More news:Jhfer is being working on the game history (and on many edits). The second stage will have the Maggia crime syndicate, on a ship. This is why you fight on a Port on the first stage. You will fight Wizard on a branch, or Whirwind on content Enemies:IMA soldier (wip)DREADNOUGHT - MaggiaBosses:Do you know those people?Playables:Yondu is almost done (spritewise)
This reminds me of the Captain America and The Avengers on MES. Please tell me, like that game, there will be a versus mode.
Finally more action! Featuring new hyper moves for Quicksilver (me) and Captain America (my son Enzo). Avengers: United Battle Force.(sorry for the quality, youtube killed it)
***GUYS, WE NEED YOUR HELP HERE***Some users always asked for 3 or 4 players on this project. We don't have enough space on the HUD to put 4 players (and I don't want to remake it either), but for 3 players...maybe I can do (I already made some tests).But, the main problem is: If I do allow 3 players, the bios screen should be gone (lacks of space), with just the char and his stats.Its a hard decision, so we want to hear you guys.
Keep it as is. There is already a good 4-Player Open BoR mod and it is called "Marvel First Alliance."
Look that everyone do prefer the 2 players option Anyway, I am working on Emma Frost (she is a guest char)I was looking at ther and she seams to be missing some moves, so I changed some moves.Her Astral Projection works like a projectile. She does the pose and her projection appears and dashes, hitting the enemy. The summon and end animations use scale, and I edited some negative versions of the frames, so every frame has negative effect and is very smooth. This is the Psychic Mirage (I am mixing your and Eclipse's Emma voices)The second one uses the same startup animation, but is a tad different: while on the other the astral projection appears right from the start, on this move she "focus" a bit before to execute the move - Psychic Bolt.This moves acts like Sub-Zero's ice blast: it freezes the enemy for 3 seconds, but does few damage. I've edited the position, so maybe Ens23 will review it.side note to Elecbyte - On OpenBOR, if you use a move with FREEZE ability on a char and hit it again with the same move, it won't be a (unless you fix it) infinite loop, like in mugen. Frozen chars get knocked out if you attack him again with the same move (or any other). Its time to borrow somethings from BOR, Elecbyte.The move just hits enemies until a certain distance, its not a whole screen blast.She will have a unique Diamond form too.
For the upcoming beta (I will try to release it in a week or two), those will be playable:1- Captain America2- Hawkeye3- Iron Man4- War Machine5- Hulk6- Thor7- Beast8- Quicksilver9- Vision10 - Emma Frost (guest)from that list, Vision, Beast, Hulk and Emma lacks some moves yet.There will be one stage (with two parts), one sub-boss (Hydra Golem) and one Boss (Whirwind).The final version will have something about 13 stages, with more than one part each one. About the roster, I don't have no idea yet But you can imagine something about 20 playable chars or more.
I've been working on an Arrow System for Hawkeye. The image below explains how it works.There are other ideas still to be coded, like tar/glue arrow, hook and wire, etc.
Video preview of Emma Frost, which is a guest char in Avengers United Battle force. She has a normal mode (where she can use her psychic powers) and Diamond Form mode, where she can't use her normal powers, but gets many benefits: more power, more defense, new moves and a super armor. Her mental powers doesn't works on non-human enemies. She still hit then, but she can't stun robotic enemies.Plus, preview of Madame Masque (codes by Beastie) and a little part of Spiderman's stage. by Ens23.
I have some really good news:1- Jhfer is making some cool smart palette for us. This is Emma FrostMaybe I will change her moves when she is on her Black Queen palette.2- I've been remaking the HUD of the game, to make it les BOR-ish. This is the final result:Maybe I will use the trick of icons so the bars would be behind the the hud. When I made it, I will change the icons to shared palette.3- On the image above, you can see Hawkeye palettes in action. The left on is his "Heroes Reborn" outfit, the other is a classic one.Each char now have 4 palettes, and each one comes from an actual outfit of the char.
Finally, Beast got his hyper move: He calls Reinforcement from his labs. The robot fight for itself, attacking the enemies and obstacles. You can call another one once your powerbar is full again.Plus, you can see the new HUD in action What's next?Fix Hawkeye's bow spritesFix Vision's spritesfinish Hulk's moves.Fix some images at the title screenThen I think we would release a public beta to see people reaction.