
All Star Attacks (Read 47771 times)

Started by Neocide, January 09, 2011, 07:15:42 am
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All Star Attacks
#1  January 09, 2011, 07:15:42 am
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I thought I'd talk about the level 3 mini games and see if anyone has any ideas on any, I need alot atm, and any ideas are worth a shot. I'll also discuss in detail everyone's allstar, that I have come up with so far.

Worked Out -

Goku (Genki Dama) - Goku's genki dama will be a sort of mode for goku, when you enter the command when he has 3 or more bars, you'll get a genki dama bar to the left of goku, the player will then press (and hold) c for one hand, and z for the other. 

Holding down the two buttons will fill your genki dama meter, there will also be another bar above goku's head when the opponent attacks him, when that meter fills up your genki dama mode will be terminated and you will take -400 life. You can leave genki dama mode at any time after you initiated it and go back into it, by pressing "Start"

you can throw the genki dama anytime you want, by pressing x + z (while in genki dama mode) a full meter will do about 65% of the opponent's bar, half way will do about 30% damage and anything less will be minimal to very little.

Piccolo (Scattershot) - this one is like genki dama, in that it has a mode, and the opponent will be given the opportunity to terminate said mode with a meter system. Piccolo goes into a ki shot mode, where he basically fires ki shots in diff directions, depending on which button you hit.

Like genki dama you can leave and come back to the mode by hitting "start" and attack by pressing x+z while in the mode. The object is to get as many ki orbs\balls surrounding your opponent before your opponent beats you out of the mode.also if the opponent fills the "terminate" meter you will lose 350 damage. each balls damage will be around

Super Boo (Boo Pinball) - Super boo throws a piece of himself at the opponent, and if caught is sucked into Super Boo, who turns into a giant pin ball game as the opponent becomes the ball, you as super boo will control the pins and the better the score the more damage.

Frieza(Entrapment Ball) - frieza teleports in to grab the opponent with his entrapment ball, then hits the opponent away. having him bounce corner to corner each time moving faster and faster untill they hit the ground and explode

you will control what corner frieza goes to by tapping any direction button twice ie; fwd,fwd
x will physically hit your opponent in the ball, y will hit them with a ki shot,or if charged will blow up the ball.
a will smack them down to the ground, and b will catch the ball, although if the ball is going too fast catching it will cause it to blow up, and do damage to frieza.

there will be a meter for the ball, and the opponent will have to attack the ball to destroy it, the opponent cannot
attack the ball when he's moving at fast velocities, or when being attacked by a physical hit.

18(Ki Orgy) - I decided to base 18's whole moveset around old school megaman X and Metroid, so for her All Star Attack, I decided to give her a ki orgy mode, which basically gives her diff type of powers from the mmx and metroid games like the homing missles or the freeze missle. or whatever powers he got in mmx, I havent went through them all yet. 

there will be a timer for how long the mode will last. and while in it, 18 will have 4 different types of ki attacks each one from a different  style of move from the metroid and mmx games;  A- missle\small projectile type B- beam\expansive type X- rapid fire\basic shot type Y- Trap/Special/element type .

she'll also move like mmx did in the original 3 I believe, you'll be able to do wall leaps,wall slides, wall leap\slide and fire basically everything you could do with X movement wise.

well thats about it.

Re: All Star Attacks
#2  January 09, 2011, 12:23:08 pm
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    • France
For Trunks, a slash game where you need to input the right commands to slash the opponent the best way possible.

For Tien, you get a first person shoorter, where you see Tien's hands in square form (when he performs his most powerful Ki attack), and the opponent has full control to move. Your goal is to touch him with the Ki attack by pressing a button when the opponent is in the center of the square.

Ginyu : it would be wonderful if you could code the characters so that Ginyu can do a body change and acquire techniques, life, etc.
However, doing this, I believe Ginyu would have to be the last character coded, and you'd have to add all the sprites of all the other chars in him, like Juano16 did when coding Shao Tsung for MK2.
Re: All Star Attacks
#3  January 09, 2011, 06:52:09 pm
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wow its pretty insane how we had some of the same concepts for moves XD

trunks - can you be a bit more specific on slashing the opponent the "best way possible". I had an idea of missing limbs but that would take alot of extra shit in the characters and I dont want to do that.

tien- I was thinking of that a kikou ha All Star, just not how to work it around, that sounds cool though. and it was more of a triangle shaped attack, but ya I get the idea awesome!

Ginyu- you know how many times I wanted to do this? I would so do it, but I dont know if everyone's comp would be able to handle a character that big :/ and plus I'd keep having to redo the sff if I ever added somebody new lol
I soooo want to though. its just an extremely alot amount of work. I wish there was a way to just switch controls over characters.

Re: All Star Attacks
#4  January 09, 2011, 07:14:14 pm
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Trunks :
Do you see Shenmue's "quicktime events" ? Or the game Farenheit (called Indigo Prophecy in the US) ?
Basically, you have to press the right button or combination of buttons during a cinematic to succeed and progress in the game or beat an opponent.
Here, maybe you could launch a sort of cinematic pre-programmed fight between Trunks and his opponent, putting him completely in a custom state, and you'd have to push the right buttons to slash the opponent (or whatever hit). Missing would make the cinematic evolve into another combo or attack, so that there are several "paths" for the All Star. There could be a sort of slow motion or other before each QTE part so you'd get the time to press the button and give more dramatic feeling to the scene.

Tien : yeah, it's a triangle, my bad. :P

Ginyu : yeah, I feel your pain. :( DBZ on Genesis was awesome for that.
Re: All Star Attacks
#5  January 09, 2011, 08:08:36 pm
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    • Poland
Ginyu- you know how many times I wanted to do this? I would so do it, but I dont know if everyone's comp would be able to handle a character that big :/ and plus I'd keep having to redo the sff if I ever added somebody new lol
I soooo want to though. its just an extremely alot amount of work. I wish there was a way to just switch controls over characters.

I personally think that big SFF isn't a problem there... Mugen 1.0 already require bit better comp than WinMugen and most people have decent comp already. If not well I guess it's bad luck. Thing like these shouldn't stop you from adding such unique feature.

But yeah you have a point about adding more sprites with each new character  :-\. Still I think you should definitelly add it.
"If our lives are indeed the sum total of the choices we've made, then we cannot change who we are. But with every new choice we're given, we can change who we're going to be." The Outer Limits S04E04

"If knowledge is power and power corrupts... how will human kind ever survive?" The Outer Limits S04E16
Re: All Star Attacks
#6  January 09, 2011, 08:51:58 pm
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trunks - ok cool yea I totally get that one. I loved that game! and I wanted to do certain button press moves for another all star I recently thought of

Jiece (Mega Jiece Rock Off) - I decided to do jiece in the vien of a 80's big hair band frontman\guitarist, with all his specials\supers named after 80's big hair rock bands (sync his hits to the chorus of said songs.) like jojo bizarre adventure I've been told (thanks vans, now I feel like I ripped something off :p )

Jiece goes into his guitar battle pose, and throws the opponent a guitar, then in  the fashion of guitar hero, (and sorta in the vain of the scott pilgrim band battle with the music fighting one another.) each player will create a sort of dome around them, and everytime they hit a few notes at a time good, the dome will grow bigger, and the one who does better overall, will unleash their dome at the other player and do about 50% health with a decent rating 65% for an awesome and 80% for "rockin"(dont miss anything)

ginyu- I would totally be down, if I had someone to do the sff with me for him, that is alot of work, ALOT and keeping track of it would be a pain in the ass, so that would only work if I had someone with minor code knowledge, (to set up the var for ginyu, or I can we'll figure that out) to do the sff and air of whoever is being added next. at the count now, it would be 18 people, and atm, each person's own sff, would be like, 600 on a good guess. 600 x 18 is 10800 not too bad, but ouch I dont think I wanna do that by myself.
Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 08:59:12 pm by NeoCyanide
Re: All Star Attacks
#7  January 09, 2011, 10:31:48 pm
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For Ginyu, the best way to do it I think to keep track of things is indeed a variable to know which is the body.
And in the SFF, make it so sprites 0 to 9999 are Ginyu's ones, and then add 10.000 for each character. This means Goku would have the sprites from 10000 to 19999 for example, Vegeta 20000 to 29999, etc.
Re: All Star Attacks
#8  January 09, 2011, 10:41:16 pm
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  • Smooches
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    • Skype - Neocide
oh yes I know the whole setup all too well, thats another reason why it'd annoy me to do those, so many vars to remember O_O
Re: All Star Attacks
#9  January 10, 2011, 01:20:04 am
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    • Poland
You know what ? If you would make Body Change maybe it would be better if all needed character sprites for this move should be places in fightfx or something ? If you would put it in Ginyu SFF it would make slow loading for him only but with fight/fx.sff it would load at start of the game so player won't have to worry about it later.

I know for some faster loading of whole game might be more important than loading 1 character but I think every char should be loaded in similar time. If slower loading at the start is the price for having unique move and and ginyu load same as others I will gladly pay for it.
"If our lives are indeed the sum total of the choices we've made, then we cannot change who we are. But with every new choice we're given, we can change who we're going to be." The Outer Limits S04E04

"If knowledge is power and power corrupts... how will human kind ever survive?" The Outer Limits S04E16
Re: All Star Attacks
#10  January 10, 2011, 11:07:29 am
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cant, fightfx is only used for explod's cant put actual characters in there to switch with ginyu, only plausable way would be to make them helpers, and that would be stretching it still, its seriously way too much work for one move.

I'm just gonna do it the way cyanide suggested,which I dont remember entirely, he needs to post it >=[
Re: All Star Attacks
#11  January 10, 2011, 11:34:51 am
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My idea was simply an inverted deadly rave. It's hard to explain in a way that makes much sense but it would work OK.

Characters swap, this requires no addition of sprites or anything, it's a full game, just put them both into a special "i'm in a ginyu move" state. They then both run through a combination of attacks. Your job is to prevent your character taking too much damage if you are hit by ginyu, and if you ARE ginyu, your job is to deal as much as possible. This would be done via buttons showing up on screen. You push them at the right time, that bit of damage is dropped off. Get it wrong/miss, you take the damage.

Think DDR with punches. Make use of teamside etc to position the button presses correctly. Would use 1-2 variables to actually do this, but it's a full game and you don't need custom states or anything, you can just make the state in both characters and nobody will be able to actually tell the difference.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: All Star Attacks
#12  January 10, 2011, 11:41:14 am
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So let's imagine Goku and Ginyu exchange body in a custom state cinematic.
The Ginyu player (in Goku body) has to hit Goku (in Ginyu body) as much as possible ? And what happens when they both get back to their body, considering that the damage you would the other would have taken while in your body still is in your body, so you would have taken damage by hitting your own body during the exchanged state (dunno if I'm clear ;P).
Well, I'm talking about the thing Ginyu used against Goku : hurting his own body before the exchange.
Re: All Star Attacks
#13  January 10, 2011, 12:07:57 pm
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    • Skype - Neocide
I think he means switching bodies, fucking that one up and then after a amount of time, going back to original body, and whatever damage you did in that body goes to the opponent.  the stopping ginyu from beating up the opponent's body I'm a little confused on.
Re: All Star Attacks
#14  January 10, 2011, 09:39:57 pm
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Like i said, it's hard to explain. In a way, you're letting the game become the anime. If you recall when goku became ginyu he did decide to attack, and so on. In this situation you are no longer in control, you're just trying to influence how much damage the attack does.

More like you're watching a fight from the sidelines than partaking in it. The problem with a full body swap is the alternate characters all have to be coded in. And ginyu has to be set up as a transformation for EVERY other character. It's just wanky. You need a short method.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.