As it says on the label. A module that makes all your characters able to clash hits.Preview: works in the nightly builds as of this date.DOWNLOAD
This is really cool, really adds to those hype moments in a tense fight, it does seem though as some of your other modules no longer work with the current build like the dramatic zoom, activetag and shadow assist systems, so I may hold off until an update to migrate all my stuff to this new nightly build. Looking forward to having this together with your slow mo working together
I updated those shortly after they broke. You can expect me to do that for as long as I'm active. So you can just redownload them.
Pots, I don't know where to post thisall your system clashing, dramaticzoom, etcdoesn't seem to work with vs mode (vs cpu)it's only in the arcade mode it seems to work, is it correct ?Thanks for your amazing work !
This is literally the only thing I needed to switch to IKEMEN, would love more detail in how it functions in game and what doesn't clash. Can't thank you enough.
kamui 2.0 said, December 01, 2024, 04:51:20 amPots, I don't know where to post thisall your system clashing, dramaticzoom, etcdoesn't seem to work with vs mode (vs cpu)it's only in the arcade mode it seems to work, is it correct ?Thanks for your amazing work !They work the same in all modes. The only difference between modes is that modules with a gauge refill the gauge in training mode.Dark Waifu said, December 01, 2024, 06:14:13 amIs there a way to change the font used when clashes pop up?They're part of the lifebars. It's been a while but I think it's the "text.font" parameters in the [Action] group.MR. IBZS II said, December 01, 2024, 08:01:07 amThis is literally the only thing I needed to switch to IKEMEN, would love more detail in how it functions in game and what doesn't clash. Can't thank you enough.By default a lot of things clash. There are options to make things only clash if they have the same attack priority or only if the hurtboxes are not hit. Invincible moves don't clash. I might make them clash with other invincible moves later.
Currently having an issue in which all but 2 of your modules work with latest Mugen Dev build one which is this and the other is dash cancel
I was gonna reply but just noticed that I already answered you on Discord.But for future reference and because this happens frequently: the current Ikemen build dropped config.json in favor of config.ini, so modules must now be installed there.snazzle said, December 04, 2024, 10:52:00 ami like this a lot, makes for some hype moments and dope screenshots lolClassic choice of characters, heh.
I thought, if a module can be made to randomize the characters of the teams in the Arcade and Watch Team mode in the Select Screen player
can u make it so that it has to be the same strength in order for this to happen? like attacks done with lights cannot clash with mediums or hards. Only with other lights. And only normals with normals, specials with specials, excels with excels, and supers with supers?
I did implement something like that but not in the way you're describing it. You can make attacks only clash with other attacks with the same Hitdef priority. It's one of the config settings.