
(New) GORDON by J34xalpha_Kizuna Encounter released (UPDATE #2) (Read 12122 times)

Started by j34xalpha, February 06, 2009, 03:59:41 am
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(New) GORDON by J34xalpha_Kizuna Encounter released (UPDATE #2)
#1  February 06, 2009, 03:59:41 am
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here he is
I never played Kizuna Encounter
So i gave him some new moves
so dont be shocked by some of his moves
he looks and plays basically like the real one
I had a slight problem with the throw
when gordon is thrown he blinks or disappears
There are no missing frames i just dont know how to fix the code
i would be greatly appreciative if someone fixes it and puts it back up
I included a move list


let me now what you think:


Last Edit: February 07, 2009, 05:34:34 am by j34xalpha
Re: (New) GORDON by J34xalpha_Kizuna Encounter released
#2  February 06, 2009, 09:30:54 am
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  • ◄ フェニックス・エンドソング►
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Cool, finally someone that made a new Kizuna encounter character.
It would be nice though if you provided some in-game screenshots.
Re: (New) GORDON by J34xalpha_Kizuna Encounter released
#3  February 06, 2009, 11:08:12 am
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  • Start wearing purple wearing purple ♪
There are no missing frames i just dont know how to fix the code

Well, the reason why he dissapears is because he is indeed missing some required sprites and animations, even if the sprites are there if you want him to be this kind of fighting character then you need to code and arrange the air and SFF files acordingly to the standard required mugen animations too, they come with the mugen docs and the KFM character:

If you turn on debugger the error messages will help you find all the missing ones. For example the first screenshot above shows that he is missing this one:

Also some could be misplaced, you could open two character maker programs at the same time one with your character and other with KFM to get an idea of how they should go, how many sprites and animation frames they use, etc.

And yeah, way to go on making Gordon dude, it was about time someone started. --; Hell, we all are guilty anyway. Oh also all his animations could use better aligning.
Last Edit: February 07, 2009, 11:57:19 am by ★Guardian Angel
Re: (New) GORDON by J34xalpha_Kizuna Encounter released
#4  February 06, 2009, 01:00:51 pm
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*crys*  WOW my favorite character butchered... this char way to unrealistic for me but thanks for the effort.  I'm currently working on Gordon as well but mine will be accurate to KE. 
Re: (New) GORDON by J34xalpha_Kizuna Encounter released (UPDATED)
#5  February 07, 2009, 12:06:30 am
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 :) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :o 8) ??? ::) :P ;P :-X :-\ :-* :'( :ninja: >:D --; :sugoi: :S o_O
Last Edit: February 07, 2009, 01:27:49 am by j34xalpha
Re: (New) GORDON by J34xalpha_Kizuna Encounter released
#6  February 07, 2009, 05:49:27 am
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There are no missing frames i just dont know how to fix the code

Well, the reason why he disspears is because he is indeed missing some required sprites and animations, even if the sprites are there if you want him to be this kind of fighting character then you need to code and arrange the air and SFF files acordingly to the standard required mugen animations too, they come with the mugen docs and the KFM character:

If you turn on debugger the error messages will help you find all the missing ones. For example the first screenshot above shows that he is missing this one:

Also some could be misplaced, you could open two character maker programs at the same time one with your character and other with KFM to get an idea of how they should go, how many sprites and animation frames they use, etc.

And yeah, way to go on making Gordon dude, it was about time someone started. --; Hell, we all are guilty anyway. Oh also all his animations could use better aligning.

Just want to compliment a guy on leaving good feedback, without being an overcritical arsehole. Lol
Re: (New) GORDON by J34xalpha_Kizuna Encounter released (UPDATE #2)
#7  February 07, 2009, 07:29:37 am
  • *****
  • Start wearing purple wearing purple ♪
 ;P  We all are in this for the internet fame.

O_o Well, you kinda fixed that problem quickly, yeah, now looks good in all states that I tried so far. They were a lot but seems you found them, template is way better now if not totally fixed.

Better jump to this now, well, in this move in state 4567 the projectile dissapears instantly and doesn't look too good when happens.

That looked better on my end after adding some more stuff to the projectile code so the the tornado gets remaining and fading animations, I used your same tornado animation here but you could also make a new one with less frames and that goes slower, it could look smoother.

[State 4567, 1]
type = Projectile
trigger1 = Animelem = 9
projanim = 7099
projhitanim = 7099
projremanim = 7099
projcancelanim = 7099

projpriority = 1
projheightbound = -240, 100
projedgebound = 100
projscreenbound = 100
projshadow = -1
offset = 181,-5
velocity = 3
attr = S, SP
damage   = 95
animtype = heavy
guardflag = MA
hitflag = MAFDP
pausetime = 10,10
hitsound   = S200,5
sparkxy = 500,500
guardsound = S6,0
ground.type = high
ground.type = TRIP
ground.slidetime = 18
ground.hittime  = 40
ground.velocity = -15
ground.cornerpush.veloff = 5 ;To push far away when p2 is in corner
guard.velocity = -90
air.velocity = -4,-4.5
airguard.velocity = -4,-4.5

Also the projectile could use trans A so it looks transparent like these CvS tornadoes normally look.

After most of that that's how it hits:

Also about all this statedef 6670, it might be intended to work like some sort of "shoryuken" move, but it's kinda bad since you tried to use a full animation to make it look as if he is floating instead of using velsets.

[StateDef 6670]
type    = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle  = 4
poweradd= 120
velset = 8,0
anim = 6014
ctrl = 0
sprpriority = 2

[State 6670, 1]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
value = 0,3

[State 6670, Width 1]
type = Width
trigger1 = AnimElemTime(5) >= 0 && AnimElemTime(6) < 0
value = 10,0

[State 6670, Width 2]
type = Width
trigger1 = AnimElemTime(6) >= 0 && AnimElemTime(9) < 0
value = 20,0

[State 6670, Shake Screen]
type = EnvShake
trigger1 = AnimElem = 9
time = 50
ampl = 2
freq = 280   ;A frequency of less than 180 causes a dampening effect

[State 6670, 2]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = Time = 0
attr = S, SA
animtype  = Hard
damage    = 125, 9
priority  = 5
guardflag = MA
pausetime = 12,12
sparkxy = 0,-65
hitsound   = S4588,45
guardsound = 6,0
ground.type = TRIP
ground.slidetime = 18
ground.hittime  = 20
ground.velocity = -15
ground.cornerpush.veloff = 5 ;To push far away when p2 is in corner
guard.velocity = -10
air.velocity = -4,-4.5
airguard.velocity = -4,-4.5

[State 12345,PlaySnd2]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElem = 3
value = S500, 1

[State 12345,PlaySnd2]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElem = 3
value = S2000, 0

[State 12345, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Animelem = 9
value = 4567
ctrl = 0

[State 12345, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1

It might be cool if you instead make him float with a velset and then make him changestate into launching the tornado so he floats down smoothly like after a jump, you can check a shoryuken code in other character to see how to try it. It could also show you some more useful code.

It's not a crime to check how stuff is coded in other characters to learn stuff.
Last Edit: February 07, 2009, 08:13:45 am by ★Guardian Angel
Re: (New) GORDON by J34xalpha_Kizuna Encounter released (UPDATE #2)
#8  February 21, 2009, 02:27:30 am
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very nice char, I love kizuna encounter, but very easy AI, he need best AI in the next update. :sugoi:
Re: (New) GORDON by J34xalpha_Kizuna Encounter released (UPDATE #2)
#9  February 23, 2009, 04:22:09 pm
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can't downdold  it
the space need money
are you a businessman?
Re: (New) GORDON by J34xalpha_Kizuna Encounter released (UPDATE #2)
#10  February 25, 2009, 12:50:21 am
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Hey arcadyii

I sent the character to your email


let me know if it works