
Donald Duck update by Lord Enemil released  (Read 6991 times)

Started by Lord-Enemil, December 31, 2024, 03:12:00 am
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Donald Duck update by Lord Enemil released
#1  December 31, 2024, 03:12:00 am
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  • Jesus died for our sins... one more won't hurt
    • Spain
Donald Duck

Based on Warner's version of the duck

A few years ago, in 2020, I commissioned a Donald Duck to Warner Cortez to help him financially through the COVID crisis the world was suffering. I was very satisfied with the initial result, and I helped Warner a bit by fixing some technical issues in its initial release.

Now, in 2024, wanting to celebrate the duck's 90th anniversary and do something inspired by the duck before the year ends, I decided to do a massive update on my own when I saw that Warner was inactive. If Warner is reading this, I recommend you check out my chat and add the edits in future duck updates.
Hace unos años, en el lejano 2020, comisione al Pato Donald a Warner Cortez para ayudarlo economicamente en la crisis que el mundo sufría durante la pandemia del Covid, saliendo bien satisfecho con el resultado inicial y ayudando a Warner un poco arreglando algunos problemas técnicos en su lanzamiento inicial.

Ahora, en 2024, queriendo celebrar el 90 aniversario del pato por todo lo alto antes de que se termine, decidí hacer una actualización masiva por mi cuenta al ver que Warner estaba inactivo.  Si Warner esta leyendo esto, le recomiendo que vea mi char y añada los edits en futuras actualizaciones del pato.

What's new? // ¿Que es nuevo?:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Original credits for the char goes to Warner Cortez/Tochix. If Warner Is somehow reading this, I highly encourage to add some of my edits into your creation.
// Los creditos del char original son para Warner Cortez/Tochix. Si Warner esta leyendo esto, le recomiendo que vea mi char y añada los edits en futuras actualizaciones del pato.

You have total freedom to edit this edit, as long as there is credit.//
Tienes total permiso para editar este edit, siempre que tanto Warner y yo sean acreditados.

Download Link//Link de Descarga:
Last Edit: January 01, 2025, 09:05:21 pm by Lord-Enemil
Re: Donald Duck update by Lord Enemil released
#2  December 31, 2024, 03:57:49 am
  • **
    • Colombia
I have your character in my mugen. Thanks for the update
Re: Donald Duck update by Lord Enemil released
#3  December 31, 2024, 04:03:01 pm
  • ***
  • What's a title
  • Novice M.U.G.E.N. creator
    • USA
Some feedback:
 - English Air HK voiceclip is too loud
 - For some reason, the default palette is the only usable one. I assume it has something to do with the SFF being converted to SFFV2.

Other than that, great upgrade over Warner's. He feels a bit more complete now.
Spriting is harder than I thought.
Re: Donald Duck update by Lord Enemil released
#4  December 31, 2024, 04:21:31 pm
  • **
  • Jesus died for our sins... one more won't hurt
    • Spain
Some feedback:
 - English Air HK voiceclip is too loud
 - For some reason, the default palette is the only usable one. I assume it has something to do with the SFF being converted to SFFV2.

Other than that, great upgrade over Warner's. He feels a bit more complete now.

Adressed. Updated the file to the character
Re: Donald Duck update by Lord Enemil released
#5  January 24, 2025, 02:00:06 am
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  • Jesus died for our sins... one more won't hurt
    • Spain
*Minor update fixing some sprites and adding a new move where Donald Launches a hammer as a projectile*
- Fixed some sprites
- Fixed the attacks featuring grabs to only announce K.O after the attack is finished
Re: Donald Duck update by Lord Enemil released
#6  January 30, 2025, 09:09:04 am
  • *
  • furry artist. bi
  • rad
    • USA
Re: Donald Duck update by Lord Enemil released
#7  January 30, 2025, 05:26:32 pm
  • **
  • Jesus died for our sins... one more won't hurt
    • Spain
Re: Donald Duck update by Lord Enemil released
#8  February 14, 2025, 02:40:57 am
  • **
  • Jesus died for our sins... one more won't hurt
    • Spain

Minor update to celebrate the 4th anniversary of the original Donald Duck by Warner being released to M.U.G.E.N, now adding a palette selector that has 58 palettes in total.
Info of the inspiration of the palettes can be seen on the Readme
Last Edit: February 14, 2025, 03:29:21 am by Lord-Enemil