
Yoshins Arcade GFX Stitcher (Read 104437 times)

Started by Yoshin222, September 01, 2022, 08:48:28 pm
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Yoshins Arcade GFX Stitcher
#1  September 01, 2022, 08:48:28 pm
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After a while of bashing my head in to a wall, finally feel comfortable showing this off properly!
For a long time i've wanted to rip arcade accurate sprites, and even to edit them. To that end, made this script that takes the de-interleaved ROMs of any given Neo-Geo game (pre-99) and any CPS2 game and outputs it as tiles that the game itself would read. Ya can then open this data in Tile Molester in order to not only rip the exact tiles, but even edit them!

REV 1.1 - CPS1 Support!
REV 1.2 - Program Data interleaving!
REV 1.3 - Program Data improvement!
REV 1.4 - Reworked CPS1, added CPS3 PRG Interleaving for SIMM files
REV 1.5 - True CPS1 Support!

Used in conjunction with the Stitcher and Palmod so you can open palettes right from you CPS1/2 game of choice in TM and have arcade accurate tiles!

SF6 if it was made in 1991

Captain Americas tiles from Marvel Superheroes

Terrys Raw tiles from Garou:Mark of the Wolves (prototype)

-----HOW TO USE----------
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Lemme know if there's anything i can do to help if ya struggling, and please leave ya thoughts on what can be done next! Consult the readme for any initial questions regarding adding new games

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

CPS1 Support?
CPS2 32x32 Tile output

Last Edit: March 12, 2024, 06:39:02 pm by Yoshin222
Re: Yoshins Arcade GFX Stitcher
#2  September 01, 2022, 11:51:55 pm
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  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
This is absolutely crazy!
If I understand well it works a bit like the sprute editor "YY-CHR" ??

I tried it a bit with GB games some time ago.

I'm affraid this one is more complicated, but I'm very impressed and want to try my luck with it...
I will try to follow the steps!
Re: Yoshins Arcade GFX Stitcher
#3  September 02, 2022, 12:07:31 am
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In truth i mostly use TM as a way or exporting the tiles i wanna edit in a program i like. YY-CHR can technically do the job too but i think showing how ya can mess with the tiles in external programs more comfortable for artists, least i think so

Hope ya find it useful! Lemme know if ya have any issues

      Posted: September 02, 2022, 01:50:55 pm
Slight update: Seems i forgot to properly update magdrop3. Now works properly. While i was at it, added a couple more games
vsav2 - Vampire Saviour 2: The Lord of Vampire
vhunt2 - Vampire Hunter 2
galaxyfg - Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors
Simply redownload the stitcher. Also updated the bundled Tile Molestor so there shouldn't be any weirdness now
Last Edit: September 02, 2022, 01:53:33 pm by Yoshin222
Re: Yoshins Arcade GFX Stitcher
#4  September 21, 2022, 08:36:09 am
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After some trial and error, the Stitcher is now compatible with CPS1 titles! Check the first post for the latest revision

What's New
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Re: Yoshins Arcade GFX Stitcher
#5  September 21, 2022, 04:29:59 pm
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  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
impressive project! Thanks for the update and for your reply.

I have not tested it yet.
I'm affraid to get into one more thing that can be time consuming and that I cannot complete.

But I want to give it a try.

      Posted: September 28, 2022, 07:44:21 am
3)Tile Molestor
Charming name i know. This program allows you to open the interleaved data in a way an actual person would care for. I'll link the one i use, which has an additional extension to load .act files. This in conjunction with Palmod is where the magic happens
Comes with the script, but being a Java application, Java needs to be installed for it to work. Simple enough to do

Where can I find This edited version of this software?

(I still have not tested the full process... ^^; )

Also, I'm not sure to understand wich step will make the sprites looking complete, instead of "interleaved" ?

My limitations with english can be the problem.
Last Edit: September 27, 2022, 05:54:40 pm by Momotaro
Re: Yoshins Arcade GFX Stitcher
#6  September 28, 2022, 02:26:58 pm
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The edited version is in the latest revision
I'm not sure i understand the other question
Re: Yoshins Arcade GFX Stitcher
#7  October 03, 2022, 03:10:35 pm
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Yet another update! The Stitcher has undergone some retooling, and can now interleave/append program data! This makes editing code/values much simpler! Alongside that, the script now displays the status of your ROMs files, as well as if you have interleaved GFX/PRG data already, hopefully making it more clear what ya can and can't do at any given time. Lastly, quite a few games have been added, such as Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Caddilacs and Dinosaurs, Alien VS Predator, among others! Check the first post for the Github revision 1.2! Refer to readme.txt and what's new.txt for more info!

Re: Yoshins Arcade GFX Stitcher
#8  October 06, 2022, 12:55:38 pm
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  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
The edited version is in the latest revision
I'm not sure i understand the other question

sorry, I'll try to ask my question again.

which step of work will make the sprites correctly extracted ? (Instead of having then cut in many parts "tiles")

I tried to understand the tutorial, but still seems very complex for me.
I think I'll have to concentrate on it for a full day or week end to be sure to understand the process.

I would love some other games to be added to the compatibility list. (just a whish list)
Not sure some of these non Capcom system can be added

Titles with stars (***) I really hope they cna become compatible.

Agressors Of Dark Kombat
3 count bout
Muscle Bomber/ring of destruction games.
The Punisher***

Martial Masters***

Various :
64th Street
Karate Blazers
Night Slashers
Silent Dragon
Violent Storm***
Blazing Tornado
Wrestle War

Again, just a whish list.
I think it will be a pain in the ass to make all these systems compatible ^^;

Also, I'm curious if there is already a way to replace sounds (I suppose it depends on the system and compression of data etc.)
Last Edit: October 06, 2022, 01:35:46 pm by Momotaro
Re: Yoshins Arcade GFX Stitcher
#9  November 12, 2022, 11:05:35 am
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Sorry for the late response, i get sidetracked easily lol
Anyway, most of those games are easy to enough to add yaself. Simply add a resource file with the needed info and ya good. If it's CPS1/2 or Neo-Geo that is
Haven't really delved in to PGM yet, and those other games store GFX in different ways i don't really think i care enough to learn about tbh

In regards to the whole sprite thing, there is no bit. Ya get the raw tiles, you'd have to combine em yourself. Ya could study how games assemble sprites to get that exact data or whatnot but still

Of course it's possible, but most sound files are raw so the stitcher isn't needed for em. That's another field i want to study eventually but not rn
Re: Yoshins Arcade GFX Stitcher
#10  January 12, 2023, 01:26:08 am
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Small update! Adds a little flexibility to importing Program data, and adds support for a couple more games. That makes 65 games so far!

--------11/01/2023: Rev 1.3--------
######################### Improved PRG Interleaving! #########################
   The script has become more flexible by introducing import parameters. They work
   much and such the same as append, only they load the data to the start of the file
   as opposed to slapping it on the end. This allows games like Saturday Night Slam-Masters
   to have all it's program data properly read. Admittedly a bit slap dash but should get the job
   done. Let me know if any bugs spring up

   #Import this data first before we interleave anything
   prg_import = ["mbe_23e.8f",0x80000]
   import_swapendian = 2 #Swap the endian. 2 Indicates a length of 16-bits, so every 2 bytes

   ######################### NEWLY SUPPORTED GAMES #########################
   ---Graphics Data ----
   ringdest - Ring of Destruction/SlamMasters 2

   ---Program Data ----   
   forgottn - Forgotten Worlds
   ---Graphics and Program Data ----
   3countb - 3 Count Bout/Fire Suplex
   aodk - Aggressors of Dark Kombat
   punisher - The Punisher
   slammast - Saturday Night SlamMasters
Re: Yoshins Arcade GFX Stitcher
#11  January 12, 2023, 03:20:43 pm
  • *****
  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Small update! Adds a little flexibility to importing Program data, and adds support for a couple more games. That makes 65 games so far!

--------11/01/2023: Rev 1.3--------
######################### Improved PRG Interleaving! #########################
   The script has become more flexible by introducing import parameters. They work
   much and such the same as append, only they load the data to the start of the file
   as opposed to slapping it on the end. This allows games like Saturday Night Slam-Masters
   to have all it's program data properly read. Admittedly a bit slap dash but should get the job
   done. Let me know if any bugs spring up

   #Import this data first before we interleave anything
   prg_import = ["mbe_23e.8f",0x80000]
   import_swapendian = 2 #Swap the endian. 2 Indicates a length of 16-bits, so every 2 bytes

   ######################### NEWLY SUPPORTED GAMES #########################
   ---Graphics Data ----
   ringdest - Ring of Destruction/SlamMasters 2

   ---Program Data ----   
   forgottn - Forgotten Worlds
   ---Graphics and Program Data ----
   3countb - 3 Count Bout/Fire Suplex
   aodk - Aggressors of Dark Kombat
   punisher - The Punisher
   slammast - Saturday Night SlamMasters

Really glad to see one more update even if with my level of understanding of such softwares without user friendly process, I'm unable to use such a program.

Also, glad you included more compatibility.
Particularly for these games I listed before. :)

I wonder why no one seems to use your software?????
I thought it would be very useful...
Are there exemples of people making projects with it? I'm surprised...

Again, too me it still sounds too complicated, even if I'm pretty used to try many similar stuffs / modding etc...
But again, I don't see myself able of typing lines of codes in trial and error way to try to make game mods.

So many projects in mind. So short time. I just cannot allow myself to go deep into something so complex. Sadly.
Last Edit: January 12, 2023, 09:55:42 pm by Momotaro
Re: Yoshins Arcade GFX Stitcher
#12  October 22, 2023, 12:15:15 pm
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Not an update to the Stitcher, but definitely a useful sister script for it
A Palette flipper. Detailed in the CPS2 video, ya need to muck with .act files to get the tiles looking correct in TM. This script simply lets ya enter the name of the palette ya want flipped, and generates a proper version you can use!
Chucking the raw palette in to TM

VS the same palette but flipped by the script

Re: Yoshins Arcade GFX Stitcher
#13  March 12, 2024, 06:45:23 pm
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Finally came back to this, and finished some old business!
The Stitcher is now truly compatible with CPS1 Games! It supports Forgotten Worlds, SF2, King of Dragons, Knights of the Round, Megaman the Power Battle among others!
From what I can tell it works bug free, but please let me know if adding a new game introduces a new headache. In the meantime, enjoy!

Re: Yoshins Arcade GFX Stitcher
#14  December 08, 2024, 02:16:52 pm
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Finally came back to this, and finished some old business!
The Stitcher is now truly compatible with CPS1 Games! It supports Forgotten Worlds, SF2, King of Dragons, Knights of the Round, Megaman the Power Battle among others!
From what I can tell it works bug free, but please let me know if adding a new game introduces a new headache. In the meantime, enjoy!

Hello, first of all, thank you very much for your work, it is fantastic.

Can you add support for the game Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Japanese version?
specifically this rom, sf2hfj.

I hope you can add it, thank you very much.

Re: Yoshins Arcade GFX Stitcher
#15  January 23, 2025, 10:24:39 pm
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Not needed, revisions like that typically only affect the Program Data, not the GFX data. Ya can see this in cases like multiple title screens per region, each ROM uses the same GFX ROMs, it's just the code/text that's different. Ya should be able to mess with SSF2T and all should be fine