he made me do it, ill make sure that alex and i get those things fixed, also i will eventually try to get that high kick in the air to not look crappy once i or alex have time for it, but thanks very much for the feedback this is exactly whats needed to help alex complete this XD
Shades 2 site:Shades of Manhattan
Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#103  December 15, 2007, 08:25:20 am
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all the negatives have been said however i had no objections to the sound.
To me the sound is really gives him originality and for some of the
moves it shows emphasis in his power and technique
Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#104  December 17, 2007, 05:57:18 am
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  • son of sparda
new gouken beta out at ascended mugen site. sgs added but there is a bug i will fix tomarrow but you can still use it , the target might vanish on some chars but rest asured i am on it.

fixed hit spark placement also on many attacks.
nMo new generation of mugen exposure
Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#105  December 24, 2007, 06:02:13 am
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  • son of sparda
nMo new generation of mugen exposure
Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#106  December 25, 2007, 05:02:48 pm
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  • son of sparda

merry christmas

gouken released.


full release.

AI bugs are being worked on. for the air parry, simple fix.
everything is working
and the kick is smoothed out now. and new AI.
nMo new generation of mugen exposure
Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#107  December 25, 2007, 06:28:21 pm
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Duh...I can't download him becase it says:

"Sorry, the free service is at full capacity.

Please try later or upgrade to sendspace Max™ to enable guaranteed slots and instant, fast downloads."

Can you use another uploader like rapidshare, megaupload etc...?
Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#108  December 25, 2007, 06:32:01 pm
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  • Aka ShadesTeam/Zeckle
try again, it will work, sometimes you need to try afew times
Shades 2 site:Shades of Manhattan
Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#109  December 25, 2007, 06:42:42 pm
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  • Let me show you my real personality!
I've tried a lot of times but it doesn't work...
Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#110  December 25, 2007, 06:46:58 pm
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  • Aka ShadesTeam/Zeckle
i think it also might be at ascendedmugen
Shades 2 site:Shades of Manhattan
Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#111  December 25, 2007, 07:02:41 pm
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  • Let me show you my real personality!
I've checked Ascended Mugen, It isn't updated...

But now link works!   :sugoi:
Downloading him!

Feedback soon!  :sugoi:
Last Edit: December 25, 2007, 07:08:31 pm by Skank88
Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#112  December 25, 2007, 07:29:23 pm
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  • Still in Prison...
hehe...thanks Alexlexus! and a Merry Xmas To you! feedback later!! :sugoi: :sugoi: :sugoi:

Been Through Worse....


Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#113  December 25, 2007, 08:42:30 pm
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Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#114  December 26, 2007, 07:49:18 pm
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  • son of sparda
sup anyone like the release?
nMo new generation of mugen exposure
Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#115  December 27, 2007, 07:24:47 pm
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dis char is f-ing sick.
Im the Prodigy of Video games. 

Altair WIP canceled due to loss off sprites

<a href=""
target="_blank">[img resized=1 width= height= alt=Final Fantasy Character Test"
width="200" height="100" border="0][/img][/url]

<a href="" target="_blank">;
Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#116  December 27, 2007, 10:25:35 pm
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Last Edit: December 28, 2007, 04:15:58 am by Ohsky
Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#117  December 30, 2007, 11:54:33 am
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  • I'm a llama!
Well after testing him out finally I'm seeing a lot of improvement, but you need to Get rid of that horrible Jumping FK sprite already or add some more sprites to it and the uppercut touches are great but I think you need to add some more hits to it seems kinda odd he twirls in the air for no reason afterwords lol maybe make it vacuum the character in???..... other then that seems great, just no gen super yet   :-\
Last Edit: December 30, 2007, 11:59:22 am by AiRiC
Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#118  December 30, 2007, 06:16:33 pm
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  • son of sparda
Well after testing him out finally I'm seeing a lot of improvement, but you need to Get rid of that horrible Jumping FK sprite already or add some more sprites to it and the uppercut touches are great but I think you need to add some more hits to it seems kinda odd he twirls in the air for no reason afterwords lol maybe make it vacuum the character in???..... other then that seems great, just no gen super yet   :-\

Gen super will be release in another update.

i added new stuff to gouken.

heavens phoneix driver kick super

animated the power stance a bit

added new buring effects for the fireball super.

and fixing the parry  timing. cause after playg a friend of mine i saw that i was abused and made gouken cheap.
as much as i wanted him to be able to keep up with ryuuken and seven the parrying will be adjusted.
nMo new generation of mugen exposure
Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#119  February 15, 2008, 02:30:27 pm
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  • son of sparda
nMo new generation of mugen exposure
Re: Update Gouken by alexlexus wip
#120  February 15, 2008, 08:18:56 pm
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Looks intressting.
Still - skip Akuma's voiceover. You could use Master Gen Fu's voice from Dead or Alive series.
And you use some of Akuma's moves. Don't. Use some others. :)
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