
King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile) (Read 1829067 times)

Started by lui, October 21, 2019, 11:25:49 am
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King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#1  October 21, 2019, 11:25:49 am
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Welp, KOFA is now out here in the West with the servers launching in mass tommorow, not sure if there's a general megathread for it so I decided to make one here.

Netmarble is a pretty competent mobile developer so it's time to see how far I can grind without paying a single cent :DDD
Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 11:38:03 am by lui
Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#2  October 21, 2019, 11:31:04 am
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    • Brazil
This mobile game has better models than KoF XIV, the hell...


Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#3  October 21, 2019, 11:32:22 am
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welp I like this game already for.....reasons...
Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#4  October 21, 2019, 01:30:28 pm
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  • 하나뿐인 한국인 대표
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    • South Korea
Been playing this game since it came out in South Korea and I can testify that this game is pretty rewarding for non-whale players thanks to its rather easy quests and events.

The only thing I would criticize is the overall drop rates of characters and battle cards. You need to be stacked with enough rubies for a character + battle card you want.
Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#5  October 21, 2019, 04:13:32 pm
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    • Mexico
iirc you can get the charcters you want easily, it's the special outfits that require whaling, correct?
Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#6  October 21, 2019, 04:44:57 pm
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would play game like this on switch or pc dunno wanna button mash on my phone.
Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#7  October 21, 2019, 05:54:06 pm
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  • 하나뿐인 한국인 대표
  • Ambassador of MugenRevival
    • South Korea
iirc you can get the charcters you want easily, it's the special outfits that require whaling, correct?

Well, that and a few other characters.

Some are only available for a certain time even when they are not festa characters (i.e. the new Venessa and Ramon).
Some are only available for a very limited time (especially boss characters) like Orochi and Igniz.

But overall, getting the rubies and other stuff is pretty easy compared to most gacha games I played. I only spent 30 dollars total after playing for almost 6 months and that's WAY less than other games I play and still got to manage to have Igniz (a rare festa boss character) and am saving up more rubies for the next.


Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#8  October 22, 2019, 07:10:28 pm
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Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#9  October 23, 2019, 05:05:42 am
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To be wary, the game is managed by Netmarble, so they may try some stupid stuff later down the line but at the moment, they are very generous.

Of course, the infinite rerolls AND getting a 5* select character ticket is definitely a big plus.
Ended up getting Shermie from the rerolls and Mai from the ticket is a decent start.

EDIT: The game definitely looks to be pretty tricky from the getgo due to the nature of needing to match colors AND each character having a certain class set on top of that along with needing to be paired up with their corresponding striker for maximum effectiveness(already see this with me having 97 Ralf and Clark give benefits to each other).
So it seems like in later stages, you really may need strategy and just can't sleep through the game on AUTO.

Finally got some vids on here.
Subscribe to me please and who knows, maybe my video walkthroughs will help you one day.......
Last Edit: October 23, 2019, 05:09:58 am by Xhominid
Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#10  October 23, 2019, 03:04:08 pm
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I'm surprised and thankfull that this game actually came out in Norway. These type of games never comes over here.
By the little time I've played it, I must say that there are a few mechanics (outside of gameplay) that you have to dig deep to understand. However, the gameplay is addictive, it's fun and it's easy. I like it, and it looks pretty well.
Previously known as;
Mugen-Ninja 2011-2014.
The Street Fighter 2014-2021.


Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#11  October 24, 2019, 12:58:44 am
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    • USA
After a day and a half of grinding and rolling for boxes, this is what I got

I have more but those are filler and are useful as just strikers :P

wooooooooo, enjoying the game a ton so far
Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#12  October 24, 2019, 01:03:26 am
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    • Puerto Rico
So, we going to put our friend code's here like the other gachas we talk about or are we skipping that entirely this time? I'm fine with whatever. Mine's WSXJ9V


Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#13  October 24, 2019, 01:14:43 am
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Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#14  October 24, 2019, 03:36:57 am
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Finally got some vids on here.
Subscribe to me please and who knows, maybe my video walkthroughs will help you one day.......
Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#15  October 24, 2019, 05:01:44 pm
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Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#16  October 24, 2019, 05:16:13 pm
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This looks pretty cool.

But I gotta say, been playing Marvel Future Fight by Netmarble for years now.
They are getting worse with premiums and power creeps with each update there.
But it could be the Marvel part acting, so hopefully it won't apply here.

Gonna give this a shot!
Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#17  October 24, 2019, 06:55:36 pm
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Last Edit: October 24, 2019, 07:52:54 pm by 1Ultima
Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#18  October 24, 2019, 08:17:57 pm
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Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#19  October 24, 2019, 11:00:34 pm
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how dothe battle cards work? i got some through amazon/twitch prime


Re: King of Fighters All-Stars (Mobile)
#20  October 24, 2019, 11:35:30 pm
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    • USA
They buff your characrers stats, you need to reach lvl 16 on your account to equip them

Special cards are rare character specific cards that unlock their ultras but theyre only really required for endgame content i believe

This looks pretty cool.

But I gotta say, been playing Marvel Future Fight by Netmarble for years now.
They are getting worse with premiums and power creeps with each update there.
But it could be the Marvel part acting, so hopefully it won't apply here.

Gonna give this a shot!

I agree with the power creep but i have every character unlocked and a decent amount of t3's, premium characters actually arent all that meta rn, the best characters in the game are still the f2p characters like t3 captain marvel, t3 cap america, etc.

My best 2 characters are t3 cap marvel and t3 cyclops and theyre balls easy to build, with cap marvel being meta in every game mode.

ANYWAYS, power creep isnt too much of a concern for this game, a decent amount of easily obtainable characters are S tier like Ryo 96, Kyo 95. Shermir 97, etc.

Most characters will get you through most of the content of the game, the only truly meta characters rn are O.Iori and O.Leona since the global version isnt caught up yet, atleast thats what alot of peoplenwho play the jpn version tell me.

Tl;dr Power Creep isnt that much of an issue in KOFA :)
Last Edit: October 24, 2019, 11:41:00 pm by lui