
Last game you finished + 4 lines review.  (Read 1311635 times)

Started by Santtu, May 30, 2010, 07:06:56 pm
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Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#61  October 04, 2010, 01:25:58 pm
  • ****
  • Nothing is impossible if you believe
    • Philippines
Greatest Secrets DaVinci
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#62  October 10, 2010, 05:14:37 am
  • ***
  • Game cards do not actually talk
    • New Zealand
    • Skype - lunchpolice
Sonic Adventure
Pretty fun game. Was nostalgic because I used to play it when I was like, 7. Big's levels can go to hell.
Formerly LunchPolice aka Quack
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#63  October 10, 2010, 05:21:24 am
  • ****
  • Madman
  • Honorary Asshole
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#64  October 10, 2010, 05:28:11 am
  • ****
  • Mach Punch Zoning Arm
    • USA
    • Skype - Zero-Sennin
Battle Moon Wars
My attempt to learn how to not fail at strategy games. Partially successful in terms of not learning how to fail, but fun to play all the way through, enough so that I went out of my way to rip all of the music from it; currently replaying on the Fate/stay night side of events.
Zero-Sennin's Workshop
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> because you messed up?
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> well that's a fucking shame
[22:18] <Ebil_Homer> pick up your sucks

I don't provide old versions of my characters once they're updated. Please don't ask me for them.
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#65  October 10, 2010, 05:46:31 am
  • ***

"Make the world revolve around you. It's more fun to think that way."
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#66  October 10, 2010, 08:51:48 am
  • ******
  • Cosplayer by day, MUGEN creator by night
  • The City of the Wolves is coming
    • Chile
Melty Blood Act Cadenza Ver.B
WHy, just WHY have I not play this great game series before?? BGM is just awesome and I see a lot of anime/VG cameos in various palettes :twisted:
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#67  October 10, 2010, 08:53:59 am
  • ***
Besides buying it, i cannot find a web place that lets me download it free D:. Yet people seem to know where to find it for free :(

"Make the world revolve around you. It's more fun to think that way."
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#68  October 12, 2010, 09:28:47 pm
  • *****
Castlevania LoS

Awesome awesome game, and i was saying WTF throughout the entire ending. Love it

4/27/09 - Nameless V1 Released
*********Current Projects on Temp. Hold*********
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#69  October 20, 2010, 12:42:50 am
  • ****
    • Chile
StarCraft 2

Well, a Blizzard game will be always a good one, the history let you do some choices to make it less linear than the BW version, but still remains the same ending. The video sequences are simply great.
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#70  October 20, 2010, 02:42:23 pm
  • ***
  • Causcasian fellows can, in fact, leap! GO BROOKLYN
Blazblue CS (Story mode)
It's like when an anime starts to get convoluted and trite because they're making shit up until the manga catches up. Except it started as an anime. Also, the music is shit compared to CT.

Scott Pilgrim: The Game
It's River City Ransom. That is a very good thing.
Select Filmography: Do The White Thing, Brooklyn, The Assassination of Malcolm Little, Love & Racketball, He Has Extraordinary Skill, Flimflamed, Tales from the Neighborhood
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#71  October 26, 2010, 09:44:52 am
  • **
  • the tempest rages on
dead space

so-so story, really cliche horror. survival horrors have to try reaaaaaaaaaaally hard to scare this jaded generation of gamers. picked it up for 20 bucks though, so it was a decent buy.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#72  October 26, 2010, 12:33:00 pm
  • ******
  • what a shame
    • Iran
Play Amnesia : The Dark Descent for true survival horror. No weapon of any kind, only running, barricading and hiding.
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#73  October 26, 2010, 01:10:05 pm
  • ******
  • Unity of Hearts
    • Spain
Fallout: New Vegas. PC Version

A great game similar to Fallout 3, with a lot of options to choose your path (Karma AND Factions) and a big map to cover. Customized weapons FTW (though in Fallout 3 there was an unofficial mod that allowed that). The game sometimes is hilarious (heck, I found Indiana Jones inside that fridge LOL). Story is a little bland, though. Oh yeah, and A LOT OF BUGS.

If you can handle the bugs and CTD, you will enjoy it. Be sure to save a lot so you don't lose anything because of all the problems the game has.
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#74  October 26, 2010, 01:22:22 pm
  • ******
  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
It takes a few cheats to make the game more enjoyable, the showguns mode has the guns models showing up all over the girl body( like they should) the gore mode allows any finishing move to be a dismemberment, instead of the 1 in 20 kills is a dismemberment thing. It allows for way better stuff going on as your blades are then able to cut off arms and legs while the opponents are still alive. ( I loled at the feral vampires regrowing them)
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#75  October 28, 2010, 02:23:21 pm
  • ******
  • This is going to be very entertaining.
    • USA
Dead Rising 2

It is ridiculously, shamelessly over-the-top, but that's why it works.  There is nothing that is not fun about charging through a crowd of zombies with a lawnmower blade strapped to the top of your head.  The weapon combo system is a lot more fun than the photography in DR1.  The boss battles could have used a little more variety in terms of strategy, though.
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#76  October 28, 2010, 02:27:49 pm
  • ******
  • Limited time to use Infinite power !
    • France
Sonic the Hedgehog - in the PS2 compilation named Sonic Mega Collection +

So much memories. Kinda hard to get used to it again since there's no spin dashing nor any friends (tails, knuckles), but hey, I wanna play them in their order of release.
It really helps that they added a "save" feature to save your progress in the middle of the game. Only thing is that saving and charging is not instantaneous and takes a few seconds each time, which is a shame. Gonna play Sonic 2 tonight. :)
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#77  October 28, 2010, 04:17:47 pm
  • ***
  • Lurker and Appreciator of MUGEN
    • USA
Star Wars: Empire At War

Two words: HOLY SHIT. An RTS that takes place between Episodes III and IV, you can either play as the Rebellion, or conquer all as the Galactic Empire. This game relies on what your next move is, whether it might bring you victory, or utter defeat. If you are short on time while playing the Campaign mode, you can save in the middle of a fierce battle, space or land, and the next time you play it, start off where you left off.  Online play is very nice as well. So, if you are a fan of Star Wars and Real Time Strategy games, then I would recommend this game.

Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#78  October 28, 2010, 04:21:56 pm
  • ***
  • X is for Xtreme
    • Netherlands
Holy shit.
It's definitely better than GoW3 (Not graphics wise) alot of replay value, it's a game you have to love or hate, really..
Great soundtrack and memorable bosses, alot of variation, the story gets a bit confusing at the end though.
The final boss was too easy, I guess I'll have to play it on hard.
where there is a will,there is a way。
Sounds like you're just jealous that Duke Nukem has a bigger dick and gets ALL the bitches.
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#79  October 28, 2010, 05:30:18 pm
  • *****
  • Thanks and God bless
    • USA
Megaman Battle Network

I can say right off the bat that the anime did not do this series any justice. The chip selection had room for improvement (which thankfully was fixed in MMBN2) but otherwise a fun game nonetheless, combining classic Megaman feel with RPG elements. Also the replay value after you beat the game by unlocking the additional internet areas and the optional bosses (as well as getting all the chips just to kick Bass's ass) is gonna keep you busy.
Re: Last game you finished + 2 lines review.
#80  October 28, 2010, 06:08:04 pm
  • ******
  • SNK is life