
[Tornillo Thread]: Galacta Knight Released (8/8/2024) (Read 1578156 times)

Started by TornilloOxidado, January 07, 2023, 12:52:31 am
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Re: [Tornillo Thread]: NESTS Kyo Released (OHMSBY Style) (2/05/2023)
#101  May 22, 2023, 01:25:04 am
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  • DerRedstar
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Re: [Tornillo Thread]: NESTS Kyo Released (OHMSBY Style) (2/05/2023)
#102  May 22, 2023, 01:35:49 am
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Re: [Tornillo Thread]: NESTS Kyo Released (OHMSBY Style) (2/05/2023)
#103  May 25, 2023, 05:26:25 am
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Added NESTS Kyo Color Palette to the collection, also Jeff Jaggerjack did some updates for Terry and Normal Kyo.
Added .PNG images to the compressed file.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: NESTS Kyo Released (OHMSBY Style) (2/05/2023)
#104  May 26, 2023, 02:24:27 pm
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Re: [Tornillo Thread]: NESTS Kyo Released (OHMSBY Style) (2/05/2023)
#105  May 26, 2023, 05:46:42 pm
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  • DerRedstar
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    • Paraguay
Re: Makoto Nanaya Released, Noel Vermillion Bonus Strikes Update [27/5/23]
#106  May 27, 2023, 05:40:23 pm
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  • DerRedstar
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    • Paraguay

Makoto Nanaya released. Noel Vermillion received a really important update.
Mugen Site:

Everyone received a update, so please, please don't be dumb and update them all before you have a complaint, there is a reason why i said this.
Noel Vermillion
-Added Ichida's Mechanic: Bonus Strikes.
-Intro VS Makoto Nanaya fixed.
-New 5A and 5AAA, old 5A is now 4A.
-Added Guard Reject.
-The NOY indicator is now aligned correctly.
-Distortion Drives are Roman Cancelable again.
-Fixed sprites errors.
-Changed AI behavior.
-Optic Barrel and Flash Supressor are now Dash Cancelable.
-Some hitboxes and hurtboxes were changed.
-2B5BB now is airborne.
-Properties on her special attacks were changed.
-Added Palettes folder.
-New Palette (Miorine Rembran) by me.
*This update will be applied to Noel NOL soon.

NESTS Kyo / Kyo Kusanagi
-2A can be repeat up to 3 times.
-Fixed recovery sound error.

K Dash
-He now has a 2B.
-Some palettes were replaced by a new ones.
-Changed AI behavior.
-Fixed properties in his attacks.
-Fixed infinites.
-Fixed error where his EX moves gain meter.
-Fixed error where Guard Reject doesn't worked properly.

Terry Bogard
-Reimported color palettes thanks to Mid117.
-Changed AI behavior.
-Burning Knuckle nerfed.

Michael Roa Valdamjong
-Bug fixes.
-Air Rising Lightning now has more priority than Brilliant Demon Strike.
-Redid hurtboxes and hitboxes.
-5B now hits twice.
-His new B Autocombo is now B,B.
-Changed AI behavior.

Jam Kuradoberi
-Fixed something in her 2A.
-Some attack properties were adjusted.
-Changed AI behavior slightly.

Battler Ushiromiya
-Changed AI behavior slightly.
-Fixed Intro VS Makoto Nanaya.
-Some minor errors fixed.
Last Edit: May 27, 2023, 05:53:22 pm by TornilloOxidado
Re: Makoto Nanaya Released, Noel Vermillion Bonus Strikes Update [27/5/23]
#107  May 27, 2023, 05:52:15 pm
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  • OHMSBY style viewers
    • Indonesia
Hell yeah! The best squirell is home!
Re: Makoto Nanaya Released, Noel Vermillion Bonus Strikes Update [27/5/23]
#108  May 27, 2023, 07:31:59 pm
  • ***
  • I swear I've been working on Geese all this time.
  • Kind of POTS style editor, except not really.
Makoto Nanaya released. Noel Vermillion received a really important update.

Been testing these 2, and I noticed Optic Barrel is missing it's FX & Noel doesn't move off the ground during Spring Raid,
Though otherwise, they seem fine so far.
Re: Makoto Nanaya Released, Noel Vermillion Bonus Strikes Update [27/5/23]
#109  May 28, 2023, 01:41:16 pm
  • ****
  • I'm 100% Team OHMSBY now.
    • USA
Feedback for Noel and Makoto for now (The rest comes later):
-Required sprites (5070,20), (5072,10) & (5072,20) are still missing.
-She has a duplicate Idle animation with a single frame of the small portrait.
-Her dodge dusts are scaled way too large.
-Her run stop animation uses a dodge dust instead of a sliding one.
-The other half of her air dash effect is missing.
-She can't perform a super jump.
-The running throw can be spammed consecutively, causing an infinite.
-5B's hitbox makes no sense to me as there's another red hitbox where she doesn't shoot her gun on the other hand.
-5BB has no landing sound when she touches the ground.
-5C doesn't have swish sounds when she twirls her guns.
-2A has no swish sound.
-2C uses dodge dust instead of sliding dust and should be on the opposite side.
-The effect explod on Optic Barrel A/B is missing.
-Flash Suppresor has no jump sound on the startup when she leaps after the hit.
-After Flash Suppresor hits, she briefly falls down instead of goes up and has no jump sound effect when she does.
-Rapid canceling Flash Suppresor is performed on the ground and not in the air.
-Muzzle Flitter, Optic Barrel A/B and EX Bloom Trigger have the wrong attribute flag (V instead of S).
-Muzzle Flitter has the wrong command listed on the on the readme as it shares with Optic Barrel B (Supposed to be D,DB,B,A).
-Rapid canceling Muzzle Flitter will be performed on the ground instead of in the air.
-Rapid canceling Muzzle Flitter right when it makes contact with the opponent will cause the opponent to get stuck.
-Zero Gun Fenrir has no transparency on each bullet.
-She can rapid cancel twice during the 17th hit of Zero Gun Fenrir's super pause.
-Spring Raid doesn't have a landing sound effect when she touches the ground.
-The swish effect of Spring Raid doesn't disappear and follows her when rapid canceling.
-The current Valkyrie Veil works when it was countered, not when it hits the opponent.
-The opponent's get hit animation on Valkyrie Veil before the last hit should be using 5051 (Trip) instead of 5035 (Air Gethit Transition).
-Chain Boomerang gains meter when it hits and can be spammed 4 consecutive times.
-She no longer has the BBTAG small portrait from ILoveMyself in her Alternate Portrait folder.
-The small and big portraits aren't at the end of the SFF (Just having it there instead would make it easier to find them and wanted to change it back to make the small portrait consistent with the big one, only later to find out it's gone).

-The sliding dust on her Run Stop animation could be slightly higher on her front foot.
-The hitspark and guard spark of 5AAAA, 66A, 66B, Comet Cannon, Shooting Star and Big Bang Smash is misaligned.
-The B command normals doesn't cause knock down until 5BBB.
-2C has no twirling sounds when she spins.
-The hitspark and guard spark of 5C and Sirious Jolt is misaligned when it hits the opponent in the air.
-The Dead Angle Attack completely misses if the opponent is in a non-attack animation.
-The afterimages on her backwards dodge are bugged once she uses 2C or Comet Cannon.
-The opponent's get hit animation on the 11th hit of the forward throw appears higher than where it hit them.
-The animation on her backwards throw isn't accurate as she doesn't hop in the air to slam the opponent to the ground with her tail.
-Rush and Infinite Rush doesn't deal chip damage.
-The Ring effect's animation on her chargable moves plays in reverse and doesn't fade when they disappear.
-The opponent gets stuck for a few seconds if she rapid cancels the first hit of her air throw.
-She is layered in front of Comet Cannon's projectile when she performs it.
-Comet Cannon's projectile has shadows and reflections on stages with reflected floors.
-Comet Cannon's projectile should use a stronger hitsound if it was charged.
-The afterimages from Asteroid Vision still continue playing for 2 seconds after touching the ground.
-Asteroid Vision doesn't have dust effects if the fakes disappears.
-Her fake copies of Asteroid Vision B/C vanish instantly by a tick if her air normals or Lightning Arrow was used.
-The normal ground shockwave plays twice when the opponent touches the ground from Sirious Jolt.
-Sirious Jolt and Planet Crusher uses a strong slash hitsound instead of a punch one when it successfully connects.
-The fist animation on Big Bang Smash has shadows and reflections on stages with reflected floors.
-Big Bang Smash and Particle Flare has no swish sounds when she punches.
-The charge sound effect doesn't play when Particle Flare was charged.
-The super spark is misaligned when she uses Ultra Burst or Ultra Dead Angle.
-There is no strong grounds shockwave when the opponent hits the ground from Event Horizon and no indication of them falling to the ground.
-The fist animation on NOY Event Horizon doesn't fade properly and disappears by a tick.
-Her Cut In portrait on the 33th hit of Planet Crusher doesn't cover the bottom of the ground and it along with her sprite disappears too early.
-The 34th hit of Planet Crusher doesn't have envshake and the Astral Floor and BG should stop appearing on that frames.
-Planet Crusher has the wrong attribute flag (S instead of H).
-The Burst Icon doesn't go into Overheat if Planet Crusher is blocked or missed.
-The Burst Icon Flash flashed red instead of blue when defeating the opponent without using the Ultra Burst.
-The small and big portraits aren't at the end of the SFF.

I like the font you used for Makoto's Astral Heat text. But I was curious why didn't you update your other characters with that font instead. It makes them much more unique to you and doesn't copy Ichida's styling.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: Makoto Nanaya Released, Noel Vermillion Bonus Strikes Update [27/5/23]
#110  May 28, 2023, 05:28:14 pm
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  • DerRedstar
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    • Paraguay
Hi ZS, thanks for the feedback as always, i wasn't expected to be this much, i'm feeling stupid right now.
Working on updating all your characters at the same time in one day it's a bad idea, i really missed a lot of things.
This will sound strange but i'm not really in the mood to fix them all in a single update and now, as recently i just breaked my head with all of this, i was thinking on taking care of the code part first rather than the aesthetic.

-Her fake copies of Asteroid Vision B/C vanish instantly by a tick if her air normals or Lightning Arrow was used.
That was intentional as they just dissapear like that in BBTAG.
I like the font you used for Makoto's Astral Heat text. But I was curious why didn't you update your other characters with that font instead. It makes them much more unique to you and doesn't copy Ichida's styling.
Oh thanks, the main reason was that i don't have the Misadventures font anymore Thanks Windows Update to screw up as always so i downloaded new ones, my future characters use new fonts as well and that's a good idea, so in the next updates my other chars will use new fonts as well.

Quick update to K Dash
-Fixed several error where he can't move anymore if Chain Drive fails. (Thanks DigitalJinny for the report)

-Fixed Burst hitsounds.

-Changed Astral Heat Text font.

Sorry for the brain damage.

Re: Makoto Nanaya Released, Noel Vermillion Bonus Strikes Update [27/5/23]
#111  May 30, 2023, 04:52:27 pm
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  • DerRedstar
  • I'll brb.
    • Paraguay
Re: Makoto Nanaya Released, Noel Vermillion Bonus Strikes Update [27/5/23]
#112  June 15, 2023, 08:08:20 pm
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  • DerRedstar
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    • Paraguay
English Voice Patch for Makoto Nanaya added.
Re: Makoto Nanaya Released, Noel Vermillion Bonus Strikes Update [27/5/23]
#113  June 24, 2023, 08:51:33 pm
    • Norway
Do you have planned more Blazblue characters? like Bang or Litchi?
Re: Makoto Nanaya Released, Noel Vermillion Bonus Strikes Update [27/5/23]
#114  June 24, 2023, 11:43:38 pm
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  • DerRedstar
  • I'll brb.
    • Paraguay
[Tornillo Thread]: 3 Characters Updated
#115  June 27, 2023, 12:55:22 am
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  • DerRedstar
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    • Paraguay
Some quick updates before going to the college again.

Noel Vermillion and NOL Noel will be updated later.

Kyo Kusanagi
-Added Intro Vs. Ryo Sakazaki.
-Increased damage to his Distortion Drives.
-Some effects now are removed when get hit.
-Added Victory Quote against Ryo Sakazaki.

Terry Bogard
-Added Intro Vs. Ryo Sakazaki.
-Increased damage to his Distortion Drives.
-Power Geyser now is as a anti-air like Miyako Arima.
-Hitsparks realigned.
-Changed WinPose.
-Added new victory lines.
-Added swish sounds to Rising Tackle (He sounds like a helicopter).

Makoto Nanaya
-Hitsounds changed.
-Fixed some glitches.
-Added fade in black to her Planet Crusher.
-Fixed autoturn for Space Counter for AI.
-Commet Cannon now wallbounces the enemy.
-Increased damage output.
-Portraits are in the end of the sff again.
-Backwards throw adjusted.
-Changed Guard Cancel animation.
-Rush and Infinite Rush fixed.
-Added her respective Centralfiction swish sounds to Particle Flare.
-Added a ring effect to Commet Cannon.

-The effect explod on Optic Barrel A/B is missing.
-Zero Gun Fenrir has no transparency on each bullet.
-The fist animation on NOY Event Horizon doesn't fade properly and disappears by a tick.
-Big Bang Smash and Particle Flare has no swish sounds when she punches.

About this i think it's because you're using MUGEN 1.0, as they works properly in 1.1.
Then again this is an issue some people been reporting, but i have no idea why Noel's effects aren't working in 1.0, and i'm not sure what to do in this case.

About Big Bang Smash swish sound, it's the same as the cleanhit grap sfx (3001,1) in original game, so instead of making the sound when it hits now i set it as the time when it spawns.
Last Edit: June 27, 2023, 07:07:14 am by TornilloOxidado
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: 3 Characters Updated
#116  June 29, 2023, 12:05:53 pm
  • **
    • Malaysia
ummnn....why makoto some of his special intro just work on makoto,like ichida's chie,yosuke
also your both kyo special intro with OHMSBY's iori yagami.....
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: 3 Characters Updated
#117  June 29, 2023, 12:23:44 pm
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  • Resent Oneself
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    • Indonesia
-The effect explod on Optic Barrel A/B is missing.
-Zero Gun Fenrir has no transparency on each bullet.
-The fist animation on NOY Event Horizon doesn't fade properly and disappears by a tick.
-Big Bang Smash and Particle Flare has no swish sounds when she punches.

About this i think it's because you're using MUGEN 1.0, as they works properly in 1.1.
Then again this is an issue some people been reporting, but i have no idea why Noel's effects aren't working in 1.0, and i'm not sure what to do in this case.

About Big Bang Smash swish sound, it's the same as the cleanhit grap sfx (3001,1) in original game, so instead of making the sound when it hits now i set it as the time when it spawns.

If you are using helpers as an effect and is using angleset, make sure there's angledraw on it so it'll have proper transparency.

Re: [Tornillo Thread]: 3 Characters Updated
#118  June 29, 2023, 06:34:02 pm
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  • DerRedstar
  • I'll brb.
    • Paraguay
If you are using helpers as an effect and is using angleset, make sure there's angledraw on it so it'll have proper transparency.
That certainly fixed it, as for Optic Barrel it is an explod and is still invisible, but i will convert it to a helper to save me problems.

ummnn....why makoto some of his special intro just work on makoto,like ichida's chie,yosuke
also your both kyo special intro with OHMSBY's iori yagami.....

That's because it was intentional, it's up to Ichida if he wants to have his chars to react against Makoto.
If you're wondering about Chie and Yosuke intro on that video on YT it's just because i edit Ichida's chars most of the time.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: 3 Characters Updated
#119  July 02, 2023, 02:13:00 am
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  • DerRedstar
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    • Paraguay
Well i wanted to be the most fast possible with this since i already have finished the 3 chars (Ryo, CF and Okita) They only needs some aesthetic fixes and minor adjustements
My idea was at the same time uploading the update for Noel Vermillion but i ran into some big problems, not to say that due to some of them, i need to reimport all Noel NOL sprites and realign them all again, Noel's getting another revamp with new animations from unused moves that are in her files. Minor things like a new running grab animation and properties, things like that First of all i need to take care of the issues of the normal Noel, then apply them to Noel NOL, and last thing is the reimporting and realign sprites part.
I'm so sorry but again this will take some weeks because i want to upload all the characters, updates and things at the same day.
Thank you Fighter Factory for ruining my projects once again.

Small update.
K Dash
-Added swish sounds to Glasses Chain Drive.
-Adjusted air velocities in his special attacks.
-Deleted a strange red hitbox that came out of nowhere.
-Fixed error where for some reason the AI doesn't worked properly.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: 3 Characters Updated
#120  July 02, 2023, 05:58:27 am
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  • DerRedstar
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    • Paraguay
Forgot to add this before but i was too tired.

Battler Ushiromiya
-Added another effect to All Piercing Blue Truth.
-Changed Astral Heat Text Font.
-Fixed Burst hitsounds.
-Increased the damage of Sharp Blue Truth.
-Added more characters to his Male / Female Detector.
List of the new characters added:

Male Detector (Rapturous Sommelier Time Voice Line):
-Chipp Zanuff
-Kazuya Mishima
-Johnny the Pirate
-Shen Woo

Female Detector (Special Intro VS Female || Rapturous Sommelier Time Voice Line):
-Neo Politan
-Tomoka Minato
-Botan Shishiro
-Ayame Nakiri
-Korone Inugami
-Nero Claudius
-Wildcat Arthur
-Lilith Aensland
Last Edit: July 02, 2023, 06:03:57 am by TornilloOxidado