
Fate/Grand Order (Read 3685671 times)

Started by c001357, August 10, 2015, 05:42:19 pm
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Re: Fate/Grand Order
#4901  April 23, 2024, 08:27:10 am
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I really do need to come back here more often, especially since I plan on adding back in MUGEN once I get some stuff added into the computer:

Basically a Round Up of all of the BS that happened since I was away... again.

- I think I got an NP4 Waver while I was trying to see if I can get an NP2 Reines during the Case Files Event but I did end up getting Faker during the Paid Singles who was what I wanted the most.

- Ended up getting Bazett/Manannan but failed to get an NP2 Copy which hurts because I really do like her unique as hell playstyle... ended up getting Nikitch during the multis for Bazzet

- Game decided to make it up to me by giving me Kingprotea in a multi during that CCC Event.

- FINALLY, FINALLY got Merlin during the Chaldea Men's Event so I can truly do Immortal Teams with Morgan or Himiko at my leisure

- Then got Odysseus within 2-3 multis, then NP2 Tesla and some paid Singles and then got my final 4* Story Servant I have yet to get: Edison... no really.

- Then did another single multi on a random as hell whim going for Sigurd in the Road to LB2 Banner and ended up getting him

- Then while going for CEs in the recent Event Water Monsters(That and more copies of Lancer Melt), I ended up only getting 1 other Lancer Melt for NP2 and NP2 Trung Sisters(Seriously my 4* Servant Luck tends to be the pits).

- Then while trying to go for Daikokuten in this current banner, I do a few more extra multis than I planned(While Traum is close by, the real saving I'm doing is when we get Summer 6 due to the sheer insanity those banners give), I see a Rainbow: It's Napoleon! Got spooked AGAIN...

- And literally as I was typing this, I did a Paid Single on the Da Vinci Lily banner... and ended up getting her.

It always ends up being a monkey's paw of some kind...

Finally got some vids on here.
Subscribe to me please and who knows, maybe my video walkthroughs will help you one day.......
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#4902  April 28, 2024, 07:31:09 am
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
There it goes another Free SR ticket for Marie's NP.

My current priorities of the 4* Servants to level their NPs are her and Baobhan Sith (LV3).
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#4903  April 30, 2024, 11:09:47 pm
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Did the same and got Ashwatthaman to NP2 because I realized he barely will get banners.

Finally got some vids on here.
Subscribe to me please and who knows, maybe my video walkthroughs will help you one day.......
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#4904  May 04, 2024, 03:27:28 am
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I got Faker because i'm stupid and don't use SRs much anyway.
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#4905  June 22, 2024, 02:45:26 am
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    • Paraguay
Got Minamoto no Tametomo today, time for Arjuna to retire.
His final ascension art is awesome, he will acompany my top Archers, Robin Hood and Baobhan Sith from now on.
My next goal is getting Huyan Zhuo.

I think i have a lot of Archers, funny enough i just use Baobhan Sith and Robin Hood, and Arjuna is just for farming haha.

The resolution of the game may be different, i moved my account from my cellphone to my PC again.
Last Edit: June 22, 2024, 02:48:45 am by TornilloOxidado
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#4906  June 27, 2024, 07:03:30 pm
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Ended up getting NP3 Bakin and NP2 Tametomo through extreme luck of Paid Singles and only a few multis between them.

Event was alright, more marked out over how absurd Tametomo is and they gave respect back to William Tell's name.

Finally got some vids on here.
Subscribe to me please and who knows, maybe my video walkthroughs will help you one day.......
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#4907  July 01, 2024, 09:24:58 pm
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This is the 3rd time since Miyu and Kijyo Koyo that I was able to get multiple copies of the Rate Up 5* Servant but no sign of the 4* Rate Up anywhere.

You may wonder "That's just NP4" and I will answer "she was NP3 before this banner came up"

Absolute Suffering From Success.

Finally got some vids on here.
Subscribe to me please and who knows, maybe my video walkthroughs will help you one day.......
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#4908  July 07, 2024, 12:03:09 am
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If anyone needs me, I'll be feeding off of the negative energy from everyone that didn't pull Arc.
Last Edit: July 07, 2024, 07:35:04 am by Darkflare
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#4909  July 07, 2024, 04:55:48 am
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Here is my GSSR:

I also did a couple 10-rolls for Arc but wasn't too invested on getting her (I want 900 sq for Summer). I didn't get her but I did get an NP5 Xu Fu and a few SR spooks so it's fine.

Right now I'm just sorting out my skills and my mats to see how i'm going to spend my pure prisms.

As for the 30sq GSSR I actually don't think i'm gonna pull on that, I'll think about it on my payday.
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#4910  July 07, 2024, 07:18:54 am
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If anyone needs me, I'll be feeding off of the negative energy from everyone that didn't pull Arc.

I got greedy and I got 2 5* Berserkers well after I got Arcueid before that as I wanted NP2.

I'm down 700 SQ from 1.1K due to the Anniversary and what I had left over... while Summer 7 is right around the corner and I really want Summer Ibuki.
If it's literally the middle of July(Around the 15th or so), then I can do a top up to guarantee her at the 1st if I have to.

GSSR and Destiny Order wise, I ended up getting Lancer Ryoma and Ivan The Terrible and I don't have either so it's a win.

Finally got some vids on here.
Subscribe to me please and who knows, maybe my video walkthroughs will help you one day.......
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#4911  July 07, 2024, 07:37:59 am
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Sorry, I goofed up on the image link and didn't get a chance to fix it until now.
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#4912  July 08, 2024, 08:12:35 pm
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Who the hell keeps using my Himiko!? Gave me around 50k in FP in the past few days alone.
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#4913  July 09, 2024, 06:01:58 am
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
I went for Baobhan Sith and Okita Souji Dream Portrait this year.

As for Arcueid banner, i did a yolo and got Xu Fu instead, but i'm not really pulling for Arc so i'm saving the SQ.

Happy 7th Anniversary in this Hell to everyone.
Re: Fate/Grand Order
New #4914  July 11, 2024, 06:43:40 am
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I invested NZD$50 into the Destiny Order and pulled NP2 Space Ishtar.

Extra 1 was the absolute death pick, I would have preferred literally anything else.

Skadi>Melusine>Morgan>Oberon>Koyanskaya>Da Vinci-Chan>Beni-Enma>Gilgamesh>Space Ishtar

Oh well, never again until the next Destiny Order.

EDIT: Got F-Merlin in 300SQ Lets goooooooooo.
I'm gonna soft pull on the Skadi banner until I either get her or MLB 5* Event CE.
Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 11:38:42 am by President Devon