
Capcom Fighting All Stars - MUGEN Version (Read 637262 times)

Started by Nestor, May 06, 2009, 07:58:21 pm
Re: Capcom Fighting All Stars - MUGEN Version
#481  January 24, 2016, 10:31:33 am
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  • The Yatagarasu will be coming in any moment.
I liked the edit of her eyes. Looks beautiful. I didn't like the old one and I was going to give some feedback about it but I feared in telling that I don't like it. This is why I didn't get a change to give my thought.
Titiln said:
focus more and stop thinking about things like the internet or titties

Whatever happened to sex, drugs, and Rock. Nowadays, it's whores, AIDS, and Hip-Hop.
Re: Capcom Fighting All Stars - MUGEN Version
#482  January 24, 2016, 12:07:40 pm
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Wow, my favourite Mugen Full game is back?! This calls for a celebration!

Welcome Nestor, I've missed seeing you around and I hope you are feeling better. Good luck with everything. :)
Previously known as;
Mugen-Ninja 2011-2014.
The Street Fighter 2014-2021.
Re: Capcom Fighting All Stars - MUGEN Version
#483  January 26, 2016, 01:06:13 am
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  • I miss you so bad mon amour
    • Mexico
Wow, great news!!
Leon still in the project?
All the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll whisper "no."
Re: Capcom Fighting All Stars - MUGEN Version
#484  June 25, 2016, 01:15:38 pm
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  • ORA ORA!!!
I really want to play this masterpiece!
Re: Capcom Fighting All Stars - MUGEN Version
#485  June 26, 2016, 11:05:34 pm
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  • animes are for pussies
    • Germany

don't wanna sound like a dick, but how high would you say are the chances that you release this little game of yours before the year of 2020 ?

you're working since ... how many years on it ? ... whole seven years ?

friendly advise: just release what you have now as a demo and finally quit it.

Don't waste your time more than necessary with this little hobby of ours ...  ;)  :rolleyesugoi:

Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 11:09:05 pm by Gara


Re: Capcom Fighting All Stars - MUGEN Version
#486  June 27, 2016, 12:00:18 am
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    • USA
Cmon dude dont tell a guy to quit. If he wants to work on it or not thats his call not yours. Dont be a dick.
Re: Capcom Fighting All Stars - MUGEN Version
#487  June 27, 2016, 12:16:31 am
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    • Mexico
@Gara: All the content we've been working on wasn't going to appear only on CFAS/MvC. You can expect Fiona (done by Li_Kun, all the sprites were done by him) and the rest of the characters from other authors, just like Batsu.
Re: Capcom Fighting All Stars - MUGEN Version
#488  June 27, 2016, 12:21:28 am
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    • USA
friendly advise: just release what you have now as a demo and finally quit it.

Don't waste your time more than necessary with this little hobby of ours ...  ;)  :rolleyesugoi:

Don't tell people to quit, come on now
Re: Capcom Fighting All Stars - MUGEN Version
#489  June 27, 2016, 01:22:25 am
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Yeah, telling someone to quit can be a bannable offense. Please do not do it again. This is a hobby.
Re: Capcom Fighting All Stars - MUGEN Version
#490  June 27, 2016, 01:36:21 am
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  • animes are for pussies
    • Germany
com'on guys, don't make such a drama about it. I just said what I was thinking, that's all.

in any case @Nestor - regardless if you decide to spend year by year with mujin or do something different with your life, good luck with your future projects. :)

Re: Capcom Fighting All Stars - MUGEN Version
#491  June 27, 2016, 01:49:17 am
  • ******
If someone told you to "die" it's still wrong even if they thought it. You can think what you want. Please be kind and tactful to others out loud "typed".
Re: Capcom Fighting All Stars - MUGEN Version
#492  June 27, 2016, 02:00:35 am
  • ******
  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。

don't wanna sound like a dick, but how high would you say are the chances that you release this little game of yours before the year of 2020 ?

you're working since ... how many years on it ? ... whole seven years ?

friendly advise: just release what you have now as a demo and finally quit it.

Don't waste your time more than necessary with this little hobby of ours ...  ;)  :rolleyesugoi:
This shit right here is literally bullying.

Dont bully people. We dont take kindly to bullying
Consider yourself in thin ice.

And yes its still bullying if you are "just sharing your opinion" when your opinion is demeaning of others and advices them to quit .

You just insulted someone work and told them to quit-
Re: Capcom Fighting All Stars - MUGEN Version
#493  June 27, 2016, 02:02:09 am
  • ***
  • animes are for pussies
    • Germany
If someone told you to "die" it's still wrong even if they thought it.

yeah that's right. If I would have told someone to die, that is ...

luckily I just told him to reconsider if it's really worth to spend even more years with this little hobby of ours or not. since, well.. seven years is quite some time already ... 

Please be kind and tactful to others out loud "typed".

no need to point that out, since I didn't insult anyone here.. 

Last Edit: June 27, 2016, 02:05:20 am by Gara
Re: Capcom Fighting All Stars - MUGEN Version
#494  June 27, 2016, 02:19:10 am
  • ******
luckily I just told him to reconsider if it's really worth to spend even more years with this little hobby of ours or not. since, well.. seven years is quite some time already ... 
that's exactly what it is though, it's a hobby. during the last 7 years he has been involved with it in varying degrees. it doesn't mean it's the only thing he ever does. if he still enjoys doing it he'll still do it. the moment he doesn't enjoy it anymore he'll stop, there's nobody forcing him to stay. it's not like you're giving him permission to quit, he doesn't need that. what you're saying is fucking stupid