
BrokenMUGENhr screenpack (Read 344587 times)

Started by Sniper, December 19, 2008, 08:27:02 pm
Project Vyx
#361  January 08, 2009, 02:16:32 pm
  • ******
Old Broken Mugen.

BrokenMUGENhr :

If you don't see differences, may i suggest an optical check up ?
i want an optical check up because the only differences i notice are the portraits being high resolution (and even then they look oddly stretched) and the select cursor being misaligned
Project Vyx
#362  January 08, 2009, 03:40:38 pm
  • **
The first screenie sucks because it's in doubleres=2 wich is a blur mode... If you set the original screenie to doubleres=4 then the two will look the same.

As I've said, Dear Vyx, you just haven't noticed:
...About the screenpack, a thing: Try to make it more than a resize. Work with the sprites a bit more so they look better. More space means more room for improvements. I think you know what I mean, so I won't go too deep into this...
So what do you think about this? Will you try and work a lil more on it or just keep it this way? Since with all that space you could improve it big time dude. Consider this suggestion.


Project Vyx
#363  January 08, 2009, 07:17:22 pm
  • **
  • Ware yori sugure mono wa nashi
Dear Mugenguild Members,


as i said :

The 2 mains problem on two4teeze screenpack were ugly portraits and winmugen plus incompatibility
BrokenMUGENhr is an edit. You said the inverse
BrokenMUGENhr is an HR edit, because it was the only way to have nice portraits and winmugen plus compatibility. You said the inverse

Cadia said :

saw no difference between the LR version and your version

And you said,

i want an optical check up because the only differences i notice are the portraits being high resolution

You don't need an optical checkup, but maybe the fact you notice "portraits being high resolution" is a difference...


The first screenie sucks because it's in doubleres=2 wich is a blur mode... If you set the original screenie to doubleres=4 then the two will look the same.

No man, the first screenie is doubleres=4. I won't redo the technicals explanation of portraits scale.
MUGEN LR doubleres=4 still have 320*240 native select screen, winmugen plus have 640*480 native select screen...
install some chars in old brokenmugen, doubleres=4, make a screenshot.
install sames chars in brokenmugenhr, make a screenshot.
Post the 2 screenshots here and say "sorry Vyx, I love your edit"  ;)


Last Edit: January 08, 2009, 07:27:30 pm by Vyx
Project Vyx
#364  January 08, 2009, 09:20:59 pm
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I'm too lazy to set up 2 mugens so I just believe you. Vyx, I'm not sorry but I love your edit. :D
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#365  January 09, 2009, 05:24:17 pm
  • *****
  • can see your halo
    • Germany
    • Skype - panchasell
I've split the discussion about the full game project and moved it to the Project section.

You can find it here.
"Several times now, Achamian thought he had glimpsed golden haloes about Kellhus's hands. He found himself envying those, such as Proyas, who claimed to see them all the time."
--R. Scott Bakker
The Thousandfold Thought (2006)


Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#366  January 12, 2009, 11:53:41 pm
  • **
  • Ware yori sugure mono wa nashi
Dear Mugenguild Members,

Brokenmugenhr screenpack released in 273 slots.
I hope you will enjoy it.



(PS ty to have moved full game project, Sepp:))