. All chars of the project supports alternative button layout for HUMAN players newbies and veterans at ARCADE MODE:* List of commands: press < or > at the round beginning ou ending.* "Firmware" Select:. -Baby Food: classic 6 button layout - weak, medium, strong - punch and kick, all variations.. -Donut: MvC2 4 button layout - medium attacks no more.. -Coffe: 2 button layout - 1 button to normal moves, 1 button to special moves. Pocket Fighter style (not implementment yet at ROBOCOP (ver.07/31/2015)).. -Peanut Butter: 1 button layout - press any button and the CPU will provide a move for the next 2 seconds.. For example:http://ryouwin.smeenet.org/ FIGHTERS section: ROBOCOP (ver.07/31/2015): for Mugen 1.0 or above.