
Blade/Jihad updated to 1.03, 7/14/2008 (Read 10110 times)

Started by Doggiedoo, July 10, 2008, 06:08:57 pm
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Blade/Jihad updated to 1.03, 7/14/2008
#1  July 10, 2008, 06:08:57 pm
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Download 1.03 at Mugen Infantry:

1.02 at RandomSelect:
Hosted > Hosted Characters > Doggiedoo


   -AI tweaks and bugfixes.
   -Fixed Pushokuron Purokus' element selection.
   -Plain Trance background replaced with an animated
    one. Again, see config.txt for details. The custom
    background is now the default, assuming most
    players want to fight blade on his own stage.
   -Warzard Intro setting added, for use with an edit
    of La Miss Fairy's 'Darminor Outside' stage. See
    'extras\sextras readme.txt' for details.
Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 10:27:56 am by Doggiedoo
Re: Blade updated to 1.02, 7/10/2008
#2  July 10, 2008, 07:45:23 pm
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He's a great challenge, I will let you know if I find any bugs. Great job man.
Re: Blade updated to 1.02, 7/10/2008
#3  July 10, 2008, 08:23:33 pm
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Lock n' load
Hosted -> Hosted Characters -> Doggiedoo

Everything should be up to date for ya there.
(Gimme a faster internet connection and I can tear through hosting like a knife through butter @_@)
Re: Blade updated to 1.02, 7/10/2008
#4  July 11, 2008, 03:07:09 am
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Yay! Updating the relevant posts. :)

Mmm... faster internet...  :'(
Re: Blade updated to 1.02, 7/10/2008
#5  July 11, 2008, 08:02:52 pm
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  • Candy Princess
Some feedback.

1 - His AI is fixed, yay!

2 - His AI could use some tweaking with his supers. Right now the activations for them seem kind of weird. I would say he should use his shard super in the following,
A, if his health is higher and you're pressuring him. (Think Sekhmet's medusa curse)
B, if he's low on health and you're closer to him in one last attempt to kill you before losing. (He seems to do this now. Although sometimes he does it even if you're very far away which is a bit of a waste since you take almost no damage at a distance, and he'd be better off waiting till you move in or just saving the energy)
His mirror super should probably be used when you're attacking him as a counter. And then maybe at random on rare occasion to trip you up. Right now he seems to just do it randomly and it tends to miss because of it.

3 - Where is his warzard intro? ??? :( If you're having trouble with time issues I'd suggest maybe adding a few frames to the broken pieces floating around. And maybe slow down the time it takes for them to come together, too. Another thing you could add is slowing the gem appearing and have it sparkle for a second before his armor floats up. With a few delays here and there it should allow enough time for the music to play a bit and not just unexpectedly chop off.

4 - The black super background on his mirror is really, really ugly. Instead of that, I'd say he needs the option to have no super bg at all. Or, have the entire thing removed. The castle super bg looks even more strange on his stage when he isn't in the location that the super bg shows. Since you suddenly see a different part of the stage.
I'm guessing the black bg might have been to attempt some sort of dream effect? If so, I'd suggest doing a psychedelic background like magaki used for his fade to nothingness-like DM in KOF XI. But even still, I really think it needs the option to be removed entirely. If nothing else for the sake of his stage so it can be displayed accurately.

Great update overall, though. He'll be perfect once 3 and 4 get taken care of, IMO ;D
Re: Blade updated to 1.02, 7/10/2008
#6  July 12, 2008, 05:30:22 am
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He does (or should) actually use the mirror super as a counter, but only to attacks that won't recover in time. Given the slowness of the move, not many attacks qualify. :P Will double-check to see if it's working correctly, though Bleh, the trigger WAS broken. Fixing for the next update. His random usage should only be at more than 2500 power, to throw a curveball into the match since he's almost maxed out anyway. It could be refined so that he only does it at high health, and to counter faster moves than he normally would. A distance modifier'll also be added to his armour-split super, though using it as an anti-pressure move may be self-defeating in custom mode, where it draws opponents closer towards him.

The Warzard intro needs him to start closer to his Warzard location, unfortunately. As it is, the gem anim is mostly offscreen, and the camera cannot be moved sufficiently without also moving his opponent. Can't remove the mirror super bg entirely either; there needs to be some obscuring layer to hide the parts of the enemy that are outside the mirror, but an alternate acid-trip bg is a good idea.

EDIT: Temp fix for the mirror super trigger; in blade.cmd, under the 3rd-last state control, replace:

trigger1 = enemynear, animtime < -25 && p2bodydist x < 20
trigger1 = p2bodydist x > 0 && enemynear, animtime < -35 - 5*(p2bodydist x - 80)


trigger1 = (enemynear, animtime < -25 && p2bodydist x < 20) || (p2bodydist x > 0 && enemynear, animtime < -35 - 0.2*(p2bodydist x - 80))
Last Edit: July 12, 2008, 05:59:44 am by Doggiedoo
Re: Blade updated to 1.02, 7/10/2008
#7  July 12, 2008, 06:30:22 am
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  • Candy Princess
Thanks! ;D

Where do the characters need to start for his warzard intro? If you can get the cords right for it I'd be glad to release an alternative version of my stage for it. Or, you could release it yourself and package it with blade (probably easier) if you wanted.

Re: Blade updated to 1.02, 7/10/2008
#8  July 12, 2008, 07:35:43 am
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I could package an alternate .def file for the stage, but leave out the .sff so players can get that from your original files. Would that be ok?
Last Edit: July 12, 2008, 07:42:46 am by Doggiedoo
Re: Blade updated to 1.02, 7/10/2008
#9  July 12, 2008, 07:53:28 am
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  • Candy Princess
Re: Blade updated to 1.02, 7/10/2008
#10  July 12, 2008, 04:49:44 pm
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  • I like ladybugs
This made me depressed, its an okay character but I was expecting a vampire hunter when I clicked the topic :(
"For some reason, goblin fighting school isn't as crowded on day two." ~ Goblin Taskmaster
Re: Blade/Jihad updated to 1.03, 7/14/2008
#11  July 14, 2008, 10:30:02 am
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Updated again... barring massive bugs, this should be the final version before work starts on a new character, plus final updates on Valdoll and Shin Valdoll.

Thread title updated to avoid further confusion, btw. ;P
Re: Blade/Jihad updated to 1.03, 7/14/2008
#12  July 14, 2008, 03:58:18 pm
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you should make an accurate version of leo.  :P (seeing what u have done i suppose you can).

what are your plans for your next char?.
Re: Blade/Jihad updated to 1.03, 7/14/2008
#13  July 14, 2008, 04:51:58 pm
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Not sure yet. Since Kung_Fu_Man is already working on Kongou, another version of him would be a bit redundant. That leaves Gi Gi, and TrasgoSe7en may be doing him too. If not, Gi Gi is the next project. If so, then a Warzard-based Tessa/Tabasa has yet to be made... eh, I'll just fish around for whatever character isn't anyone's WIP.
Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 05:01:01 pm by Doggiedoo
Re: Blade/Jihad updated to 1.03, 7/14/2008
#14  July 14, 2008, 05:08:36 pm
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You shouldn't always base your WIPs on what has been made or not. I'm not trying to diss any other creator of Warzard characters, but I believe you're the best Warzard converter to this day, and that your creations top the others.

Gigi is indeed being made by TrasgoSe7en.
Tabasa and Kenji are being made by Cray.
But whatever, pick up what you like, and not in function of the others. Sure, it's nice for people to have access at all the stuff instead of 10 times the same character made differently, but if the char is made by you, it will definitely be top-notch.

If GM had had this way of thinking, we'd never have had any of his wonderful SF3 conversions (and people would still be playing with Slayergatsu's Gill). ^_^

Just my 2 cents. Good luck in whatever next char you do.

On-topic : I just tested Blade with the new background for Trance in the custom stage. NICE :sugoi:
And it gives a small advantage to P1, which is not a bad thing as a matter of fact. :P
Re: Blade/Jihad updated to 1.03, 7/14/2008
#15  July 14, 2008, 06:52:24 pm
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  • Candy Princess
Not sure yet. Since Kung_Fu_Man is already working on Kongou, another version of him would be a bit redundant. That leaves Gi Gi, and TrasgoSe7en may be doing him too. If not, Gi Gi is the next project. If so, then a Warzard-based Tessa/Tabasa has yet to be made... eh, I'll just fish around for whatever character isn't anyone's WIP.
Honestly hun T is right.

I'm not trying to be mean toward other creators but you not making a character because somebody else is making seems like really, really flawed thinking.

Right now we still have no warzard Nool. Tsango7's uses fusion gameplay.
We have no accurate Hauzer. Mature4Ever's is based mostly off CFJ. (Although he was trying to make a warzard hauzer so I could see you not wanting to make that one to avoid redundancy)
We have no accurate Lavia. Tsango7's is custom. (I have a private warzard version but even she isn't as nice as your work is)
Gili is being made although Tsango said it might have some adjusted moves and stuff.
No accurate Keiji.
No accurate Tabasa.
No accurate Leo.
No accurate Kongou. KFM wanted to make him but I don't think he mentioned when he'd be done so you never know if he could get busy or something and then we'd not have Kongou at all.

Just because something got made doesn't mean it was flattering to the creations. I mean, I like Tsango's Nool alot for example. But I also really wish we had a warzard accurate one.

I do hope you reconsider that position since I think it would be a grave waste of your talent to not make something just because somebody else made it previously. (As I mentioned before the only way I could see that is if somebody made an accurate version of something and the version you'd make wouldn't have anything different. But that is far from the case here so it's a whole different thing)

I'll get back to you on Blade and Valdoll. Cheers<3
Re: Blade/Jihad updated to 1.03, 7/14/2008
#16  July 14, 2008, 07:21:55 pm
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Doggiedoo, you should make ALL warzard characters, without discussion. You are the chosen one. >:D

please an accurate leo first!, with leveling, and the different weapons that you can choose (including axe, and elemental swords!).

Leveling maybe is too much to ask but at least those 4 weapons wich can be exchanged in battle. ... maybe.

if you can :P, this is my vote.
Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 07:27:33 pm by Ohsky
Re: Blade/Jihad updated to 1.03, 7/14/2008
#17  July 14, 2008, 07:34:09 pm
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  • Candy Princess
Doggiedoo, you should make ALL warzard characters, without discussion. You are the chosen one. >:D

please an accurate leo first!, with leveling, and the different weapons that you can choose (including axe, and elemental swords!).

Leveling maybe is too much to ask but at least those 4 weapons wich can be exchanged in battle. ... maybe.

if you can :P, this is my vote.
I think a Leo with selectable swords with different attacks/properties would be very interesting indeed.
Re: Blade/Jihad updated to 1.03, 7/14/2008
#18  July 14, 2008, 07:39:16 pm
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there are many options on this but to made a pure accurate leo is a hard work indeed; i saw kong´s ripped sprites and there are two of leo: one set without any sword, and the other with the lvl 32 sword.....

Is not complete. The easy way is to go for the level 32 leo version and nothing more. Not memorable option though.

i don´t really know if there is the need to put an entire new set of sprites for leo with every different weapon it is in the game, or if the weapons can be separately added to the leo without any weapon, so, it could really be made that kind of leo with the huge arsenal of weapons as some kind of custom option, or, at least the elemental ones, i don´t remember what the axe had of special.
Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 07:42:43 pm by Ohsky
Re: Blade/Jihad updated to 1.03, 7/14/2008
#19  July 14, 2008, 07:51:30 pm
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  • Candy Princess
The weapons can be added separately.

The D&D wizard character Dark Raven could use different weapons and gear. So it's absolutely possible.
Re: Blade/Jihad updated to 1.03, 7/14/2008
#20  July 14, 2008, 08:07:16 pm
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For selectable weapons, some compromise will have to be made when Leo is put in a custom state, due to the limitations of Mugen. 2 options: the first is for his weapon to disappear whenever he's put in a custom state, and he'll either either pick it up again as part of his recovery animation, or it simply reappears in his hand the instant he returns to his own states (this is the implementation Dark Raven had). The second is to have a default weapon that his current weapon transforms into, and again it can either instantly turn back or show him replacing the weapon.

Anyway, thanks for the support! Will think on other issues like weapon properties and how to equip them later. For now, zzz. x_x