
Problem With Editing Character Pictures For Character Select And Such (Read 5801 times)

Started by Anko4t6, March 06, 2007, 05:35:00 pm
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Problem With Editing Character Pictures For Character Select And Such
#1  March 06, 2007, 05:35:00 pm
I'm working on editing the pictures of the characters in the character select screen and the little ones that go by the life bar in fights. The problem is, that when I was editing one for of the characters, and then used the Mugen Character Maker to switch the sprite with the standard one, almost all the colors disappeared, and his outline was barely visable. Can someone tell me what went wrong, and what I need to do to fix this?
Re: Problem With Editing Character Pictures For Character Select And Such
#2  March 06, 2007, 05:38:32 pm
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To add sprites, yor new sprite must have the same palette as the others. Extract one of the other sprite, extract its palette (with Paint shop Pro, GIMP, Photoshop or whatever), apply it to your new sprite with the method "nearest color matching" if asked, make sure the colors still look right, then insert sprite.
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