
How do I add 1000 slots to Ikemen GO? (Read 1996 times)

Started by Kongsaurus98, January 17, 2025, 11:59:33 pm
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How do I add 1000 slots to Ikemen GO?
#1  January 17, 2025, 11:59:33 pm
    • UK
I'm trying to add 1000 slots to my Ikemen game but they're all off-screen. If someone could help me make the slots small enough to fit in the character select screen, that would be great
Re: How do I add 1000 slots to Ikemen GO?
#2  January 18, 2025, 12:33:09 pm
  • *
What You are asking about is a matter of the screenpack that You are using, and not the engine / Ikemen GO.

Search about how to add slots to a screenpack, I can see that there are at least several tutorials on youtube.