
The greatest hits of character feedback (Read 674907 times)

Started by PotS, May 22, 2009, 11:49:10 pm
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Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#21  May 26, 2009, 05:31:57 pm
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This is also courteous vs. AI that relies on movetypes to know when to block.

Hitdefattr works better, really. Movetypes will miss opportunities to punish whifed DPs (for a most common examplar) as they aways have movetype = a for counter hit, and will act dumb if the opponent player keep spamming weak jabs repeatedly. ;P

Sorry, off-topicness.
Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#22  May 27, 2009, 12:26:26 am
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This is not the bible? in some way it is, well to the mugen world at least  ;D

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Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#23  May 27, 2009, 12:59:53 am
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  • As a general rule, should regain control immediately as it lands, i.e. Statedef 52 should specify "ctrl = 1"
KFM said:
*In that topic at Guild by PotS about "feedback greatest hits"
*"As a general rule, should regain control immediately as it lands, i.e. Statedef 52 should specify "ctrl = 1"" <- this part is wrong
*Control is given on *at least* the second tick in many games, even KOF. It's not instantaneous
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#24  May 27, 2009, 02:28:38 am
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In SFEX they did regain control immediately when they land.
but some move if they land afther special attack in mid-air, they will have some delay.

I think it depend of the movement of the attack, whatever it should have delay after they land or not.

Also I believe all high/super jump should  :)

† Today you beg for your life, but one day you will beg me for your death †
Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#25  May 27, 2009, 03:00:23 am
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this part is wrong
*Control is given on *at least* the second tick in many games, even KOF. It's not instantaneous
Mugen characters can't execute moves on time=0 without workarounds anyway, so the only difference between giving them ctrl on time=0 and time=1 is whether or not you want trip guard.  And since trip guard has to be added manually either way, there is no practical difference unless I'm forgetting something.
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Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#26  June 01, 2009, 04:51:21 am
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With the possible exception of ambience SFX, Mugen characters do not need Stereo sounds as that is already handled by the engine according to where in the screen your character plays them.  Saving sounds effects in Stereo is only a waste of space.

And, similarly to the SFF, be sure to crop sounds and not save them with a lot of blank (silent) space.

I have a question about sounds? I ripped a lot of sounds from various games and i normally save them in CD quality which is Stereo, so would i have to re-rip or just convert them into Mono? 

Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#27  June 01, 2009, 10:56:30 pm
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Likewise, crouching get hit (anims 5020-5027), turning (6) and guarding (121, 131, 141, 151) animations should use the same Clsn as the crouching animation (anim 11)

I think crouching get hits should be bigger than anim 11 for smaller characters. Some moves that whiff on small crouching opponents will hit them if they were hit by another move (usually a jump in).
Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#28  June 04, 2009, 09:49:34 am
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I have a question about sounds? I ripped a lot of sounds from various games and i normally save them in CD quality which is Stereo, so would i have to re-rip or just convert them into Mono?
I haven't noticed any quality loss when converting to Mono, so that should be enough.  When I was fixing some stuff I liked to extract the whole SND, run the wavs through GoldWave's batch processing then mount the SND again (Fighter Factory can handle that now).

I think crouching get hits should be bigger than anim 11 for smaller characters. Some moves that whiff on small crouching opponents will hit them if they were hit by another move (usually a jump in).
Yeah being generous with get hit Clsn2 can't hurt.  Characters that crouch low really are supposed to make stuff whiff more often though, annoying or not.
You can help with Ikemen GO's development by trying out the latest development build and reporting any bugs on GitHub.
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Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 10:03:44 am by PotS
Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#29  September 28, 2009, 10:44:33 am
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damn good tutorial. saved the notes to the PC.
basic areas im already passed but certan sticky areas i got answers too reading this.

Thanks pots
Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#30  September 28, 2009, 05:20:49 pm
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Glad it helped.  I should be adding some more stuff in there like supers that give back power and whatnot...
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Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#31  September 29, 2009, 10:24:14 am
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Glad it helped.  I should be adding some more stuff in there like supers that give back power and whatnot...

yeh it did. and wow "Supers that give back power"? thats cool...

look forward to that
Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#32  September 30, 2009, 11:16:29 pm
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Glad it helped.  I should be adding some more stuff in there like supers that give back power and whatnot...

yeh it did. and wow "Supers that give back power"? thats cool...

look forward to that

wow what? it's just a common mistake everybody does  ;P

Now P.o.t.S., I have a doubt about the p2stateno bug, I'm using it because the targetstate thing reacts 1 tick later than p2stateno does (Important for me due to the sudden change of animation the enemy does before the change in the case of targetstate), dunno if im just a 1-tick whore :P

btw there's something you should talk about: helper projectiles, they dont add 1 hit to the hitcount if your character doesn't have more than 1 hit already dealt (Noticable on VyN characters &gt;_&gt;).
Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#33  September 30, 2009, 11:20:34 pm
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Now P.o.t.S., I have a doubt about the p2stateno bug, I'm using it because the targetstate thing reacts 1 tick later than p2stateno does (Important for me due to the sudden change of animation the enemy does before the change in the case of targetstate), dunno if im just a 1-tick whore :P
You can try a combination of p1stateno and TargetState like I do with throws.  Which reminds me I should've said that in the post.

btw there's something you should talk about: helper projectiles, they dont add 1 hit to the hitcount if your character doesn't have more than 1 hit already dealt (Noticable on VyN characters &gt;_&gt;).
Is more of a visual aspect than anything, don't think it's a big deal.
You can help with Ikemen GO's development by trying out the latest development build and reporting any bugs on GitHub.
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Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#34  September 30, 2009, 11:51:16 pm
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Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#35  September 30, 2009, 11:56:13 pm
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What combo dampeners?  Don't gethitvars or any vars still keep adding up as normal?  There isn't even a trigger to check what the combometer is saying.
You can help with Ikemen GO's development by trying out the latest development build and reporting any bugs on GitHub.
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Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#36  January 03, 2010, 07:20:23 am
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Pretty much common sense and never mentioned but I ran into this when I was starting out. When setting vars, make sure to reset them to 0 after its served its purpose and you want to be checked again when you start the state again. Vars don't exactly go back to 0 when you're done with the state, you generally have to manually set the situation up again yourself.
[State 310, 2]
type = varset
trigger1 = time>8 && time<14 && (command = "ab" || command = "hold_ab")
var(4) = 1

[State 310, 3]
type = changestate
triggerall = var(4)
trigger1 = animelem = 7
value = 330
With this I want a var to detect whenever I press or hold a+b in that set time period. If I do then var(4) will be set and it'll go ahead and changestate to 330. After this, var(4) will always be 1, until you state otherwise. This means that when I go to State 330, it'll still be 1. When I get back to idle, it'll still be 1. It'll always be 1 and when I go back to that state it will always bring me to state 330, even if I didn't fulfill those triggers again. To solve this you need to implement something like:
[State 310, 1]
type = varset
trigger1 = time = 0
var(4) = 0
This way var(4) will reset once you enter the state again, setting up the situation where you must fulfill the triggers to head to State 330. There's like 20000 applications for this and even more ways to do it the way you want, but this is the simplest example I could find.
Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#37  January 14, 2010, 10:38:56 pm
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btw there's something you should talk about: helper projectiles, they dont add 1 hit to the hitcount if your character doesn't have more than 1 hit already dealt (Noticable on VyN characters ).
That's primarily based on the helpers lifetime. If a helper is still alive when the next hit occurs, you'll get an increase. If it's dead, there's no combo because it's dropped it's target.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: The greatest hits of character feedback
#38  January 24, 2011, 10:22:58 pm
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Sorry to bump this topic but I have something to share.

Quoting POTS:


There's this elusive Mugen bug where if a helper (or possibly player 3/4) hits you in the exact same moment you connect with a throw, your character will be hit out of it but your target will still be sent to custom states and (usually) get stuck there.  To solve this simply forget that the p2stateno Hitdef parameter exists and get used to TargetState instead.

To achieve the same effect as P2stateno in throws, you can keep using P1stateno then use TargetState when the character starts throwing.

This happens because many creators are lazy (including me sometimes, hehe). The make this works well requires that you pay attention with some things you probabily make in another way.

I will explain why:

- When you use TargetBind you should especify a time that this bind will still occour, many creators just ignore this.

[State 0, TargetBind]
type = TargetBind
trigger1 = AnimElem = 2 ; <-change for what suits you
time = 10 ;<- THIS

Lets take this animation as an example:

[Begin Action 1]
Clsn2Default: 1
  Clsn2[0] = -1, -79, 21, -47
0,0, 0,0, 3,
0,1, 0,0, 10,
0,2, 0,0, 3,
0,3, 0,0, 3,

Pay attention at the 2nd element of the anim above. It last 10 ticks.
So, if p2 will be bound at the same position during the 2nd element, it needs to be bound at the same place for the same ammount of time.

Most of times, on the 3rd elem, the target will be bound in another position. If you still need the p2 bound at the same position at the 3rd elem (taking the anim above as example), you will need to change the time to the duration of the 2nd and 3rd elements - 13 ticks.

Maybe you're thiking that this is useless, but try to use a char without this bindtime on stages which the ground moves up and down - POTS Skies over Aengmore is a good example. You will notice that the p2 doesn't get bound to the right position, because it doesn't "follow" your char. To see it fully, you need a char which binds p2 at the same position for a good amount of time, you will won't notice very much.

Then, doing this, you simply use a single trigger on the custom state, which many creators forgets even that it exists:


[State 820, 2]
type = SelfState
trigger1 = !gethitvar(isbound) ;<- THIS
value = 5050

isbound: True if the player is the subject of an attacker's
               TargetBind controller. Useful to prevent being stuck in
              thrown states. (int)

Using this, if you put p2 on a custom state but you're hitted at the same time, that trigger will make p2 fall and to not get stuck.

What bindtime and isbound has in common?

Its simple: if p2 is on a custom state for a time greater than normal (for example, when p1 is hitted while grab), p2 will fall on the ground.
And if don't put the bindtime and use the isbound trigger, p2 will fall at the next tick you hit him, because the bindtime default is 1 and, on the next tick (2), it isn't bound anymore, so the grab will fail.

I hope that people can understand my poor english :)
Localcoord is garbage― and several other basics you need to know.
#39  February 09, 2014, 09:01:25 am
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That is all.

I see no stickies for "information you should know" or anything of the like, so I made this post because people need to know this. Keep it at 320,240 because it totally ignores the Y coordinate, which makes it garbage.

Feel free to contribute more information to this thread for n00bs.
Last Edit: February 09, 2014, 09:06:35 am by Jesuszilla
Re: Localcoord is garbage― and several other basics you need to know.
#40  February 09, 2014, 09:16:16 am
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Add this line to your State 40, 9/10 times your jump will need this.

[Statedef 40]
type = S
physics = S
anim = 40
ctrl = 0
sprpriority = 1
facep2 = 1 <- this line