
how do I change Fight intro sound? (Read 6427 times)

Started by Gumie, July 28, 2007, 01:17:07 pm
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how do I change Fight intro sound?
#1  July 28, 2007, 01:17:07 pm
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Would I change some part of a storyboard to change the sound when you begin the battle and the announcers says "fight" A soul Calibur intro is on it and it's really loud and I would like to know how to change it. :)
Re: how do I change Fight intro sound?
#2  July 28, 2007, 01:50:59 pm
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Wrong forum. Move to Setup/Config forum.

Get/Open Fighter Factory.

Check your fight.snd, look for the sound that you want to change, change it, that's it.