
Character Progress: Kid Buu [ver 0.67] Released  (Read 58239 times)

Started by Neocide, July 07, 2019, 05:06:23 am
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Character Progress: Kid Buu [ver 0.67] Released
#1  July 07, 2019, 05:06:23 am
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  • Smooches
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    • Skype - Neocide

Kid Buu

Gameplay showcase
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Version 0.67

the intents and purposes for this thread is for all things concerning kid buu, suggestions, bug reports edits ideas whatever it is involving kid buu and his progression will be discussed here from now on. I'll be doing this in the near future with some other betas when the time comes (cell will be up next)
Last Edit: July 12, 2019, 07:07:00 am by Neocide
Re: Character Progress: Kid Buu [ver 0.65] Released
#2  July 08, 2019, 05:46:14 am
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    • Blacksight22@Yahoo.Com.Ve
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Hey, gave him a first short test, trying out the system and some combos. I love it, he's super fun, the gameplay system is very well done and implemented. Some things I found:
-The timing is a bit strict for the air juggle/combos, Couldn't get to land the air super mid-combo most of the times. The specials work in a way that's a bit hard to connect them.
-The launcher doesn't hit some characters, it hits Ryu but not EB Base Goku by Vyn. Haven't tested on more.
-The air smash almost never hits after the air normals, IDK if it's only on Ryu and it works on others tho.
-Can't figure out what to do with the dash burst, it would be interesting if it tracked, but maybe it works like you want it and I just can't, well, figure it out.

Can't remember anything else rn. I'll test him again tomorrow. He's pretty solid and fun so far. Can't wait for the finished version, and the others.

Re: Character Progress: Kid Buu [ver 0.65] Released
#3  July 08, 2019, 01:32:31 pm
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    • USA
Man haven't your work since I was a youngin man. Good to see you still in the game
Re: Character Progress: Kid Buu [ver 0.65] Released
#4  July 09, 2019, 03:25:41 am
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  • Smooches
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    • Skype - Neocide
Hey, gave him a first short test, trying out the system and some combos. I love it, he's super fun, the gameplay system is very well done and implemented. Some things I found:
-The timing is a bit strict for the air juggle/combos, Couldn't get to land the air super mid-combo most of the times. The specials work in a way that's a bit hard to connect them.
-The launcher doesn't hit some characters, it hits Ryu but not EB Base Goku by Vyn. Haven't tested on more.
-The air smash almost never hits after the air normals, IDK if it's only on Ryu and it works on others tho.
-Can't figure out what to do with the dash burst, it would be interesting if it tracked, but maybe it works like you want it and I just can't, well, figure it out.

Can't remember anything else rn. I'll test him again tomorrow. He's pretty solid and fun so far. Can't wait for the finished version, and the others.

- Ok, I'll fix that up, and the specials are hard to connect how? you mean with his basics? could you elaborate a bit more?
-hmm I think it's just vyn's goku, I tried on a variety of characters and it was only him, it has to be his width.
-Alright, I'll fix that, it's his timing and some clsn box.
- That is my bad I totally forgot about burst, I could possibly look into making it homing. Atm it's used as a branch for
linking combos when you don't have the power for teleports. It's less precise and takes more timing and skill to use to link
combos. (Should have shown it in the video) 
Man haven't your work since I was a youngin man. Good to see you still in the game

you make me feel so old XD

Re: Character Progress: Kid Buu [ver 0.65] Released
#5  July 12, 2019, 05:09:17 am
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Hahaha I mean bro I I'm close to being called an old head now lol I was just hitting the grown stage when I was heavily watching your works back in the day man.
Re: Character Progress: Kid Buu [ver 0.65] Released
#6  July 12, 2019, 07:09:02 am
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  • Smooches
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    • Skype - Neocide
it's cool, if your ever interested in working with me give me a hollar :P

also I've done some minor updates on kid buu

- you can now cancel into burst from ki shots
-changed the jumping Hard attack
- tweaked the air combo juggling.

Re: Character Progress: Kid Buu [ver 0.67] Released
#7  August 10, 2019, 02:06:57 am
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where can i find the rest of your characters? sorry if that's a dumb question.
Re: Character Progress: Kid Buu [ver 0.67] Released
#8  August 11, 2019, 05:43:45 am
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    • Skype - Neocide
It absolutely isn't. I don't have any others released publicly,I have a few betas that are close to where kid buu is,and some others not as far yet.
Re: Character Progress: Kid Buu [ver 0.67] Released
#9  September 18, 2019, 04:31:35 am
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Spoiler: Extendo Arm Super (click to see content)
Spoiler: Tail Whip WIP Super (click to see content)

bandicam kinda fucked up these sorta, (Tail whip totally freezes during super effects) almost done with the tail whip one, need to get the the slam right, then add the final tail throw. one more super after that. then his allstar and the intro (the hyper dimension one where he shrinks to kid buu from the buff one) and he's done.

would have been done earlier but my enthusiasm as sort of died off and finally returned for buu (didn't want to start working on someone else with him not fully finished)

any suggestions on the supers I'm up to within reason, they are also a bit faster than the video shows.
Re: Character Progress: Kid Buu [ver 0.67] Released
#10  September 21, 2019, 04:22:01 am
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  • Smooches
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    • Skype - Neocide
So I finished up the tassle whip super and choco beam (all credit to wasaby for the original code)

Spoiler: Choco Beam (click to see content)

Spoiler: Finished Tail whip super (click to see content)

I didn't mention before but if people want to make candy sprites for buu's choco beam I will gladly put them in, it doesn't even have to be candyjust anything sweet I guess?

size samples :