
Avengers: United Battle Force (Read 567537 times)

Started by O Ilusionista, May 14, 2013, 05:02:48 pm
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Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#21  May 26, 2013, 07:05:04 am
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    • USA
*aha moment* ...THAT'S WHERE IT'S FROM.  I knew it looked familiar, just couldn't place my finger on it!
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#22  May 27, 2013, 03:09:11 pm
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  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
  • 25 years of Mugen O_o
    • Brazil
Following the suggestion, I've recolored the background (and now the clouds are on another layer too).
Started the hyper moves (moves which cost all the MP and does a lot of damage):

(Its a backflip, then he shoots a diagonal arrow which just hits the ground and unleash a eletric discharge)
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#23  May 29, 2013, 04:26:47 pm
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Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#24  May 31, 2013, 03:19:59 pm
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I solved the MP cost question: we will use Dr. Strange on the stage, explaining that through a spell, they don't spend their power on the moves, since we will use those mode as a Weapon, so we won't need any script :)

Some progress:

Select screen is done

Ironman's new moves

Unibeam! (hyper move)

Energy Blade (special move)

Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#25  June 03, 2013, 03:28:14 pm
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Bloodbane will be happy now :)

He swipes the floor, from front to back, with bullets.

Second stage on the works (the water is animated)

There will be more cars on the start of the stage. Some will attack you, some not. After the cars are gone, you can go to that area. And the mine chases you, you need to kill it (one hit) before it gets closer and explodes.

Some surprises will come from the water...
I plan to remove this truck to make the chars be able to fall on the water.

More to come soon :)
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#26  June 10, 2013, 05:07:41 pm
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    • Brazil
Some progress:

- New Playable char: Thor
He was very fast to do (one day only) and its already complete. I edited all his sprites to match the sytle, removing some frames since it uses a high number of frames on the original game.

Thunder Strike

Wrath of God of Thunder - Hyper move

The thunders dashes over all the screen, on a straight line, killing anything on their paths.
All lighting moves have electric fx, its just too quick to take a screenshot :)

- New Playable char: Hulk
He is still wip, but his development is going pretty good. I edited a lot of new sprites to him, to give him new moves and the missed sprits, like the fall

Gama Charge!
Last Edit: June 18, 2013, 07:05:35 pm by O Ilusionista
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#27  June 18, 2013, 07:05:43 pm
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Finally I got some time to work on it.

Thanks to Beastie's help (and Jasc Animation Pro), I finally could made the How to Play screens, with animations

The Pier stage is way wider now, and the boss battle will be on the platform

Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#28  June 18, 2013, 09:33:11 pm
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  • a.k.a DuckSS
one thing:
good luck with project! ;D
so used to download this program OpenBOR then I want to study this out and I want to programe in that program too.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#29  June 24, 2013, 03:33:05 pm
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    • Brazil
Hey guys, finally its done - First video preview:

Player 1 is me and player 2 is my 9 years old son, on the stage 1b.
This is a unfinished project, many aspects can be changed until the release.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#30  June 25, 2013, 02:57:41 am
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    • USA
Wow! I came across this project and registered on the site just so I could comment on it. Captain America and the Avengers was one of my all time favorite arcade games! I used to play it every time I went to the Movie Theater.
The video looks like a perfect replication of that style and all the new characters and moves look great! I can't wait to try this one out, any demo available for download?
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#31  July 10, 2013, 08:07:19 pm
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  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
  • 25 years of Mugen O_o
    • Brazil
Some more progress:

Ens23 finished Emma Frost (guest char), and I will start her soon

Jhfer is editing Scarlet Witch

Whirlwind is almost done

The game history is being written by Jhfer. The last boss is Kang.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#32  July 13, 2013, 07:07:43 am
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  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
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    • Brazil
Just a quick video showing the How to play animation. Btw the classic Avengers theme is back.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#33  July 13, 2013, 05:46:51 pm
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    • Algeria
look good O
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#34  July 14, 2013, 06:15:53 am
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  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
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    • Brazil

Scarlet Witch already fully edited, now it will start to be coded.

So, these are the new additions to the game:

(Black Widow and Iron Fist are wips)
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#35  July 14, 2013, 06:23:58 am
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when is the demo going to be unleashed approx ?
check out my website for my games and films
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#36  July 14, 2013, 06:24:45 am
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I still have no idea :(
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#37  July 15, 2013, 03:23:49 pm
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  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
  • 25 years of Mugen O_o
    • Brazil
Well, since my beta tester is on vacation, I used a NPC just to show more chars in action :)

Here is a fight showing Beast and Quicksilver (NPC) agains Whirlwind. As you can see, Whirlwind is not so easy as he was on the arcade game.

The chars are still in progress (so this is why there is no sound in Whirlwind's attacks), so somethings can be changed.

Natasha is comming
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#38  July 15, 2013, 07:30:05 pm
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  • The Sweeper
  • Surpass my Aniki
    • Algeria
look great are some thing i have done on iron fist

keep the good work O :yippi:
Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 10:22:40 pm by LordSinistro
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#39  July 18, 2013, 10:40:57 am
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hello my friends.
really want to say that I think a great project what they are doing. Personally I always wanted to make a game of this style and with these graphics. The work I've seen Thor and War Machine is excellent. Also with Ironman and Hawkeye, did good work. The special moves and gameplay right fit with the characters.

There are two types of movements used in the game "Ultimate Marvel aliance" they are very good: the pitfalls (such as a tornado to Thor) and radials (that surround the character). I think must incorporate them so each character has its own gameplay more.

from now, I want to say that I am available to help.
I chars for over five years. First in DBZ Mugen, and currently with One Piece.
on our website you can see my work. (we have made ​​more than 20 chars).

I sincerely would like to participate by providing some grain of sand: a villain, one boss, or some character.
I hope you can help because I think a great project.

a greeting.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#40  July 18, 2013, 03:30:00 pm
  • ******
  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
  • 25 years of Mugen O_o
    • Brazil
Oh I remember your chars, they are good.
Those ideas are on my plans.

I will pm you.