
A have a loli type girlfriend (Read 379346 times)

Started by unbeknowNst, October 26, 2010, 08:55:06 pm
Re: A have a loli type girlfriend
#21  October 26, 2010, 11:51:30 pm
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In the future I plan on taking her with me to Anime conventions.
And have her cosplay  :notagain2:
This guy was found looking for Cosplay or Costumes for his cute little asian girfriend at a Halloween store, costumers described the man as a very horny pervert...

PS:Not the real picture of him, it was found online lol... anyways this threat deserves to go to The Hall of Fame right about now! lol
"Given the choice; whether to rule a corrupt and failing empire or to challenge the Fates for another throw a better throw against one's destiny... what was a king to do?
Re: A have a loli type girlfriend
#22  October 26, 2010, 11:52:03 pm
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He's getting a lot of attention now, because of that post. Maybe that was his main objective... :ninja:
Re: A have a loli type girlfriend
#23  October 26, 2010, 11:54:28 pm
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I don't think you dirty gaijin understand love. Good luck to RaiN and his future waifu.  :yugoi:
Re: A have a loli type girlfriend
#24  October 26, 2010, 11:56:00 pm
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The sad part is, some people might actually feel or think or fantasize of the exact same thing RaiN describes, and it'd be just "being horny" ... but when he describes it in ANIME TERMS if becomes downright creepy and demeaning :S
Re: A have a loli type girlfriend
#25  October 26, 2010, 11:57:42 pm
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They know when to keep it to themselves and not look creepy.
Re: A have a loli type girlfriend
#26  October 27, 2010, 12:03:32 am
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The title of this thread is just...  :XD:


Re: A have a loli type girlfriend
#27  October 27, 2010, 12:04:12 am
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Why would you be pissed off? Because he isn't slightly touching YOUR soft, cute and squishy breasts (not the nipples), OR putting his hands down YOUR pants, and rubbing YOUR cute little butt?

Talk about hatin' ::)

Because he is posting intimate stuff out in the web without her consent. ::)
That would make me pissed off too.
Princess Adora: "My friend saw She-Ra take her dress off in the shower. She said she has an 8 pack. She said She-Ra is shredded."

SF2NES is dead. Long live SF2NES.
Re: A have a loli type girlfriend
#28  October 27, 2010, 12:05:37 am
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Unless this girl Recently migrated to the United States, the way he describes her makes it looks like the way this girls act only in their origin country "Japan" you know... asian girls here are totally different from the ones in Japan... I dont know anyways this threat it kind of funny and  awkward he hasnt even posted any pictures about this topic yet to confirm what he is talking about...
"Given the choice; whether to rule a corrupt and failing empire or to challenge the Fates for another throw a better throw against one's destiny... what was a king to do?
Last Edit: October 27, 2010, 12:09:24 am by nestor1924
Re: A have a loli type girlfriend
#29  October 27, 2010, 12:10:55 am
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yeah US born asian chicks don't have sideways vaginas
Re: A have a loli type girlfriend
#30  October 27, 2010, 12:13:19 am
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Ay Dios mio :laugh:

RaiN did it again, can't wait for the next Asian gf topic :P
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where there is a will,there is a way。
Sounds like you're just jealous that Duke Nukem has a bigger dick and gets ALL the bitches.
Re: A have a loli type girlfriend
#31  October 27, 2010, 12:18:05 am
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Re: A have a loli type girlfriend
#32  October 27, 2010, 12:19:31 am
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The minecraft guy's arm?
Re: A have a loli type girlfriend
#33  October 27, 2010, 01:07:05 am
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She's a citizen but she is not Japanese. She's actually Vietnamese, like me.

But she came to America like 7 or so years ago.

What's with you guys in thinking I'm a horny creep?
I'm sure some of you have even funkier fetishes.

but its okay, we are all freaky in our own way.
you think girls aren't freaky too? lol

on a side note....

We went to the mall today cause she wanted to buy some thigh high leggings for her costume. ohhhhhh yeah I love those. also bought her some sleeveless types of gloves.

you know what I'll show you guys a pic sometime soon.... on halloween when we're both dressed up :D
Re: A have a loli type girlfriend
#34  October 27, 2010, 01:38:22 am
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What's with you guys in thinking I'm a horny creep?


shes the kind that pleases her man and makes sure hes happy
imagine any of those cute characters from in anime shes just like them
i put my hands down her pants and I was rubbing her cute little butt
based on the linings of her panties, and the length of the cuts around her butt, i can tell she wear's the otaku's type of panties, which are the (NSFW) 'lowleg panties'  :)
then she let me slightly touch her breasts (not the nipples) but her breasts and they are these cute medium sized lumps. soft, cute and squishy :)
all the kinky H thoughts and sexy fantasies are coming back, lmao....
I am gonna get her to wear maid outfits sometime later! YEAH
What's with you guys in thinking I'm a horny creep?
I'm sure some of you have even funkier fetishes.
but its okay, we are all freaky in our own way.
you think girls aren't freaky too? lol
We went to the mall today cause she wanted to buy some thigh high leggings for her costume. ohhhhhh yeah I love those

No reason at all....
Re: A have a loli type girlfriend
#35  October 27, 2010, 01:42:22 am
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Aww, Rolento put me on blast.

He sure got me there.

Well I guess I should close this thread since most people are getting pretty skeptic about it.
Re: A have a loli type girlfriend
#36  October 27, 2010, 02:12:06 am
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and here's the first post for posterity
Hi guys

I'm going out with this cute little Asian girl.
she is 5'1.
she has the cute, innocent, shy and feminine personality
shes the kind that pleases her man and makes sure hes happy

imagine any of those cute characters from in anime shes just like them

we were making out yesterday
i put my hands down her pants and I was rubbing her cute little butt
based on the linings of her panties, and the length of the cuts around her butt, i can tell she wear's the otaku's type of panties, which are the (NSFW) 'lowleg panties'

then she let me slightly touch her breasts (not the nipples) but her breasts and they are these cute medium sized lumps. soft, cute and squishy

her entire body is petite and she wears her clothes well fitted, not baggy at all

For halloween she has agreed to wear a Gothic Lolita dress and go Trick or Treating with me.

wow, I think I'm blessed >_<
My innermost thoughts of being an ex-otaku are returning again
I haven't watched anime for 2 years but before that I was well with the scene for almost 9 years
all the kinky H thoughts and sexy fantasies are coming back, lmao....
I am gonna get her to wear maid outfits sometime later! YEAH

she loves cute things like Hello Kitty and stuffed animals and the rest of those goods. better than those kinds of girls who dig the diamonds and jewels normally

in any case, yes I know, I am a えcっひ。

In the future I plan on taking her with me to Anime conventions.
And have her cosplay

Well yeah, there's my rant. just kidding, not really a rant

sorry guys I dont mean to sound arrogant or cocky, or whatever.
I dont mean to make anyone jealous too.

I just think I'm a really lucky guy... and I hope the rest of my fellow otaku friends will find one like me too

Aside from that I love here very much aside from her physical features. She's very caring, and she laughs at even my most dorkiest and lamest jokes. There is much chemistry between she and I so I don't feel any awkward moments. She's great and I care about her a lot.

I would not be surprised for someone to come in and say pics or it didn't happen
#37  October 28, 2010, 09:33:03 pm
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hi guys

my girlfriend broke up with me and now my life is nothing but a dark mess
i wanna join the KKK
how do i join that???

please someone help me
Re: how to join the KKK?
#38  October 28, 2010, 09:34:11 pm
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Sad story man

Something tells me you won't quite fit in there =P
Re: how to join the KKK?
#39  October 28, 2010, 09:41:20 pm
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I really hope this is just another trolling attempt, seriously
Re: how to join the KKK?
#40  October 28, 2010, 09:43:08 pm
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i fucking hope this is true