
How can i resize an oversized lifebar (Read 16934 times)

Started by Supercar11, January 12, 2025, 09:27:51 pm
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How can i resize an oversized lifebar
#1  January 12, 2025, 09:27:51 pm
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Re: How can i resize an oversized lifebar
#2  February 01, 2025, 08:50:42 pm
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  • Stages & Screen Pack
  • Mugen Creator
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Cross-post of my mugen ffa question:

I have a question:

How can I resize a lifebar that's made for 1280x720 to make it so it works with 640x480


(Lifebar in screenshot: Cyberpunk Lifebar by Wodash)

Locate the lifebar files:

MUGEN’s lifebar files are typically located in the data\fight.def or the data\lifebars folder, depending on the lifebar system you're using.
Look for a file named fight.def or something similar in the data folder or inside a specific folder for your lifebars.
Open the lifebar configuration file:

Open the .def file for your lifebars (for example, fight.def) in a text editor (like Notepad).
Adjust the lifebar positions:

In the configuration file, search for sections related to the lifebar positioning. You'll usually find settings for,, p1.power, p2.power, etc. These are the areas you need to focus on.

There will be values related to the size, position, and spacing of the lifebars.
here are all the down scale you need to add for the lifebars

also be sure to have your Calculator with you because you need to plus the value
 in the data folder  within the MUGEN directory (e.g., data).

The main file to edit is usually .def file, fight.def.
2. Adjust Resolution in the .def File

Open the fight.def file in a text editor (e.g., Notepad).
In this file, you'll find entries related to the settings that dictate the screen dimensions by addingn the scale value command to downscale lifebar.

numbers of scale
.5,.5 <<<<<<<< this for must use for Portraits and name and sprite size for the 480p
here are list of scale command for the reduce size by turning a 720P HD lifebar and make it into a 480p lifebars
by typing  [color=green]DOT SCALE EQUAL [/color]the number you want to reduce the size for 640x480 is always been .5,.5
These are for to reduces the sprite images and sprite animation
p1.bg0.scale = .5,.5
p1.bg1.scale = .5,.5
p1.mid.scale = .5,.5
p1.front.scale = .5,.5
These are for to reduces the size for Big Portraits and small portraits
p1.face.scale = .5,.5
p2.face.scale = .5,.5
p3.face.scale = .5,.5
p4.face.scale = .5,.5
These are for to reduces the Count Number for Timer, PowerBar
p1.counter.scale = .5,.5
p2.counter.scale = .5,.5
These are for to reduces teammate player 1 and 2  faces and simul sprite image backgrounds
p1.teammate.bg0.scale = .5,.5
p1.teammate.bg1.scale = .5,.5
p1.teammate.ko.scale = .5,.5
p1.teammate.face.scale = .5,.5
p2.teammate.bg0.scale = .5,.5
p2.teammate.bg1.scale = .5,.5
p2.teammate.ko.scale = .5,.5
p2.teammate.face.scale = .5,.5
There are to reduces the names on the lifebars
[Name] and [Turns Name] = .5,.5 = .5,.5
[Simul Name] = .5,.5 = .5,.5 = .5,.5 = .5,.5
These are to reduces the Combo Text and Number for the lifebars
team1.text.scale = .5,.5
team2.text.scale = .5,.5
These are to reduces the size Rounds Text and the Rounds Sprite Animation
This is the Round text scale command
round.default.scale = ,5,.5
This is the round sprite animation scale command
round1.anim =
round1.scale = .5,.5
round2.anim =
round2.scale = .5,.5
round3.anim =
round3.scale = .5,.5
round4.anim =
round4.scale = .5,.5
round5.anim =
round5.scale = .5,.5
round6.anim =
round6.scale = .5,.5
round7.anim =
round7.scale = .5,.5
round8.anim =
round6.scale = .5,.5
round9.anim =
round9.scale = .5,.5
This for scale command for FIGHT sprite animation
fight.scale = .5,.5
This for scale command for KO sprite animation
KO.scale   = .5,.5
This for scale command for DKO sprite animation
DKO.scale  = .5,.5
This for scale command for
This for scale command for Time Over sprite animation
TO.scale   = .5,.5
This for scale command for Win Text
win.scale = .5,.5
win2.scale = .5,.5
This for scale command for Draw Game Text also work on animation sprite Draw game
draw.scale = .5,.5
This for scale command for Win Icons Normal sprite images and also work on Win Icons animation sprite aswell
; Background icon
p1.bg0.scale = .5,.5
p2.bg0.scale = .5,.5
; Counter text font and offset for representing wins
p1.counter.scale = .5,.5
p2.counter.scale = .5,.5
; Win by normal
p1.n.scale = .5,.5
p2.n.scale = .5,.5
; Win by special
p1.s.scale = .5,.5
p2.s.scale = .5,.5
; Win by hyper (super)
p1.h.scale = .5,.5
p2.h.scale = .5,.5
; Win by normal throw
p1.throw.scale = .5,.5
p2.throw.scale = .5,.5
; Win by cheese
p1.c.scale = .5,.5
p2.c.scale = .5,.5
; Win by time over
p1.t.scale = .5,.5
p2.t.scale = .5,.5
; Win by suicide
p1.suicide.scale = .5,.5
p2.suicide.scale = .5,.5
; Opponent beaten by his own teammate
p1.teammate.scale = .5,.5
p2.teammate.scale = .5,.5
; Win by perfect
p1.perfect..scale = .5,.5

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